It's official: Levada is new doctrinal watchdog!

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Pope appoints a “liberal” (modernist) to top job shock.

Are the “smackdowners” feeling just the teensie-weeniest bit uncomfortable?
Pope appoints a “liberal” (modernist) to top job shock.

Are the “smackdowners” feeling just the teensie-weeniest bit uncomfortable?
Benedict XVI knows better than you who is really Levada.
John ,

By “smackdowners,” are you referring to people who want to see more disciplne within the Latin Rite in the United States? Is that something nergative?
My reference to “smakdowners” has nothing at all to do with the people who want the Church to return to its more traditional orientation and rites. (of which I am totally in favour)

By “smackdowners” I mean the people who thought the Panzer-Pope Benedict was going to get tough with the abuses in the Church.
Pope Benedict is a modernist-hardliner (work that one out), he won’t be handing out condemnations because thats not what modernists do.

He can’t condemn abuses inside the Catholic Church at the same time as being ecuemenical to people outside the Church doing the same things.
My reference to “smakdowners” has nothing at all to do with the people who want the Church to return to its more traditional orientation and rites. (of which I am totally in favour)

By “smackdowners” I mean the people who thought the Panzer-Pope Benedict was going to get tough with the abuses in the Church.
Pope Benedict is a modernist-hardliner (work that one out), he won’t be handing out condemnations because thats not what modernists do.

He can’t condemn abuses inside the Catholic Church at the same time as being ecuemenical to people outside the Church doing the same things.
yes he can. It is perfect well within his right to discipline anyone within the Church who dissents with Catholic doctrine. I think his appointment of a member of the rogue American Church is a sign that he plans on reigning in the out of control American dissidents.
yes he can. It is perfect well within his right to discipline anyone within the Church who dissents with Catholic doctrine.
Indeed, I am well aware of that.

But I suspect he will continue where JPII left off. We don’t want to sent the wrong “tough” messages to the schismatics and heretics now do we.

The only people who the Vatican will get tough with is the people who want the Church back to where it was before 1965.

Do you think it is right that the Vatican gets tough on people who desire the faith reflect the same attributes of the pre-Vatican II era? There are no other people you can think of?
Well he took some questionable positions as archbishop of Portland and also as archbishop of San Francisco. Try googling it and you’re bound to find something. But I’m not worried since the prefect of the CDF doesn’t operate independently of the pope.
Hi tuopaolo!

All I was able to find through Googling was the following:

From the Catholic League 1999 Annual Report on Anti-Catholicism:
April 4
San Francisco, CA –– San Francisco Examiner cartoonist Don Asmussen was at it again. This time the comic strip parodied the controversy between the Church and the Sister of Perpetual Indulgence –– the group that regularly ridicules nuns, Catholics and the Eucharist.
Archbishop William Levada was depicted as the coyote from the Road Runner cartoon. The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence were depicted as the road runner named “Gay Nunner.” Levada’’s effort to stop the “Sister’’s” street festival from taking place on Easter was labeled “Looney Tune Mission.”
ABOUT 1,000 CATHOLICS MARCH AGAINST SSM IN S.F.: From the Associated Press

Catholic opponents of gay marriage led by San Francisco’s archbishop held a prayer march Saturday, criticizing city officials who have licensed thousands of same-sex weddings and calling for a federal amendment to ban the unions.

A crowd of about 1,000 celebrated morning Mass at Saints Peter and Paul Church with Archbishop William J. Levada and afterward held a rally that was frequently interrupted by screams of “shame” and “equal rights” by gay rights counter-protesters.

Clutching rosaries and chanting prayers, the mass of gay marriage opponents then marched a several-blocks loop back to the church. Many held signs with pictures of the Virgin Mary and Jesus.

. . .

The rally and march were sponsored by Your Catholic Voice, a nationwide organization that says it has roughly 250,000 members. San Francisco police monitored the march but reported no trouble.
From Amy Welborn:
Vatican names abuse panel members

American members of the commission are Cardinal Francis George of Chicago, Archbishop William Levada of San Francisco, Bishop Thomas Doran of Rockford, Ill., and Bishop William Lori of Bridgeport, Conn.

