Jesus’ burial site found - film claims

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Do you have the names of these scholars or links to their (name removed by moderator)ut on this subject? I only ran across one, biblical scholar Stephen Pfann. He said that he’s unsure the name Yeshua is being interpreted correctly. He “thinks” the name is most likely “Hanun.” Nothing definitive there.
He was also quoted as saying that the possibility this really is the tomb of Jesus Christ is about 1 to 1 1/2 on a scale of 1 through 10. He doesn’t sound 100% convinced himself.
Honestly, that’s along the line of Richard Dawkins saying he’s 99% sure God doesn’t exist, and then someone referring to his statement as ‘Richard Dawkins having doubts about his atheism.’

On Stephen Pfann, though, I wonder how he’d square ‘Hanun’ with the second Yeshua/Jesus in the crypt (The one who’s the son of Jesus.) Are they both Hanun? One seems far more legible than the other. If the first one is Hanun, where’s the Jesus the second ossuary refers to?
I have to say you and I seem to be on the same page. The statistics portion is coming from the University of Toronto, a highly respected school world wide. So while you can’t agrue the facts (tombs were found etc) what you can argue is the theories that are extrapolated from the facts. I’m surprised that so many non-professionals (I mean people who are not archeologists, statisticians, scientistics) on this forum are so quick to debunk the science. How do you know if the experts are credible or not? .
I was very disappointed when I watched the interviews last night. I was hoping that the Church’s side would be prepared to refute these claims with well respected experts in the field.
Instead, what we saw were people who have no expertise in this area, including Albert Mohler Jr. (President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) sweating and smirking all throughout the Larry King interview while William Donohue, President of Catholic League was ranting about this and that along with yelling at Jacobovici. Neither had anything to offer the disussion and I fear they made Christians look ill informed and threatened.

. I wholeheartedly believe what our Bible and Holy Mother Church tells us about Jesus and I expect that this Tomb of Jesus story will all be disproved. But I want it disproved by the best “qualified” people in the biz not by my fellow lay Christians who just don’t like the story. As I said before, we are more than happy to use science when it can help prove Christianity.

I learned here on CAF that the Church is open to anyone investigating it’s teachings and that she welcomes it. This is no different. Assuming we’ve been taught correctly, there should be credible, respected individuals with much expertise in the areas necessary coming out of the woodwork to debunk this whole thing. Time and time again, I’ve read people using scientific facts to support our beliefs and teachings, even in this forum. In fact, just today someone posted a link for the Miracle at Lanciano, which, btw, I’m very well aware of and have the link saved from a couple years ago.
Did anyone see this discussed on Larry King Live last night? Donohue & Dr. Mohler did a decent job trying to refute it. The tone of the show was pretty biased towards this being true. They mentioned there are a plethora of scholars who are skeptical, they just didn’t give any of them a chance to speak. Only James Tabor…
I thought Donohue and Mohler did more to discredit the Christian side than anything or anyone else, thus far. They sounded rather unconvincing, not to mention defensive and nervous. I got the the impression that even they were somewhat fearful of what this all might mean for our faith. Add to that Donohue’s obnoxious ranting and angry shouting which detracted from his credibility.
No, we don’t know those things but analysis of blood type (analyzed way back in 1981) is a key point when people share information about the Miracle at Lanciano. Jesus’ blood type or DNA strand is unimportant there so it shouldn’t be that important now.
Actually, the almost 100% consensus of the scientists and researchers that have actually worked on the shroud is that it is not a fake or forgery because they have been unable to find any evidence at all of it being manmade. They can not however say that it is certainly the burial cloth of Christ because that simply can not be proven but the scientific evidence is quite overwhelming that either it is, or it is the burial cloth of an identical man who was tortured and killed in an identical way and in the same location. The cloth bears real bood that is a match for the blood on the Sudarium in type and shape of staining. The mans bears the scars of torture that match the instruments the Romans would have used and the patterns of the wounds Christ received. The cloth bears plant and soil traces that link it to Jerusalem, including plant residue from the head area of a thistle that would have made an excellent crown of thorns. In addition to what you said about the Carbon dating being done on a piece of the repaired area: the inventor of the dating method that was used, Dr, Harry Grove, came out almost immediately and said that the process is very unreliable in dating textiles because there is no satisfactory method of cleaning bacterial residue from the surface of the cloth. Even before the discovery that the wrong section was tested the Carbon testing was rendered invalid by the most qualifed authority on the subject. You are correct though in your main point that belief in it is not required.
From what I heard last night on TV (sorry I forget who said it, now), he made it very clear that scientists now put no stock into it being THE burial cloth. Besides biased sites that seem to be in abundance, do you know of any unbiased sites I could read which show otherwise?
I have to say you and I seem to be on the same page. The statistics portion is coming from the University of Toronto, a highly respected school world wide. So while you can’t agrue the facts (tombs were found etc) what you can argue is the theories that are extrapolated from the facts. I’m surprised that so many non-professionals (I mean people who are not archeologists, statisticians, scientistics) on this forum are so quick to debunk the science. How do you know if the experts are credible or not?
Actually, how do you know that some of us aren’t qualified?

