Israelis fired on girl identified as 10-year old (w/tape)

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Nope, but the story shows he isn’t an objective journalist either.
Perhaps you’ll back this statement with something other than your opinion.
Are you arguing with yourself?
No, I am arguing with you. You have attempted to discredit a war journalist with 15 years experience on the ground based on his being shouted down by a pack of undergraduates as he spoke on his area of expertise.

You advocate the pack mentality.

This is faulty reasoning.
St. James:
Perhaps you’ll back this statement with more than your opinion…
Yea, in the United States you don’t make a political speech at a commencement. He knew that, but decided to make one anyway. That means he is not an objective journalist but one with very strong political opinions. So strong that he would break a pretty strong social taboo in the United States. That is why he was booed off-stage.

No, I am arguing with you. .
Then don’t put words in my mouth, and then shoot them down. When you do that, you are simply arguing with yourself (and everyone knows it)
You have attempted to discredit a war journalist with 15 years experience on the ground based on his being shouted down by a pack of undergraduates as he spoke on his area of expertise

You advocate the pack mentality.

This is faulty reasoning.
His area of expertise is politics or moral theology? He was talking about an unjust war. Not how to go about objectively covering a war as a journalist. When one calms down and objectively looks at the situation, you can tell he is an advocate, not a journalist.
:nope: :ehh: 😛 :eek: :hmmm: You guys are enjoying this aren’t you?God Bless
When one calms down and objectively looks at the situation, you can tell he is an advocate, not a journalist.
Any reasonable person will tell you that objective journalism no longer exists (if it ever did). So your complaints of advocacy in this case ring holow. It’s that you don’t agree with what is being advocated by this particular journalist as he gave a speech, not in his journalistic writing, that your protests are founded. I haven’t heard any complaints from you about the Fox Propaganda Network, so your objectivity in this matter is also in question.

The fact that you seek to discredit this journalist who has written a story about Israeli soldiers intentionally killing children based upon events which he himself witnessed speaks volumes to me.

If this journalist has falsified anything please address it. Otherwise I’d appreciate if you didn’t obfuscate. This thread is not about Chris Hedges. It is about the killing of children by the Israeli military, a topic which is worth people’s attention.
St. James:
Any reasonable person will tell you that objective journalism no longer exists (if it ever did).
I am an eternal optimist.

It is actually better in the US than it is in the UK and most of Europe.
I am an eternal optimist.

It is actually better in the US than it is in the UK and most of Europe.
This statement clearly betrays your bias.
Since I am going there I look at it this way. I don’t fear the Israeli’s. It is very unlikely that they will do anything to harm me. But the Muslims? It is far more likely that they would harm me. I will be much more nervous around them. Anyone in their right mind will feel the same way. I think that says it all.
St. James:
The US media is effectively downplaying and even covering up attrocities committed by Israelis. These things need to be made known to the world.
It is clear to me from this comment that you dont’ live in the USA because the press is not covering up any atrocities by us, Britian, or the Isrealies.
St. James:
I agree very much that we must all recognize each other as children of God. Unfortunately, Judaism, the official religion of the Israeli state, regards non-Jews (Gentiles: the other nations) as animals…
This is clearly antisemitic. No one has supported anyone firing on a 10 year old girl. I am certain that this soldier will be punished and that is how it should be.

St. James said:
“Thus it may be inferred that the All Merciful declared their children to be legally fatherless, for [so indeed it is also]
written, Whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of horses.”
(Yebamoth 98a, Babylonian Talmud)

What are you talking about?
For those who feel that journalism in the USA is better than the rest of the world I have one word (Well two actually)

Enough said I think! :bowdown:

As for the poster feeling safer in Israel than any Arab countries, when you are there ask about the plight of the Catholic and other Christian Churches in Israel and why they are in such desperate states? I have lived in the Arab world for over ten years, never had a problem (except being stopped for speeding once), never lost a nights sleep.
For those who feel that journalism in the USA is better than the rest of the world I have one word (Well two actually)

Enough said I think! :bowdown:
As for the poster feeling safer in Israel than any Arab countries, when you are there ask about the plight of the Catholic and other Christian Churches in Israel and why they are in such desperate states? I have lived in the Arab world for over ten years, never had a problem (except being stopped for speeding once), never lost a nights sleep.
Why don’t you report all the kids and women the PA’s have killed? All the kids and women used as bombs?

Rant all ya want…you’re wrong…its obvious you hate Jews, take it to a skin head or W.A.R. msg board.
St. James:
On Friday a four-year-old Palestinian boy was shot dead by a soldier - the most recent child victim of the Israeli army. Chris McGreal investigates a shocking series of deaths

Monday July 28, 2003
The Guardian

"Nine-year-old Abdul Rahman Jadallah’s promise to the corpse of the shy little girl who lived up the street was, in all probability, kept for him by an Israeli bullet.

