Jesus’ burial site found - film claims

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It actually takes more faith to be an atheist than it does to believe in God.

"God doesn’t believe in atheists’ " by Ray Comfort is an excellent book.👍
It is child’s play to completely debunk it. It was debunked over 25 years ago when this tomb was first discovered. The archaeologist that led the discovery has called the claim impossible and nonsense. He said that the ossuary they are identifying as that of Jesus actually bears the name Hanun, not Yeshua.
Someone was featured in one of the interviews I saw last night, it may have been the same archaeologist you mentioned above, who said that he thinks the name looks more like Hanun, not that he’s certain. 😦
If I am correct, Church teaching and linguistic knowledge indicate that the term interpreted as “brother” was not merely a reference to a sibling or a relative at all and that anyone close to you could be referred to using that term. All of the Apostles and anyone else close to Jesus would have been referred to in this manner. Jesus had no siblings, period.
That’s what I’d always learned but according to some scholar on TV last night, I think it was Dr. Tabor again, he said that scholars know Jesus had siblings.
My last post is relevant because everyone else here is dismissing the evidence out of hand without even considering it. They offer no factual counterarguments outside of the NT itself (and it’s just child’s play to shoot holes in that).

That this archeological site was found in the early 80’s and dismissed back then means nothing. It doesn’t seem that long ago, but those days were before the Bible scholarship of the previous few hundred years became more widely known and accessible, before much of what we know now from the dead sea scrolls, etc.

No, it’s not accepted on faith. It’s a theory. An avenue open for thought and exploration. Science does not work on the basis of faith, but rather on that of curiosity and the drive to understand. We progress by testing our various theories until they are disproved. Religion is the opposite of that. It refuses to test itself. Instead, any newly perceived problem is rationalized to fit the existing theology. If it was up to most of the world’s religions, including Christianity, we would still be living in the world of 2000 years ago.
This whole story is bunk. Just like the ‘James Ostuary’ story, which ran and ran until they arrested the forgers in Israel. Really look into this type of stuff first, rather than running with it because it fits into your way of thinking. Not one serious scientist or archaeologist gives this the least amount of credit. Read Biblical Archeology Magazine or go the their site or others reliable sites and see how they have been systematically taking Cameron et al, apart piece by piece, from his Exodus story on to this garbage. It is so stunningly ludicrous, with their assertions, leaps of logic, blatant disregarding of facts and obvious flaws in scientific evaluation, and dating problems and on and on, and also, the fact that ***IF ***Jesus did die, why would they bury him and mark the tombs IF they were trying to perpetrate a huge LIE, like the Resurrection. Taking into account the Apostles story, why would they not secretly bury him, unmarked and then, tell the great LIE of the Resurrection. All atheist savor to uncover the great lie of Jesus. These unbelievers always look for some great TRUTH to help undo religious morality or philosophy in order to justify their own lack of faith or aversion to religion. And it’s no small wonder it appears right before Easter. It’s bad science driven by money, greed, ego and the Evil One. Only a ‘relativist’ fool can’t see that.:mad:
On a side note, where in the Bible does it say Jesus had siblings, much less a brother named Jose?
I’m only aware of a couple of references, and the only one I remember is Mathew 13:54-55. In this context, jesus preaching in his home town, it is quite difficult to avoid the conclusion that the townfolk are referring to siblings, not some extended family cousins, or close associates.

In other places I think the disciples are mentioned by name and then Mary and brothers are included in the list, but the reference escapes me.
Joh 8:39 They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham.

So, should we conclude that Abraham continued fathering children after his death?
I’m only aware of a couple of references, and the only one I remember is Mathew 13:54-55. In this context, jesus preaching in his home town, it is quite difficult to avoid the conclusion that the townfolk are referring to siblings, not some extended family cousins, or close associates.
I’m certainly no Biblical scholar, but that verse has always sounded rather clear to me that they were speaking of Jesus’ siblings, too, but upon looking up the definition of the word “brethren,” it could very much be a reference to his followers or group he surrounded himself with as opposed to siblings.
I’m only aware of a couple of references, and the only one I remember is Mathew 13:54-55. In this context, jesus preaching in his home town, it is quite difficult to avoid the conclusion that the townfolk are referring to siblings, not some extended family cousins, or close associates.


Not true, it’s quite the opposite, I’ll post some info later on this. Siblings is NOT necessarily implied, not at all. That reference in Semitic, and even as brought into the Greek can mean a lot of different things, understanding the application of that day. There are NO words for cousin, nephew etc, they would use the same reference to any family member. I’ll post a whole explanation on this. The English translation lacks full understanding of meaning here. Plus, as was the necessary custom, something any Hebrew family would NEED to adhere to, if Jesus had ‘brothers’ as in, what, step brother maybe, even so, at Jesus death, Mary would be taken into the brother house, would have to be, not given to ‘Johns’ care. This would only happen IF a widower (husband dead) didn’t have another son. Women didn’t own property, etc and didn’t have property rights, only through male succession of land etc. Jesus was ‘taking care of her’ precisely because she DIDN’T have another male family member to go with. John took her into his home and cared for her.
I’m only aware of a couple of references, and the only one I remember is Mathew 13:54-55. In this context, jesus preaching in his home town, it is quite difficult to avoid the conclusion that the townfolk are referring to siblings, not some extended family cousins, or close associates.

