JC and all please pray for me tomorrow in RCIA meeting, trying to meet diverse needs of all attending. You are lucky, JC in a way to have the one-on-one with the priest, something many have missed in the “new” RCIA way of doing things, you have enjoyed a real luxury.
The reason, I suspect, he got involved because in the 30 or so years since this process has been implemented, like all new things, lots of abuses and innovations have crept in, not due to evil intent, but because those involved were 'writing the book" so to speak. People got enthusiastic about one or another aspect of this very ambitious, far-reaching, prophetic view of initiation, and went off on tangents, ignoring some key aspects of the vision.
Your priest probably wants to remedy one major problem that of authentic, thorough catechesis, and feels the hands=on way is the best to do it. I bet he is also training others to help, and will be very good at assuring this is not neglected in the future. He also probably wants to make sure the rites themselves are celebrated properly.
RCIA is not a class, with graduation marked by a sacrament. It is a process, broken into several periods of spiritual growth, with each period marked by certain rites. The rites themselves, as with all rites of the church, are words and actions that accomplish what they say–incorporate the individual into the church by degrees and effect spiritual changes that are necessary parts of the process.
JC, I urge you to stay with the program at your current parish. Relish this time with your priest and what you are learning, and his pastoral care for you. Experience the rites and approach them with eagerness and openness. Believe in what they promise. Learn, during this process, to trust the long wisdom and experience of the Church to guide you, and your pastor to care for your soul. God go with you on this journey.
Meantime, look for anything going on in the parish you can take part in. One of my candidates has joined the building fund committee and contributes amazing, valuable expertise, and his wife helped with VBS. Another candidate is helping with JR Hi CCD, she is a young gal and the 8th graders are in awe of her. One couple helps with hospitality for CCD family days, and are there on hand anytime there is food to be served or a kitchen to clean. Another man’s wife is in RCIA, and he has no intention of joining her, but participates in the Mexico outreach, building houses for the poor.
Look for ways to “invite yourself” into active participation in parish life. Maybe you need to teach your parish some ways that your former church did things, was welcoming, educated adult Christians, lived their faith. You do realize you have as much to bring and offer as we have to give you.