Can anyone confirm the details about the stats?
Is it really statistically difficult to make the case against Cameron’s documentary?
Not really, no. Really, consider it - why go to a statistician to find out whether or not it’s unusual to find names of that mix in the crypt?
The answer is, apparently, because Cameron doesn’t get the answer he’d prefer if he goes to an appropriate archaeologist or historian. From the Time article linked above:
“The idea was eventually discounted, however, because, as University of St. Andrews (Scotland) New Testament expert Richard Bauckham asserted in a subsequent book, the names with Biblical resonance are so common that even when you run the probabilities on the group, the odds of it being the famous Jesus’s family are “very low.””
And later…
"St. Andrews’ Bauckham defends his probabilities, noting that Jacobovici was comparing his name-cluster to the rather small sampling of names known to have been found on bone boxes, while his own basis for comparison, which adds names from contemporary literature and other sources, makes the combo far less unusual. "
As far as Jesus’ brothers go, I could be wrong, but I believe Catholic teaching is that those ‘brothers’ in the bible could be either cousins, or Joseph’s children by a previous marriage? Someone else will have to clear that up though.
Either way, the fact the way Cameron is playing this smells funny - it has to, if even Time’s website is questioning it. A whole lot of showmanship and little else.