Science ultimately is not based on authority, but on reliable, falsifiable theories. If a theory is falsifiable, you don’t necessarily need a PhD to test it. Anyone can perform the experiment. Likewise, you don’t need a PhD to poke holes in some of the arguments that are based on statistics (Any moderately advanced statistics class will show you that asking the right questions is extremely important).
And it doesn’t matter what biblical scholars say, this is not in their realm.
Actually with respect you are wrong. Archeologists and other scientists who wish to make claims about linking science to the Bible, need to work with Biblical scholars so they know they are interpreting what the Bible says correctly.
And it doesn’t matter what CA apologists say either, they are not qualified to speak on scientific credibility as much as a scientist is on doctrine.
Again, how do you know. Some of us on CA actually have an indepth interest in science and even may do some amateur science of our own or work closely with scientists. For all I know, some of the apologists here might actually be scientists!

I have no problem at all when a scientist speaks on doctrine provided he has really done his homework. Heck my Astronomy Teacher in College was more than qualified… being that he was not only a cosmologist but also a Jesuit Priest.
And who cares if the BBC aired a documentary on this in the 90s and it was disproved - the science has come a long way since then. I wholeheartedly believe what our Bible and Holy Mother Church tells us about Jesus and I expect that this Tomb of Jesus story will all be disproved. But I want it disproved by the best “qualified” people in the biz not by my fellow lay Christians who just don’t like the story. As I said before, we are more than happy to use science when it can help prove Christianity.
If this info had shown up in a journal, I would be far more willing to take it seriously, but really, like cold fusion a decade ago, claims of great break throughs that start in the popular media are more often than not shown to be false.

As a Catholic and a Christian, I won’t be taking any of this very seriously until the Pope says that’s Jesus’s tomb and family. I’m putting my money on the Vatican and 2000 years of Catholic tradition, instead of the guy who directed the Titanic.

Simplistic, maybe. But I trust the Catholic Church in matters of this sort. I’ll watch the program if it’s not too boring and there’s nothing else I want to watch, or I can’t think of something else to do. I read the DaVinci Code (boring) and saw the movie (silly) and those things didn’t adversely affect my faith. This won’t either.
Will the Vatican reply to this press release or just let it fade away? I personally think of it as an opportunity much like the DaVinci Code opened up peoples eyes to the early Church.
We DO NOT have sample of DNA from Jesus, and James Cameron knows this, so, he can’t be proved WRONG by DNA testing, and that looks really good on a TV program. But DNA testing doesn’t PROVE it’s Jesus either one way or another if you can’t IDENTIFY the original subject. 2000 year old DNA of someone, maybe with the same name, that’s proof positive of one thing, it’s all about the money…
So far, James Cameron has never claimed it is Jesus’ DNA nor is he saying the DNA proved anything but that two of the people don’t have the same mother. Have you watched these interviews? If so, which ones?

.It’s good thing this isn’t a court case or it would be thrown out before it hit the bench.

How so? The documentary hasn’t even aired yet. Did you work on the project or have you been given inside information as to what all will be revealed and discusssed? I’m only going on what I’ve seen on the news, read and watched in interviews.
The lastest TEAM of scientist people looking at real HARD scientific analysis of the SHROUD did not disprove it, it was the opposite. They really worked it over, all kinds of tests, and what they found totally amazed them. They really had a hard time explaining a lot of things, like the plant pollen, seeds and flowers, the resins, they tried every way to replicate the image, with no solution. And the fact that The Sudarium, the face cloth in Spain matches the blood type and markings to the Shroud was really a weird finding also.
That’s what I heard too, until last night.
Actually it is the family of the DaVinci Code :). The Bible never makes the second Mary the wife of Jesus. Even the Gnostic texts which claim a special relationship between Mary Magdeline and Jesus don’t state they are married.

Remember, the genetic information only showed that the Jesus and the second Mary did not share the same mother. considering the number of men in the tomb, it seems to me to be a great leap to assume that the second Mary must have been the husband of the the Jesus. I would say, that to make the claim plausable, the following needs to be shown.
  1. The first Mary needs to be shown not to be genetically related to either the other Mary or the Joseph.
  2. The first Mary needs to be shown, at the least, to share mitochondral DNA with the Jesus.
  3. The second Mary needs to be shown to share mitocondrial DNA with the Judah, son of Jesus.