In other places I think the disciples are mentioned by name and then Mary and brothers are included in the list, but the reference escapes me.
Not true, it’s quite the opposite, I’ll post some info later on this. Siblings is NOT necessarily implied, not at all. That reference in Semitic, and even as brought into the Greek can mean a lot of different things, understanding the application of that day. There are NO words for cousin, nephew etc, they would use the same reference to any family member. I’ll post a whole explanation on this. The English translation lacks full understanding of meaning here. Plus, as was the necessary custom, something any Hebrew family would NEED to adhere to, if Jesus had ‘brothers’ as in, what, step brother maybe, even so, at Jesus death, Mary would be taken into the brothers house. She would have to be taken by the brother, not given to ‘Johns’ care as was done at the foot of the cross. This was done very clearly. This would only happen IF a widower (husband dead) didn’t have another son. Women didn’t own property, etc and didn’t have property rights, only through male succession of land etc. Jesus was ‘taking care of her’ precisely because she DIDN’T have another male family member to go with. John took her into his home and cared for her.
My last post is relevant because everyone else here is dismissing the evidence out of hand without even considering it. They offer no factual counterarguments outside of the NT itself (and it’s just child’s play to shoot holes in that).
Actually, everyone dismisses it because every serious scholar directly connected to the site dismisses it and always has. Many of those scholars are Jewish and therefore have no ulterior motive of protecting Christianity. What we are dismissing is not any kind of evidence but the unfounded claims of two film makers. More than one scholar has stated that the name Yeshua does not appear on any of the ossuaries. That devastating fact aside, their whole claim is based on the supposed mathmatical improbability of finding a particular grouping of names in one tomb. The main problem here is that they do not have the two pieces of information vital to making such a calculation: the total number of residents of Jerusalem and the surrounding area and the total number of people bearing the names in question. Without this information their claim is nothing more than fantasy. I am always amazed at the blind faith necessary to support an atheist position in the face of undeniable evidence that is acknowledged by every competent scholar that has reviewed the claim.
BTW, I am inclined to consider this a mistake and that it will be debunked properly fairly swiftly.

However, some arguments presented here are clearly not going to work for debunking.

A good example is that iwas found years ago. A lot of finds are reinterpreted on re-examination (and a lot aren’t).

The DNA stuff is not to prove it was Jesus, but to analyse familal relationships in the tomb.

This whole story is bunk. Just like the ‘James Ostuary’ story, which ran and ran until they arrested the forgers in Israel. .:mad:
Yes, and Simcha Jacobovici, Cameron’s partner in this new farce, was a major player in that fake ossuary fiasco as well.
BTW, I am inclined to consider this a mistake and that it will be debunked properly fairly swiftly.

However, some arguments presented here are clearly not going to work for debunking.

A good example is that iwas found years ago. A lot of finds are reinterpreted on re-examination (and a lot aren’t).

The DNA stuff is not to prove it was Jesus, but to analyse familal relationships in the tomb.

What I’d like to see are definitive scientific studies done by reputable and highly respected scientists to disprove the claims, once and for all. James Cameron is highly successful and very much respected in his field. I doubt he’d be willing to put his reputation on the line like this unless he researched this subject from every conceivable angle and was pretty much convinced that the other side couldn’t swoop in and prove them wrong. He has too much to lose if he thought there was any way he could easily be proven wrong. 😦
If you analyze the facts, this claim does not make any difference. Why? Because the most these researchers can come up with is some sort of probability that this tomb **may **(maybe / maybe not) be the actual tomb of Christ. Now, I have read that the probability could be between, acording to one of the advocates, between one and a hundred and one and 1,000, with ABC NEWS (the Disney News) reporting 1 in 600. Let’s take the mean as being one in 500. Now, I’m not a mathematician, but I guess that narrows the field, afterall, the odds are not one in a million, but still, it shows that the proof is inconclusive as to whose tombs they really are. The name Jesus, is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Joshua, which is still a popular name. But to name this documentary “The Burial Cave of Jesus” is absolutely irresponsible and a lie, because, in the end the researchers can only claim that the tomb may or may not be the actual tomb of the real Jesus. And claiming that does not actually make it so.

If there are any mathematicians out in the audience who want to whoop my argument, gehead. Thus, the probability is not 100% conclusive as the “Discovery” channel and secular News Media will want you to believe. Look how they titled the documentary: “The Burial Cave of Jesus.” You cannot get more conclusive and biased than that title. Since the probability is not conclusive, that means that the channel (not a TV channel) of Christian faith is still opened to all. As the late Milton Friedman might say, you are still free to choose. You are free to make that choice between faith and no faith.