The boy - Rahman to his family - barely knew Haneen Suliaman in life. But whenever there was a killing in the dense Palestinian towns of southern Gaza he would race to the morgue to join the throng around the mutilated victim.

Then he would tag along with the surging, angry funerals of those felled by rarely seen soldiers hovering far above in helicopters or cocooned behind the thick concrete of their pillboxes.

Haneen, who was eight years old, had been shot twice in the head by an Israeli soldier as she walked down the street in Khan Yunis refugee camp with her mother, Lila Abu Selmi…"

Full Article:,3604,1007051,00.html
And all your ‘reporting’ clearly states your bias.
I admit, I am biased. I am biased towards one set of standards for all.

I offer news that is suppressed by the establishment media.

Faux News Channel and the rest of the US establishment media report and magnify Arab terrorism out of all proportion but Israeli terrorism is suppressed by them. The establishment media doesn’t need my help in this double standard game and they will not get it. There are others on this forum who feel the opposite. They are supporters of double standards. That is their business.

When the establishment media fails in it’s responsibilities and tells half truths the responsibility is left to others to pick up the slack.
Why don’t you report all the kids and women the PA’s have killed? All the kids and women used as bombs? .
The establishment media isn’t handling that effectively enough in your opinion? If so, then you are free to help them.

I will place my effort where I believe it is needed–exposing the news which the establishment media suppresses.
It is clear to me from this comment that you dont’ live in the USA because the press is not covering up any atrocities by us, Britian, or the Isrealies.
Really? Then you should be able to point me to coverage from all the major US news agencies of the intentional killing of the 13-year old Eman al-Hams by the Israeli military. The BBC saw fit to tell the story. But I guess that’s because the BBC is anti-semitic.😉

St. James:
The establishment media isn’t handling that effectively enough in your opinion? If so, then you are free to help them.

I will place my effort where I believe it is needed–exposing the news which the establishment media suppresses.
Perhaps suppression is not the problem as much as credibility? Their exaggerated claims of the past in news stories, the hysterical Arab press, the gross misrepresentations from that bastion of visual imagery, Al Jazeera? A spokesperson like Bagdhad Bob?

Remember during the 6 day war - their daily reports of the Israeli planes they had shot down exceeded anything beyond what the Israelis ever owned - in fact it is Sadat’s clue that someone is lying big time and that Egypt is on the verge of defeat.

Their recent stories in the press that children’s organs are being taken by American soldiers? Their blaming everyone, everyplace else for every ill real and imagined - it has cost them in credibility and thus no one believes anything much in their media. Mr. Arafat who says one thing to the English press and then turns to the Arab crowds and says something else indeed - the threats to wipe the Israelis out of existence, their publishing of maps showing Israel as not existent - doens’t offer a great many reasons for believing anything epecially after the stories of the staged atrocities for the video cameras came out. The sending of their own children to death and imminent danger, parading for cameras and vowing to “kill some more” - puhleeze.
Perhaps suppression is not the problem as much as credibility? Their exaggerated claims of the past in news stories, the hysterical Arab press, the gross misrepresentations from that bastion of visual imagery, Al Jazeera? A spokesperson like Bagdhad Bob?

Remember during the 6 day war - their daily reports of the Israeli planes they had shot down exceeded anything beyond what the Israelis ever owned - in fact it is Sadat’s clue that someone is lying big time and that Egypt is on the verge of defeat.

Their recent stories in the press that children’s organs are being taken by American soldiers? Their blaming everyone, everyplace else for every ill real and imagined - it has cost them in credibility and thus no one believes anything much in their media. Mr. Arafat who says one thing to the English press and then turns to the Arab crowds and says something else indeed - the threats to wipe the Israelis out of existence, their publishing of maps showing Israel as not existent - doens’t offer a great many reasons for believing anything epecially after the stories of the staged atrocities for the video cameras came out. The sending of their own children to death and imminent danger, parading for cameras and vowing to “kill some more” - puhleeze.
When Israeli soldiers intentionally kill children people should be made aware of it, especially Americans. Americans need to be aware that their taxes are financing crimes of this nature.
And when Muslims intentionally and repeatedly kill Jewish and Christian children? When they kill American children? When they put their own children in danger HOPING they will be killed so guys like St. James will protest? The reason he doesn’t care about dead Jewish children is that he thinks Jews are animals. I would remind everyone that Jesus and Mary are both Jewish.
The reason he doesn’t care about dead Jewish children is that he thinks Jews are animals.
This is an entirely baseless claim which reflects the dishonesty of it’s author. I have stated very clearly in many places that I advocate one set of standards for all.

There are no racial distinctions in Christianity. Sadly, the same cannot be claimed of Judaism.
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