Jesus DNA?

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This claim is just about as far from scientific rigour as the claim that the Easter Bunny exists.
You haven’t even examined the evidence, so you are just blowing a lot of hot air.

I gave you a link to the Lourdes Archives. Why don’t you send an e-mail requesting the dossier on the Madam Biré case if you are so interested in scientific objectivity? Are you afraid that your cultivated doubt might be shaken when confronted with evidence for the miraculous?
The story of Adam and Eve is representative of our species coming into its full cognitive capability - eating of the Tree of Knowledge if you like. Along with knowledge, we came into a sense of right and wrong, a moral sense …

Explain to us, using scientific rigor, how a mechanistic process of evolution gave to human beings a knowledge of right and wrong!

You would do yourself a very great favor by picking up a copy of C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity to learn how flawed this way of thinking really is.
The human race does need redemption - the difference between our outlooks, is that you see the Church as the only source, whereas I see the Church as one of several ways that human beings can be positively reconciled with our complex nature that has fallen from the innocence of our ancestors.

I see Genesis as a powerful and insightful allegory for the conundrum of the human condition.
Yet you reject the source of this revelation. GOD himself. After elequently describing all the wonderful expositions and usefulness of ART, MUSIC, LITERATURE, ect, created by man…

You never answered my two questions.
Did Jesus Christ exist?
If so, Did Jesus Christ tell us the truth?

Sooner or later you will have to confront these two questions, whether as a scientist or just plain Alec.
There is nothing in Genesis that says that plants were killed in paradise before the Fall. Even in the fallen universe, a cow can eat grass leaves without killing the grass plant.
The passage doesn’t speak of the leaves of specific plants, but ALL seed-bearing plants. Many seed-bearing plants must be killed in order to provide sustenance. If these plants were given over as food, which they were according to Genesis, then God authorized their death.
I am well aware that you have repeatedly said this. And I have repeatedly shown you that when the Catechism of the Catholic Church quotes Romans 8:21 either directly, or cites this verse in a footnote, that your interpretation is not reconcilable with the Catechism.
All you’ve shown is that the Catechism uses the word decay, not what decay is meant to mean. I’ve given you the Latin Vulgate, the text from which all Church references to Scripture come from, and clearly demonstrated that the word for rot is not present in that passage. The passage in question is cited only twice in the Catechism, and in neither place does it discuss rot afflicting the world in general. In paragraph 400 it uses the passage to assert that creation has become hostile to man, and in 1046 it is cited in full to represent that creation has been damaged and awaits the Second Coming. No where does it define, or use, decay in the sense of rotting. Paragraph 400 comes closest when it refers to the returning of humans to dust, but this is after the passage is cited, and unrelated to 8:20, as it cites Romans 5 as its source alone.

You do, apparently, need to learn some Latin to know what the definition being used is. Among the English definitions for decay is: To decline from a state of normality, excellence, or prosperity; deteriorate. and To fall into ruin. Now read the actual Latin and see that nowhere is rot refered to relating to all of Creation. This isn’t personal interpretation, this is the Church’s official Latin Vulgate, which uses a very specific word that can not be used to mean rot.
On today’s Coming Home Network on EWTN, a Catholic revert was interviewed by Marcus Grodi. Her first name is Colleen. I forgot her last name. I did not get to see most of the interview because I was preparing dinner.

Something Colleen said I thought was real neat. She said that she loves to say the Rosary and that after she had become a mother (of 4), she feels she has grown closer to Mary.

She then went on to say that one day a thought struck her as a thunderbolt regarding Mary having been born without sin. She continued that when a child develops in a mother’s body, the DNA of that child circulates through the mother’s body. The child’s DNA remains with the mother, even after the child’s birth. The DNA of each child born by a woman remains with the mother after each birth.

Jesus’ DNA circulated through Mary’s body - Jesus is without sin -Mary necessarily had to be born without sin, and after His birth, Mary remained without sin.

I hope others on this board have also seen this interview, thus know what I am talking about.

Since the physical properties of the universe are the same now as it was 13.7 billion years ago, how do you actually fit Adam and Eve in there? Paradise was on Earth and it was perfect, so the Fall had to be before 13.7 billion years ago along with Adam and Eve.Can anyone explain this without proposing that paradise was somewhere else which it wasn’t.It was on Earth.Now Alec,we might not agree on things but you definitely got me thinking and I commend you on your knowledge of science.
Yet you reject the source of this revelation. GOD himself. After elequently describing all the wonderful expositions and usefulness of ART, MUSIC, LITERATURE, ect, created by man…

You never answered my two questions.
Did Jesus Christ exist?
If so, Did Jesus Christ tell us the truth?

Sooner or later you will have to confront these two questions, whether as a scientist or just plain Alec.

Hi there, I would suggest you read a book by Lee Strobel called “The Case For Christ”. This book was written by Strobel, a former atheist who was a former legal editor of the Chicago Tribune. He challenges a dozen PhDs, experts in their fields, grilling them with hard questions like:

Can the biographies of Jesus really be trusted?
Do the biographies of Jesus stand up to scrutiny?
Were Jesus’ biographies reliably preserved for us?
Is there credible evidence for Jesus outside His biographies?
Does archaeology confirm or contradict Jesus’ biographies?
Is the Jesus of history the same as the Jesus of faith?