Once those genetic relationships have been established, you at least have a reasonable basis for the extraordinary claims that have been made. You still, in my mind, haven’t proven the case, but at least it no longer seems like an excercise in chance names lining up. In any case, to make the claim stronger, they then would need to start finding stronger links between the Biblical figures and the tomb besides the names. Evidence that the Joseph had spent his life doing manual labor; that Jesus had been crucified, etc. Also one need to explain how Joseph, a carpenter living and dying in Nazareth would come to be buried in Jerusalem.​

What if all those things are shown in the documentary or in the next several years? What will that mean for the Church? Would she then make some revisions about teaching or…what, exactly?
What if all those things are shown in the documentary or in the next several years? What will that mean for the Church? Would she then make some revisions about teaching or…what, exactly?
That’s a pretty big if. I think the better question is, what will we do if the documentary (and even subsequent followups) do not take those steps, or do so and come up with conflicting information? At what point are the claims of Cameron and crew considered either ‘extremely unlikely’ or ‘proven false’?
What if all those things are shown in the documentary or in the next several years? What will that mean for the Church? Would she then make some revisions about teaching or…what, exactly?
I will deal with if and only if all those things are shown. If they are though, then the Discovery Channel’s website on the show is seriously holding info back. The only genetic evidence presented there was that the genetic material collected from two ossuaries came from people who did not share the same mother.

I mean ultimately we can play lots of what if games… but frankly one would go crazy trying to figure out what you would do if every possible scenario were to occur. The simple fact of the matter is that the most compelling evidence presented so far is the statistical analysis of the names. But all statistics can do is show probability. Just because something is unlikely to happen, it doesn’t mean it won’t. What if the tombs actually date from say 68 AD, and were the tombs of followers of Jesus who adopted names of Jesus and his associates to honor Jesus? That would kind of skew the probabilities wouldn’t it?

Heya. While I was researching the James Ossuary in connection with this, I found an interesting note from Joe Zias (Biblical archaeologist - for his website) about this event. Dated 12/05/06:

*When I heard of Jacobovici planning on continuing his foray into biblical archaeology after his James the Brother of Jesus documentary in which he was pushing for it’s authenticity, I called for a boycott amongst colleagues. Many complied and refused to have anything to do with his antics, unfortunately there are those who will put themselves and their careers before the profession to which they are expected to uphold for the sake of appearing on camera.

We alone are guilty of this in a sense in that there are always those who will prostitute themselves for a few seconds on film. A few months back I was asked by a well known producer to advise/present on a documentary which was being shot along the western shores of the Dead Sea. We couldn’t come to terms over several things and I turned them down, a few days later they ran a help wanted ad on looking for an expert on Qumran !!

Like many others who exploit the academic community they pleaded poverty, ‘it’s a low budget’ production, seems they stayed at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, one of Israelis most expensive and finest while paying their ‘experts’ a fraction of what they are worth. In a sense it was on par with one of the better known non-profit organizations out there claiming to support the profession whereas they donated to the profession but 1/10 of 1% of their gross income which was running in the millions of dollars each and every year.

One last word on the experts who appeared in the Canadian filmmakers earlier documentary on the James Ossuary. I was told by a highly reliable source that one of the films main ‘experts’ not only believed that the James Ossuary insc. was authentic but is also a firm believer in the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin along with the ‘blood of Jesus’ which was found in the Garden Tomb by the late Ron Wyatt, from WAR (Wyatt Archaeological Research) a few decades ago. The book which he co-authored was selling on the internet a few months ago for one penny, used.

Maybe we should boycott our colleagues who choose to participate in this charade of what they term ‘biblical archaeology’, only then when colleagues have enough integrity to tell the producers and the magazine editors that we are tired of being exploited and mis-interpreted will we see a change for the better.

Joe Zias*


Poor words for the Shroud of Turin as well from Joe Zias, so perhaps that adds to his credibility - or at least, he’s not the kind to support a point of view simply for being Christian-friendly.

I will deal with if and only if all those things are shown. If they are though, then the Discovery Channel’s website on the show is seriously holding info back. The only genetic evidence presented there was that the genetic material collected from two ossuaries came from people who did not share the same mother.​

I hope they’re wise enough to not divulge everything on their website or else there’d be no reason for anyone to watch the program.
I hope they’re wise enough to not divulge everything on their website or else there’d be no reason for anyone to watch the program.
Which again seriously undermines the argument that the people behind this documentary are serious scholars. If they are more interested in the getting good ratings that getting the information out into the open, it undermines their credibility. If a scholar is announcing work only to get money, well, it does give him (or her) something of a reason to be less than 100% honest in one’s findings.

