Jesus’ burial site found - film claims

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Thank you for contacting Discovery Networks. The documentary THE LOST
TOMB OF JESUS will air on the Discovery Channel on Sunday, March 4 at
9 PM (US Eastern Time), and on Discovery en Espanol Sunday March 18
at 9 PM. The program documents the investigation into what might be
the greatest archaeological find in history. The film offers the
latest evidence from world-renowned experts in Aramaic script,
ancient DNA analysis, forensics, archaeology and statistics, and
presents a case for viewers to consider that the tomb of Jesus of
Nazareth and members of his family has been discovered.
  THE LOST TOMB OF JESUS is produced by Academy Award winning filmmaker
  James Cameron and directed by Emmy Award-winning documentarian Simcha
  Jacobovici. Viewers can join a discussion online on the TOMB website
  at [](

  For over 20 years, the Discovery Channel has been dedicated to a very
  simple mission: to explore the world, to satisfy curiosity and to
  support the biggest and boldest explorations that seek to answer the
  world's enduring mysteries. Throughout the production of THE LOST
  TOMB OF JESUS and now, the Discovery Channel has remained an
  impartial presenter without a point of view.  Rather, it is our
  responsibility to provide a forum for credible information and
  research to be discussed and we allow our viewers to draw their own

  Viewer Relations
  Discovery Networks
And I thought the folks in Hollywood didn’t believe in a god or infallibilty. Apparently, if you’re blessed by “Emmy” or “Oscar,” you are instantly assumed to be authoritative!
Anyone strong in their faith will see this for what it is and not be moved. This only affects the lost.
Any word on the religion of those making this film?
Just follow up on the Mary Magdalene portion of this claim, Richard Bauckham has made a follow-up entry here:

Of note,
We should note that the surviving six names are only six of many more who were buried in this family tomb. There may have been as many as 35. The six people whose names we have could have belonged to as many as four different generations.
We can now turn to the inscription on the ossuary, which has, in Greek: MARIAMENOUMARA. The two words Mariamenou and Mara are written consecutively with no space between. This makes it rather unlikely that two women are named here. But Rahmani takes a small stroke between the last letter of Mariamenou and the first of Mara to be a Greek letter eta (long e). He takes this to be the relative pronoun he Ieta with a rough breathing), reading: ‘Mariamnenou who [is also called] Mara.’ (Note that this is different, it seems, from what the Discovery Channel do when they read the eta with a smooth breathing, meaning ‘or’.) There are parallels (I gather from Rahmani) to this abbreviated way of indicating two names for the same person.
Mind you, I’m just pulling out the particularly of-interest information. The link goes into far greater detail about the names in general, and Mary Magdalene in particular. Not the statistical argument, however, since that’s outside Bauckman’s area of expertise.
And I thought the folks in Hollywood didn’t believe in a god or infallibilty. Apparently, if you’re blessed by “Emmy” or “Oscar,” you are instantly assumed to be authoritative!
Have you even seen Cameron’s interviews? He’s no authority and says as much. He’s presenting what leading scholars who participated in the recent studies had to say.
Some of you might be too young to remember Adolf Hitler, who pointed out that if you are going to tell a lie, make it a BIG ONE! What do “they” want you to believe? That Jesus Christ didn’t die for me or you or anybody, he only saved himself.
Anyone strong in their faith will see this for what it is and not be moved. This only affects the lost.
Any word on the religion of those making this film?
True, but then again, Muslims, Jews and New Agers can, and do, feel exactly the same way.
Have you even seen Cameron’s interviews? He’s no authority and says as much. He’s presenting what leading scholars who participated in the recent studies had to say.
No, I was simply “mouthing off” about the automated response from Discovery Channel. I got the same message (of course), and just got a chuckle about them touting Cameron’s Academy Award, as if it provides credence for this production.

By the way, Faith1960, just so I’ll understand, what was your point about Cameron’s interviews?
Have you even seen Cameron’s interviews? He’s no authority and says as much. He’s presenting what leading scholars who participated in the recent studies had to say.
Leading scholars? I am not so sure. The more I look at the issue, the more it seems that the consensus appears to be that there is little strong support in the idea that these ossuaries can be linked in any strong sort of way with the Biblical figures.

