"It Takes a Village to Prevent Mass Shooters"

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I heard a stat recently where the only thing in common with mass shootings was day care.
That’s a common characteristic of virtually everyone at this point, and virtually no one is a mass shooter. I’d question it’s predictive value.
Not cool. I think is really sad that my child in preschool had to go through an active shooter training (of course they presented it as a game teaching them how to hide if there is a ‘bad guy’ entering the class but still… ).
AR-15 the semi-automatic rifle used often in the mass shootings in US entered the civilian market for the first time only in 1963.
Yes that means they were freely available for decades yet mass shootings are way up in past 10-15 years (as is out of wedlock births), no?
Each and every homicidal person gave numerous clues that something was up. Red flags of you will - each of which were disregarded. Since society cannot be made foolproof or completely safe (increasing stabbings and other assaults in Japan, China and Britain), focusing on behaviors which hint of things to come can be paramount.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

EDIT: With rare exception, each of these individuals is SUICIDAL. The suicidal through process cannot be separated from the HOMICIDAL thought process. Is anyone asking why so many are suicidal? Why so many want public attention for their acts? Why suicide is the act of choice, carrying homicide with it?

We have assisted suicide, euthanasia, abortion and ever decreasing penalties for homicide. Human life, as the Church teaches, has been devalued on all fronts. So, like an empty McDonald’s drink cup, it has become disposable. We are fighting culture rot and the solution is not more and more legislation and - we have tons of laws already. The solution is in the human heart and head. Mental health has been ignored for decades.

As a society, we reap what we sow.
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Great article which cites another huge factor - toxic combo of social media and news media creating an incentive for instant national celebrity status. If you’re a depressed teenage boy who can’t seem to get noticed by women, by peers, by anyone, here is a guaranteed route for instant national celebrity status. Not only can you be guaranteed national celebrity status, but you get to take out all your rage on society that has not recognized you. 2 for 1.
Just another reason how modern culture has people incentivized to engage in evil conduct.
That’s a common characteristic of virtually everyone at this point, and virtually no one is a mass shooter. I’d question it’s predictive value
The suggested indicators were the form of formation and nuturing , the way day care is operated, or was 20 years ago.

The study will be an interesting read, when I find it in its completeness
OF Parish I attended has armed guard at main entrance and once Mass starts they lock all side entrances.
Wow, what has society come to. Thats a statement in itself if we are not talking Syria or another conflict torn country
That is sad, it’s also completely unnecessary and needlessly scaring kids. Mass shootings are rare despite the media attention they get, you’re more likely to die a mess of other ways.

But guns aren’t going anywhere. That’s a pipe dream.
Give me a time machine and a bottle of White Out . . . . 🤫
I’ve repeatedly posted to research that shows how cities have reduced their level of gun violence, also accomplished by engaging the community with at-risk criminals & youths. Real change doesn’t come from some new regulations.
A lot of people are living on the edge, socially. They’ll probably never become violent (or maybe they will), but they’re lonely, they have mental health issues that make them act weird, or else reluctant to let anybody into their lives, sometimes families are in crisis and trying to keep the lid on an increasingly bizarre or painful situation.

Everybody works, even in two parent families, kids are very under the influence of a very angry internet and pop culture where “everybody who disagrees with me” is Literally Hitler. Kids are socializing other kids on tumbler and insta gram to retreat online rather than interact with people in the outside world.

The shy late bloomers are no longer blooming “later”, they just continue to get their “emotional nourishment” online, anger and rage gets bottled up.

Until it explodes
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I’d have to look more into this federal program but based on the linked article I can see the program as being just another ‘finger in the dyke’ social program.
Its primary aim is to assist community organizations and local law enforcement “in ways that fit the local circumstances.” It would, for example, make sure there is an adequate mental health response for troubled individuals. It would also swiftly update federal databases to show when someone should not be allowed to own a gun. In addition, it would back up state prosecutions in gun cases by adding federal charges.
Mental health help and federal databases cannot be connected in any way shape or form. Or else no one is going to seek help within this program if they think they’re going to end up on some government shite list. But they’re both federally funded, so we know how that goes.
Most shooters are white males adrift in society and holding strong grievances, the FBI concludes. Better efforts to recognize, report, and help potential attackers would be “incredibly valuable” in preventing attacks.
There’s that connection again. How about listening to their grievances without marking them as terrorists.
To help root such individuals in neighborhoods and homes, says Vikram Patel of Harvard University’s School of Public Health, they need counseling on the quality of social relations.
People who are upset about their situation, or at society, should be listened to and taken seriously. Then given counseling about how to deal with it. They don’t need “social relations” re-education.

It seems like this program is just ignoring the elephant in the room. As others here have pointed out, it’s the disintegration of the family. Specifically the father’s role in the lives of their male children. The government had a hand in creating this problem with social programs. Now we’re seeing the effects of the overuse of those programs. The solution isn’t another government program that involves funding and databases.
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Mental health help and federal databases cannot be connected in any way shape or form. Or else no one is going to seek help within this program if they think they’re going to end up on some government shite list. But they’re both federally funded, so we know how that goes.
I’m inclined to agree here. That was the one part of the article that made me raise an eyebrow. Mental health professionals get to know their clients so closely that they’re not going to want the feds breathing down their backs and dictating how they practice. Ask teachers how well that’s going . . . :roll_eyes:
As others here have pointed out, it’s the disintegration of the family. Specifically the father’s role in the lives of their male children. The government had a hand in creating this problem with social programs. Now we’re seeing the effects of the overuse of those programs. The solution isn’t another government program that involves funding and databases.
But this is why I’m asking what we can do locally.

Everyone is pointing out the perils of single parenting. But as Catholics, we’re pro-lifers, (hopefully). We create single parents every time we convince a mom not to have an abortion. What role should we - as the Village, the Catholic community, or whatever you want to call us - play in making sure that child grows up in a loving and healthy environment?
If you’re a depressed teenage boy who can’t seem to get noticed by women, by peers, by anyone, here is a guaranteed route for instant national celebrity status. Not only can you be guaranteed national celebrity status, but you get to take out all your rage on society that has not recognized you. 2 for 1.
With youth suicide on the rise, the first local intervention I’d propose is a counselor in every middle school and high school. Our district has cut school counselors so that one counselor has to cover multiple schools. It’s impossible for them to be available for every teen in distress. As somebody rightfully pointed out in this thread, the shooters who felt homicidal were also suicidal; they just wanted others to go with them when they ended their lives. 😧
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