I haven’t read all the posts, so this might have been noted already but isn’t it uncanny how this tripe hit the media at the start of Lent? I don’t think it was by accident. The good thing is that I gave up watching secular media except local news for Lent, so my exposure to this garbage is minimal.👍
I haven’t read all the posts, so this might have been noted already but isn’t it uncanny how this tripe hit the media at the start of Lent? I don’t think it was by accident. The good thing is that I gave up watching secular media except local news for Lent, so my exposure to this garbage is minimal.👍
It’s not some great conspiracy, a lot of shows about Jesus are on around the christian festivals, just as budget shows around the time of the budget, programs about terrorism around September 11th, etc, etc, etc.
The fact of the matter is that this film was made with an agenda in mind, and all of the “facts” that support this outcome will be presented, and the ones that refute it will not be presented. Eventually we might have reputable sources debunking the specifics, but we can be skeptical up front.

The truly funny thing is that one of the main “proofs” is the statistical possibility of the names being together. From what I have read one, perhaps two of the names are a bit mangled, so they may or may not be what they say they are. This means that you are talking about the statisical chances of two names matching out of three in the holy family, with one name being whatever it is and two other names being able to be “possibly” what they are said to be.

Yes, statistically, it might be rare to find Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Mary, Matthew, and Judah, but what they are doing is taking the names that are present in this tomb and saying it would be rare to find them together once they have already done so. This is statistically flawed on its face. All this proves is that it would be rare to find ANOTHER tomb with these names in them.

In order for this to make any sesnse, you would have to already have an idea that these names would be the logical ones attatched to a tomb IF Jesus had a family, and was buried with them. There is no such statistical starting point.

A few more things to ponder; Joseph does not appear in the biblical accounts after Mary and Joseph found him at the temple when he was 13. It can be strongly implied at this point that Joseph was dead when Jesus’ ministry began. This is further supported by the fact that Jesus gives his mother to John when he is being crucified. Even if the resurrection is “made up,” there would be little reason to “make up” that Joseph isn’t in the picture at this point in time.

That having been said, Joseph would have been burried in Nazareth. Jews during this time period would not have disinterred a relative to move him to the “family plot” even if Jesus had “settled down” in Jerusalem. So while Joseph is a name associated with Mary, in this regard, its actually a strike AGAINST the validity of the tomb that there is a Joseph burried there.

Also, in Jesus’ ministry we have at least three Marys mentioned; his mother, Mary Magdelene, and Mary the sister of Martha and Lazarus. Mary wasn’t a particularly rare name at this point in time, so the odds of finding two Marys in the same tomb aren’t that staggering.

Given that there is no credible record of Jesus having a son, let alone having a son named Judah, exists, that particular name doesn’t even figure into the equation really.

Which leaves us with Jesus’ name, which could be one of two names according to a fairly reputable source on the matter, and it just so happens that the filmakers choose to assume its the name that fits their theory.

I shouldn’t get worked up over this, but at the same time, it bothers me that some people try so hard to damage the faith of others, and it concerns me that some people have a fragile enough faith for it to work. I don’t mean that as an insult . . . I’ve been in fragile places in my faith life before, but thank God I’ve gotten past them . . . but issues like this make that trip back to the Truth that much harder to make.
The only problem is that you are ignoring two very significant facts:
  1. Cameron has failed to show what he is basing these calculations on. Unless he has an authentic, accurate Roman tax census of the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the surrounding area from the time in question showing not only the total number of people in the area but also the names of those people than his calculations are nothing more than a wild guess and are therefore meaningless. You can not calculate the probability of these names showing up if you do not have any of the relevent information.
  2. More than one scholar has stated that the name Yeshua does not appear on any of the ossuaries. They say the name Cameron is interpreting as “Jesus” is actually Hanun and not Yeshua.
1a. Only a sample is needed, not a census, to know the distribution of names, and even if the sample misses some combinations, there are statistical techniques to measure hidden populations. They seem relatively reliable (with the caveat that I stopped doing deep statistics 15 years ago).

1b. Again, estimates are possible from archiological finds, from records of the day, and from the absolute numbers generated. For example, at 1 in 600, we would be talking about a town of at least 3500 if we assume 5 per family, at 1 in 2,000,000 we are talking a city of 10,000,000 (almost the size of London) assuming 5 per family.
  1. I am pretty sure the find will not stand up to scrutiny, though it’s not from any specific objections from experts (experts will often disagree for years)( but because it just strikes me as ‘Too Big’.
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