Heya. While I was researching the James Ossuary in connection with this, I found an interesting note from Joe Zias (Biblical archaeologist -
www.joezias.com for his website) about this event. Dated 12/05/06:
*When I heard of Jacobovici planning on continuing his foray into biblical archaeology after his James the Brother of Jesus documentary in which he was pushing for it’s authenticity, I called for a boycott amongst colleagues. Many complied and refused to have anything to do with his antics, unfortunately there are those who will put themselves and their careers before the profession to which they are expected to uphold for the sake of appearing on camera.
We alone are guilty of this in a sense in that there are always those who will prostitute themselves for a few seconds on film. A few months back I was asked by a well known producer to advise/present on a documentary which was being shot along the western shores of the Dead Sea. We couldn’t come to terms over several things and I turned them down, a few days later they ran a help wanted ad on
www.Craigslist.com looking for an expert on Qumran !!
Like many others who exploit the academic community they pleaded poverty, ‘it’s a low budget’ production, seems they stayed at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, one of Israelis most expensive and finest while paying their ‘experts’ a fraction of what they are worth. In a sense it was on par with one of the better known non-profit organizations out there claiming to support the profession whereas they donated to the profession but 1/10 of 1% of their gross income which was running in the millions of dollars each and every year.
One last word on the experts who appeared in the Canadian filmmakers earlier documentary on the James Ossuary. I was told by a highly reliable source that one of the films main ‘experts’ not only believed that the James Ossuary insc. was authentic but is also a firm believer in the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin along with the ‘blood of Jesus’ which was found in the Garden Tomb by the late Ron Wyatt, from WAR (Wyatt Archaeological Research) a few decades ago. The book which he co-authored was selling on the internet a few months ago for one penny, used.
Maybe we should boycott our colleagues who choose to participate in this charade of what they term ‘biblical archaeology’, only then when colleagues have enough integrity to tell the producers and the magazine editors that we are tired of being exploited and mis-interpreted will we see a change for the better.
Joe Zias*
Poor words for the Shroud of Turin as well from Joe Zias, so perhaps that adds to his credibility - or at least, he’s not the kind to support a point of view simply for being Christian-friendly.