Has anyone figured out how they got Jesus’ DNA?

From the Jesus ossuary, which they compared to the Mary/Mara ossuary. I think people ran with the wrong idea when the film announced they had DNA testing that proved their case.
For Larry1700

I appreciate the sources you suggest for me, but I think it will be hard to re-convince an ex, once devout Catholic like me.

One additional comment on what you said…
(…) you certainly would admit that scientists have been wrong before, wouldn’t you? I remember when I was in school, the prevailing belief was that there was nothing smaller than an electron. Now, they have discovered quarks, neutrinos, etc. There are many examples of errors in science which were widely accepted by the scientific community.
I agree completely that science has been wrong many times. But the difference is that science keeps looking for the truth, and every mistaken theory is one more step on the journey. Moreover, in science, a theory is useless if it’s not tested, and it’s philosophy if it can’t be tested. Nobody holds to a disproved theory on faith alone.

I also freely admit a deep dislike for the kind of crass commercialism which the announcement by press conference of the book and forthcoming documentary represents. But that doesn’t mean that all evidence it presents should automatically be dismissed on the basis only of beliefs. I’ve seen most if not all of Jacobovici’s “Naked Archeologist” TV shows, and he’s just as likely to present evidence for various aspects of Christianity and Judaism as against. Sometimes, he simply raises possibilities. I see nothing wrong with that.
I agree completely that science has been wrong many times. But the difference is that science keeps looking for the truth, and every mistaken theory is one more step on the journey. Moreover, in science, a theory is useless if it’s not tested, and it’s philosophy if it can’t be tested. Nobody holds to a disproved theory on faith alone.
Science as a whole tends to. Scientists? That’s not always, or even often, the case.

And untestable theories are getting more and more common in science. MWI in quantum physics comes to mind, possibly string theory. RNA world hypotheses for the origin of life as well. (Sure, it’s so unlikely so as to appear miraculous, but it’s a big universe and we’re HERE, so…) The response to the discovery of quantum physics was such that Planck (I believe) mentioned his job wasn’t to convince the established scientists, but the ones still in school, because the established ones would go to their graves refusing to believe the truth.

Not to mention, just in this example alone, the argument is being engaged not simply on faith. Facts, research, specialists in the field, etc are being looked to. In no small part involving Christians (and Jews, and others) who do the same research Jacobovici does, with less notice and more effort.

Philosophy, even theology, is capable of producing truths of its own. And questions continue in both areas as well as in science. No human endeavor is perfect, and I think claiming one to be better than the other in spheres this large is a bit much.
No, I was simply “mouthing off” about the automated response from Discovery Channel. I got the same message (of course), and just got a chuckle about them touting Cameron’s Academy Award, as if it provides credence for this production.?
His having an Oscar, coupled with the fact that he’s well respected in his field does say something, though, which is that it’s highly unlikely someone of Cameron’s caliber would even consider becoming involved in such a project if he didn’t have this discovery looked at and studied from every possible angle by highly qualified individuals who are at the top of their individual fields. James Cameron has been very successful and very busy post-Titanic. I doubt he’d be willing to put his reputation on the line for a project that can easily be proven to carry no weight. 😦
By the way, Faith1960, just so I’ll understand, what was your point about Cameron’s interviews?
My point was what I said. Cameron says that he’s a filmmaker and not an expert in this subject, which is why they had experts do all the testing etc. I don’t think you answered my question. Did you see his interviews?
Has anyone figured out how they got Jesus’ DNA?

