ALL RIGHT LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT, THERE ARE PEOPLE ON THIS SITE, THAT ACTUALLY BELIEVE A HOLLYWOOD PRODUCER, A CANADIAN FILM MAKER AND A REALLY BAD ARCHAEOLOGIST FOUND THE BURIAL PLACE OF JESUS. IS THAT CORRECT? ARE YOU ALL GONE MAD. This is a scam, and really bad science. Start reading credible sources that have nothing to be made from this, read or go to Biblical Archeology Mag, etc, that have been dismantling Cameron and his work over in the Middle East for months and months. He started with the Exodus theory ****, made a movie on that, which was soundly thrashed by all rational science and archeology. His method is totally “connect the dots” and make the picture I want. This Jesus thing is the same story, start doing some research please and stop fantasying about the fall of Christianity. I have to say I find the fact anyone takes this serious as bizarre and sad and just shows how badly some people want to DIS-BELIEVE…do the work people and stop wasting time on this, Cameron is all about the buzz and the money…it’s reality TV and we all know how much REALITY there actually is in reality TV, or do we?True. Conversely, claiming it isn’t His tomb doesn’t make it so, either. Using logic such as questioning why a family as poor as Jesus’s would have been buried there, a burial place that was for middle class people, or why they’d be buried so far from where they lived, proves nothing, since people do all sorts of strange things that defy logic. If this isn’t the Jesus’s burial site I would think it will be easy enough for scientists to disprove the claims through testing of the cave or ossuaries. Maybe they’re going to wait until after the airing of the documentary to get started.