Know what I was shown? The focus of the mass was moving toward music - there was always music playing even during the Consecration. They put a show on each week. The homily was always soft - no messages about sin, confession, or wrongs. I do not remember once in 5 years that abortion was ever talked about or any other serious topics that cut into today’s culture…gay marriage, euthanasia, hell, mortal sin. There is not ONE crucifix, icon, statue, or religious looking item in the church. The cross on the alter was a wooden cross form void of Christ. The tabernacle had been moved to a room and few acknowledged this room. Not even the Stations of the Cross were recognizable - just 14 clay slabs on the wall.
As a fellow revert, I can only say Amen! You need to read “The Renovation Manipulation”.
A liturgical left liberal priest at a one local church has pulled out the kneelers, has a big glass fishbowl in the back for baptism and its also the only source of Holy Water. Everyone stands through the Consecration. He has done hambone showey things during the homily, like having God, in the voice of a Jewish Mother, interrupt him and say, “Frankie, boy, just tell the people its about love…”.
The music minister has a beautiful voice, but continues the Sanctus over and over again into the eucharistic liturgy. A faithful Catholic I know who insisted on kneeling and recieving Eucharist on the tongue was rebuked for ‘showing off’
I have just listened to a tape he made to explain our bishops letter enjoining the highest standards of our Eucharistic Faith on politicians and by the time he dissected it, using slick canon law loop holes, it became clear than anyone, as far as he is concerned can recieve Eucharist and the bishops statement applies to nobody.
I could go on and on. I was at First Friday mass and I guess at least a half hour of Eucharistic Benediction is mandated in this diocese on First Friday. Boy, there was no love in it. I felt his contempt in the way he handled the host, peremptorily sang Tantum Ergo and then walked out. It was clear from his body language he regards it as a big waste of time.
But we must love these priests, pray for them and pray for these congregations. And my own circumstances keep me humble; I am in an irregular marriage and have not been able to correct my condition. Still, I go to confession and I have decided, with care and circumspection after talking to my confessor, to recieve Holy Eucharist, but at Spanish Mass where my condition is not known and only on certain feasts.
This liberal priest points out that the Mayor of Rome recieves Holy Communion from the Pope even though he is publicly pro abortion and publicly pro homosexual in his politics.
This ignores the obvious; The Church is a firm but merciful, generous and wise teacher. The communion line is no time to fight over the Eucharist. Christ did not even turn away Judas.
But when Judas recieved the Eucharist, without faith, he became infected with Satan and it proved his death and undoing.
The faithful Catholic is to examine their conscience and turn themselves away.
When I left the Church for 20 yrs I only took Holy Communion once and that was at my Dad’s funeral and I was already begining to revert, though I did not know it.
It is so sad that so many Catholics want to protestantize our ancient, holy and beautiful faith. At my nephew’s first communion, my brother and his wife sat through the consecration like good Presbyterians.
Peace and Kindness. Love Christ in all His dimensions, but above all, Tantum Ergo, Sacramentum