What’s wrong is in this discussion to pretend that because Estesbob has stated that many women are forced to have abortions – and backed it up with his experience from working for many years with women seeking abortions – that somehow because he didn’t do a deep study, his comments are “bogus.”
That was an insulting accusation that added nothing to the debate, and served only as a red herring.
Insults (intended or unintended) aside, the fact is most of the women Estebob would have met are likely (I say likely because I have no way of knowing for sure) to have been people who were not at peace about having had an abortion. We have no way of knowing
what proportion of the people whom he didn’t meet, had no such regrets or qualms of conscience.
So over 25 years, lets assume he met 1000 women, out of whom 700 reported having been forced into abortion. Assuming there were, for argument’s sake, 10,000 abortions in his geographical area during that same 25 years, we really can’t estimate how many of the 9000 women he didn’t meet were forced.
Could we just apply the ratio of 700/1000 to the 10,000 total? No, because what set that 1000 women apart is that they sought counselling, therefore they are not a sample representative of the whole. (I’m trying to keep it simple here, but of course other women could have sought counselling elsewhere).
If there was a way to randomly sample the 10,000 then we could draw meaningful conclusions about all the women seeking abortion in a particular geographical area. As it is we can only talk about the 1000 women that he saw, not generalize about the whole 10,000.
It could be that there were many more women who had been forced who did not seek counselling from Estebob. It could be that those 700 were the only ones who were forced. We can’t know more accurately unless we ask a large, representative sample (assuming we could get honest answers from them).