Also, have you noticed in my opinion, the decline in quality television on cable TV in the past 5-7 years? The “Discovery” channel now airs, in my opinion, a bunch of stupid programming that blunts your critical faculties. Programs like Orange County motorcycle workshop guys; dangerous jobs; two Bohemian guys that build and blow up things; some British guy who tries to survive in deserts and remote mountains. What educational purpose do these shows serve? Very minimal, in my opinion( I’m going to use “in my opinion” a lot because I don’t want to get sued; its just my opinion). Frankly, I am now watching liberal PBS more and more for educational and informative programs. You have to critically evaluate their shows and read between the lines to see that they do have, in my opinion, a liberal bias, and not get enmeshed in their liberal propaganda; but the programming on PBS is now better than, in my opinion, anything on cable, except, perhaps the History, which, in my opinion is steadily going downhill, and C-Span. For weeks the Discovery channel has been airing, in my opinion, mostly a bunch of near junk status programs. Then- all of a sudden, during Lent and near Easter, they air a lavishly produced, chock full of experts, Biblical documentary. The last good program " Discovery" had on, in my opinion, was a show about the building of (guess what?) the Titanic(!) that was aired in the early fall. Oh, and they had a few programs on different countries like China and Italy.🙂
I’m certainly no Biblical scholar, but that verse has always sounded rather clear to me that they were speaking of Jesus’ siblings, too, but upon looking up the definition of the word “brethren,” it could very much be a reference to his followers or group he surrounded himself with as opposed to siblings.
(Killing two birds with one stone…)

That is possible, and that is how it is used in some parts of the Bible, but in this context, in his own town, where they refer to Josephs profession, his mothers name, his sisters as being neighbours. It reminds me of my rare visits to my home town when people say “you Liz and Tonys’ son, your sister lives down the road from me?”

The possibility of it refering to his followers seems remote, it seems a forced reading, especially as at one point Jesus is sent away by his brothers to his disciples.

Google time!
No one here is dismissing the evidence out of hand. That would be saying ‘This is all a lie. Don’t even watch it, nothing to see here.’

Instead, people are taking a look at the information released by Cameron’s team, arguments - recent ones, in response to the movie - made by actual archaeologists and professionals aware of the tomb, and responding to that.
However, some arguments presented here are clearly not going to work for debunking.

A good example is that iwas found years ago. A lot of finds are reinterpreted on re-examination (and a lot aren’t).

The DNA stuff is not to prove it was Jesus, but to analyse familal relationships in the tomb.
Most people are criticizing the DNA claim because of how thin and generally squirrelly it sounds. If they performed tests across multiple residents of the tomb, I’d be more impressed - and hey, maybe they did and just haven’t said so for some reason. But to only test the remains of who they think is Jesus, against the remains of who they think is Mary Magdalene, announce they’re not related by birth mother, and then jump to conclude ‘Well, then it’s very likely these two were husband and wife.’?

And sure, finds can be open to re-examination. But that typically occurs in the face of new discoveries. In this case, there simply aren’t any - all that’s new is the interpretation, which was already considered in the past and found lacking. It’s possible there’s a change afoot that we’re not aware of, but simply based on what’s already been released, there’s been some growing skepticism - and not just from people who don’t like the assertions made by Cameron and crew.
If you analyze the facts, this claim does not make any difference. Why? Because the most these researchers can come up with is some sort of probability that this tomb **may **(maybe / maybe not) be the actual tomb of Christ. Now, I have read that the probability could be between, acording to one of the advocates, between one and a hundred and one and 1,000, with ABC NEWS (the Disney News) reporting 1 in 600. Let’s take the mean as being one in 500. Now, I’m not a mathematician, but I guess that narrows the field, afterall, the odds are not one in a million, but still, it shows that the proof is inconclusive as to whose tombs they really are.
The highest numbers is one and 2 million.
If you analyze the facts, this claim does not make any difference. Why? Because the most these researchers can come up with is some sort of probability that this tomb **may **(maybe / maybe not) be the actual tomb of Christ.
The calculation is not that at all.

The calculation is for that exact combination of names turning up by chance (that is, the chance of two families having the exact same set of names).

The calculation of 1/600 indicates that only 1 in 600 familes of that time had that combination of names. It is not a probability that this is the tomb of Jesus.

If we take the higher value quoted, 1/2,000,000 then we are dealing with a very high probability that this is the tomb of Jesus.
But to name this documentary “The Burial Cave of Jesus” is absolutely irresponsible and a lie, because, in the end the researchers can only claim that the tomb may or may not be the actual tomb of the real Jesus. And claiming that does not actually make it so.
True. Conversely, claiming it isn’t His tomb doesn’t make it so, either. Using logic such as questioning why a family as poor as Jesus’s would have been buried there, a burial place that was for middle class people, or why they’d be buried so far from where they lived, proves nothing, since people do all sorts of strange things that defy logic. If this isn’t the Jesus’s burial site I would think it will be easy enough for scientists to disprove the claims through testing of the cave or ossuaries. Maybe they’re going to wait until after the airing of the documentary to get started.
OUr faith is being tested but we wont shake cuz we know the truth!! Unfortunetly some people believe the media in any circumstance
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