The Vatican will be represented by Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, who heads the Congregation for Clergy; Monsignor Julian Herranz, who heads the Council for Legislative Texts; Monsignor Tarcisio Bertone, secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and Monsignor Francesco Monterisi, secretary of the Congregation for Bishops

**…blogged by Amy Welborn on 10/23/2002
Despite the war in Iraq, the trip occurred as planned last April, complete with audiences with the Pope and with the Patriarch of Constantinople far the U.S. prelates and their retinue. The Holy Father gave a warm and welcoming message to the pilgrims, who in turn gave him two $50,000 checks for use in ministry to the poor. Swing wrote that the trip included a “grand reception” on the evening after the Papal audience, attended by “Cardinals and all sorts of impressive people, [all} wanting to greet us. (Obviously Levada has a good name in this town.)”
I could go on, but I think you get the point. A Google search seems to indicate that Archbishop Levada is nothing other than strictly orthodox. Again I ask whether apprehension over his appointment is based upon more than his being the archbishop of San Francisco. A link to anything would be much appreciated.
Do you think it is right that the Vatican gets tough on people who desire the faith reflect the same attributes of the pre-Vatican II era? There are no other people you can think of?

Maybe I should use emoticons - my sense of irony perhaps is not coming across.

I think the Vatican should leave off the people who want the Church back to the its pre-1965 orientation. Its a legitimate wish.

I think the Church should crack down on all the abusers (liturgical, theological, sexual) inside the Church and send a clear message to the world that sin is sin.

I don’t think our present Pope is the man to do that in spite of the fact most people think he is some kind of hard-liner.

He is a man of Vatican II already making lots of ecumenical noises.

Thanks, I had a feeling that was what you were saying, just wanted to make sure. I agree, though I still hole out hope for Our Holy Father…thanks again. 🙂

Thanks for posting those excerpts, I sure hope they are reflective of Bishop’s Levada’s orthodoxy…there were many choices avaliable to our Holy Father.
I’ll be seeing Fr. Fessio tomorrow night where he speaks at a premier showing of the movie Bernadette filmed in France in the 1980s. There is a reception afterwards, but not sure if I’m brave enough to ask him about rumors of him moving to SF. I did meet him when he marched next to my family and I at the Walk For Life in January in SF. I was very impressed with him. He looked tired and he explained that he flew to SF from Florida early that morning and was flying back to Florida that evening.
Pope appoints a “liberal” (modernist) to top job shock.

Are the “smackdowners” feeling just the teensie-weeniest bit uncomfortable?
I don’t know about you, but it’s fitting and just to see this appointment on a Friday the 13th. Of coarse, the spin doctors who have said that Pope Benedict is “traditional” or “conservative” have spun this already. Hopefully things will make a turn for the better, but you might call me a doubting Thomas as I see the status quo not changing. Thus, going more to the left unfortunitely.
I don’t know about you, but it’s fitting and just to see this appointment on a Friday the 13th.
This Friday the 13th is the feast of Our Lady of Fatima.
I trust God, and I trust our Holy Father…I am just curious to see how this unfolds. The rest of the Catholic world cannot be happy with an American appointment.
FiremanFrank said:

First off
, Ben XVI picks an American bishop to be the Head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. What a great move!

The pope is sending a clear message to the U.S.: “I know what your doing over there in America, and now I’ve got somebody in a high position of Doctrinal Authority right in your very own backyard to watch what your doing!”.

And second, we could possibly get Fr. Fessio OR Fr. Corapi as a bishop…

Yee Haw!

As I said before, the times … they are a changing!

I certainly hope so. I do trust Pope Benedict XVI.

Fr. Fessio would be awesome. Fr. Corapi as Bishop of San Francisco? What a riot. However, I think it is doubtful as he is doing so much good in his current role.
Other Eric:
I could go on, but I think you get the point. A Google search seems to indicate that Archbishop Levada is nothing other than strictly orthodox. Again I ask whether apprehension over his appointment is based upon more than his being the archbishop of San Francisco. A link to anything would be much appreciated.
Try this essay by the good Bishop himself. While he seems to have the right intention, he surely does not have the backbone to stand up for what is right.

"…In a thorough public statement I set forth clearly the moral principles in question from our Catholic perspective, and presented what I think is a reasonable case why the Catholic Church should not be required to comply with this ordinance. I further outlined the reasons I would be prepared to challenge the law in court should the city not provide us with an exemption, or a means of compliance that does not violate our moral principles.

…Others have lamented that I did not challenge this ordinance in court. Surely the city did not want a court challenge. But then neither did I relish the prospect of a lengthy, expensive legal challenge with an uncertain outcome, while making adversaries of city officials with whom we should be working on questions that will help address many pressing social needs."

A bishop must not only know the truth, but defend the truth. I sure hope that B16 knows whatt he is doing, but I surely would not want this bishop in the foxhole with me (so to speak). We need someone at the CDF who has a spine and will not run from a (just) fight. Will he also pay for abortion benefits if the city requires it?
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