But if the doctrine about the substance consists just in saying that a substance is the individual thing, then when we talk about transubstantiation, we are just saying that the bread is no longer bread but the real presence of our Lord, and we don’t need aristotelian metaphysics for that.
Sure, we can explain that without Aristotelian philosophy. But the explanation, if good, will still have to be compatible with it. That is, you cannot describe anything like that using philosophy, where, let’s say, accidents are all that exists.
Okay so I know the classical understanding of how the bread and wine becomes Christ is that their substances are transformed. That is, the bread and wine undergo transubstantiation. I’m having a hard time, however, understanding *what * is meant by substance. For instance, I know that Aristotle said the accidents are the non-essential properties of a thing and the substance describes the essential properties. So the essential properties of a ball is its sphereness, whereas its color is non-essential. But the essential property (its substance) is a physical thing which I can see. Now when we come to the Eucharist, shouldn’t we see the substance of Christ?
Perhaps it would be easier to understand all that with an analogy.
Let’s take a Soviet movie “Seventeen moments of the spring” (“Семнадцать мгновений весны”). The protagonist of the movie has some “accidents” (to be more exact, things that would be analogous to accidents), for example, personnel record or passport (and, naturally, less analogous accidents, like, let’s say, the shape of the nose). If only those would be available (as they are to Nazi authorities in the movie), the conclusion would be that the protagonist is a Nazi, “Stierlitz” - or, in other words, that his “substance” (what is analogous to substance) is “Stierlitz”. Yet there are other “accidents”, showing that in fact the protagonist is a Soviet spy, “Isaev” (or, in other words, that the “substance” is “Isaev”) - shown at the end of the first episode.
Now let’s take the analogy a bit further, and ask the question analogous to your question: do Nazi authorities in the movie see the Soviet spy? Sure, in a sense they do, but they do not recognise him, as the “accidents” that are available to them are misleading (in another sense, they only see the “accidents”, and the “substance” is only available through those “accidents”). Likewise, in a sense, we do see body of Christ when we see Eucharist, but the accidents are misleading, as if He was “undercover”. And if we didn’t have additional information, we would conclude that we are dealing with simple bread.