They never claimed to be certain they have Jesus’ DNA. 🙂 They tested the DNA found in the ossuary they believe may be Jesus’s and compared it to the one they think may be Mary Magdaline’s.
At any rate, the entire story contradicts everything the Church and the Scriptures have passed on for the last 2000 years about these matters.
And that is exactly why people shouldn’t mind this documentary. It will certainly raise many questions that need to be answered and will hopefully, in the end, satisfy those who don’t just operate on blind faith, which in this day and age of science is becoming more common than not.
Just follow up on the Mary Magdalene portion of this claim, Richard Bauckham has made a follow-up entry here:

Of note,

Mind you, I’m just pulling out the particularly of-interest information. The link goes into far greater detail about the names in general, and Mary Magdalene in particular. Not the statistical argument, however, since that’s outside Bauckman’s area of expertise.
Even Richard Bauckman mentions that Jesus had a brother named James.
So-called “believers” are always looking for some great truth to help impose their particular brand of institutionalized superstition on others. But at the same time, they readily profess and encourage the need for believers to believe on faith alone. Evidence is never needed, and indeed, it is discouraged. You can’t have it both ways. Either admit it’s all based on faith only , or else start producing some evidence - or at least encouraging and supporting the search for evidence wherever it leads. That’s what science does. That’s what philosophy does. Stop telling others that religion cannot be questioned.
With respect Reason, you may have reason, but you don’t have the facts to back up your reason. You have simply excepted the polemics of people like Richard Dawkins and have written off religions without actually investigating them that deeply (despite your claim in another post to having once been Catholic). For example, the Catholic Church does not believe that faith need stand on its own. There is certainly nothing wrong with using reason, or indeed external evidence to bolster one’s faith. With Faith though, one does have to accept that not every question is going to be answered in this life.

What most Western Religions do rest on though is revealed truth. Christianity, Judiaism and Islam all believe that their teachings were revealed to man by God. Its a basic article of their faith that the basic existence of that revelation can’t be questioned. Even then, there are many rational members of these faiths who would be willing to be proved wrong if the evidence was presented to them. But, the standard of proof is naturally set very high.
The whole reaction in this thread is typical of religious people. Wake up from your self-imposed nightmare. An intelligent person has no need of imaginary gods in order to live a respectful, moral life. Who gives us the morals? Even if there was some kind of god-being doing so, causing the “natural law”, why would he/she care one fig’s leaf about people worshiping or believing in him/her?
I agree that an intelligent person has no need of imaginary gods, but we are pretty sure that God isn’t imaginary.

If morality/natural law actually exists, and is not merely a human construct, then there has to be a source of that “natural law”. Further, who defines what are great morals? If God does not exist, then morality is based on utilitarian standards. I am good because if I am not, I will be punished. The problem with utilitarianism is that it breaks down when rises above the power of others to punish him. If Bill Gates is selfish, who are we to say he is wrong?

Further, modern science tells us that the Universe and everything in it had a distinct beginning. It seems hard for me to believe that it just emerged from nothing. Yes there is super string theory, but frankly that is no more testable than the God Hypothesis (and likely will remain untestable for the forseeable future).
But religions never are able to yield to enlightenment. Inevitably, fundamentalism brings them back to be mired in outdated thinking, and this is why all religions have a limited lifespan. At some point, they are all replaced by something new which is more suited to where human civilization has progressed to that point, because they cannot stand the test of time. It might take 2000 years or so, but it’s inevitable. Past history shows this.
Obviously enlightenment is in the eye of the beholder. Lenin would have claimed that those who did not embrace Marxist ideology were unenlightened and that the “enlightened” Marxists were perfectly justified in killing the “unenlightened”.

Regarding past history showing the limited lifespan of religion… I have to point out that some “modern” religions have origins that stretch back to the beginning of history. The Earliest forms of Judiaism are at least 3200 years old (from around the time of the Exodus) and maybe 3500 years old. Hindu beliefs can trace their origins back to the depts of pre-history. Despite your claims to the contrary, the big religions show no sign of going anywhere soon.
Morality based not on fear of a vengeful god, but one based on our shared love of humankind and the universe we live in. Now there’s a radical idea. I think I’ve heard this before. It may have been said by someone about 2000 years ago, before religious people horribly garbled it by trying to make it fit with their preconceived mystical ideas (in a time of ignorance when only spirits, gods and demons could account for things happening to people). It’s time to grow up now.
I will grant that some people have always twisted religion to meet their own preconceived notions of how things should be. Then again, there has also been people willing to the same thing with science). However, we also need to remember that there is a distinction between a God that loves us and one that is overly permissive of our actions. Alot of people who Reject the Church believe the second one should be the first one.

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