There are more questions as well in part 2 of the book that analyzes Jesus’ claims as messiah and part 3 which examines the resurrection.

There is so much info in this book that it’s easier for you to get it in paperback for 5.99 at your local Christian bookstore. Even check your library out, they may have it as well.

God bless!

All you’ve shown is that the Catechism uses the word decay, not what decay is meant to mean. I’ve given you the Latin Vulgate, the text from which all Church references to Scripture come from, and clearly demonstrated that the word for rot is not present in that passage.

All YOU have done is look up the word “decay” in a Latin dictionary, and then told me that I have to accept your interpretation of Romans 8:21. Please cite me one document of the Catholic Church that asserts that death did NOT enter into creation because of Adam’s sin, because creation was already subject to the dominion of death before the Fall.

FYI: The New American Bible uses the words “slavery of corruption” instead of the Revised Standard Version’s use of “decay”:For creation awaits with eager expectation the revelation of the children of God; for creation was made subject to futility, not of its own accord but because of the one who subjected it, in hope that creation itself would be set free from slavery to corruption and share in the glorious freedom of the children of God. We know that all creation is groaning in labor pains even until now …
Romans 8:19-21 NAB

Footnote in the NAB: The glory that believers are destined to share with Christ far exceeds the sufferings of the present life. Paul considers the destiny of the created world to be linked with the future that belongs to the believers. As it shares in the penalty of corruption brought about by sin, so also will it share in the benefits of redemption and future glory that comprise the ultimate liberation of God’s people (Romans 8:19-22).
Since the physical properties of the universe are the same now as it was 13.7 billion years ago, how do you actually fit Adam and Eve in there? Paradise was on Earth and it was perfect, so the Fall had to be before 13.7 billion years ago along with Adam and Eve.Can anyone explain this without proposing that paradise was somewhere else which it wasn’t.It was on Earth.Now Alec,we might not agree on things but you definitely got me thinking and I commend you on your knowledge of science.
A MUST READ for all concerned who wish to revel in the truth ~

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Regular Member
Join Date: August 23, 2004
Posts: 75 Re: Jesus DNA?
Once again I’m lost.Adam and Eve lived before the Big Bang? What about in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth? When Adam and Eve messed up God decided to create the universe? So the Fall of Man was before creation? Didn’t creation come first then mankind followed? I never heard of this explanation in all the years of theology study
I think HE was trying to explain->
GOD created the universe. BigBang! God created ADAM and EVE. They were immortal. Many years past. Millions, trillions, whatever. Adam and Eve shared the apple and sin was brought into the world (by man’s free will). The penalty of sin is death. All things now die…cain, abel, and all the gang, well, you know the rest.

(Im not going to try and touch the parrallel universe thing.) I believe in a tri-une GOD, not a dual or tri-une universe. I believe Jesus is THE king of the universe, not just this planet. So how would salvation occur for life on planet MEGAZOID?

Am I understanding you hypothesis correctly?
I am still pondering, and speechless. :hmmm:
Well, I was pretty close, thanks for the link.
hecd2 said:
…Answers in Genesis is not a very good site to get your science from!…

It *was *just a goad…I needed to update my previous claim of 2% difference.
Originally Posted by Charity
Dear Alec,




Dear Charity - you never did reply to posts # 232 and 233 in this thread.

Alec October 13, 2004, 05:04 PM post-182
Charity Junior member Join Date: September 28, 2004
Posts: 29 Re: Jesus DNA?
Originally Posted by hecd2
Poor Adam. No lust. Perhaps that’s why wandered off and got into mischief!
Actually, lust is VERY different from self-giving sexual desire in marriage…


… The Theology of the Body exquisitely explains this phenomena of original man…Have you read it?

Dear Alec–You never did reply to post #182 in this thread.
Post 232… The draft genome of the chimpanzee is being steadily published chromosome by chromosome and represents a wonderful opportunity to conduct a comparative genomics study with our nearest relation. Watanabe et al, ‘DNA sequence and comparative analysis of chimpanzee chromosome 22’, Nature 429, 382 - 388 (2004).
OK, Alec, you want me to debate you in HARD science, on your turf in comparative genetics and molecular biology?

We would need to have an agreement up front…

Ground Rules:
  1. Place journal literature references in blue hyperlink for instant referencing, i.e. DNA sequence and comparative analysis of chimpanzee chromosome 22
  2. Use abundant white space, paragraph breaks, and outline format.
  3. Agree to read something on my turf:
a. The Theology of the Body: Human Love in the Divine Plan, by Pope John Paul II, 1997. ( This is sine qua non.)

b. Mother and Infant: The Moral Theology of Embodied Self-Giving in Motherhood In Light of the Exemplar Couplet Mary and Jesus Christ, by Rev.William D Virtue, PONTIFICIA STUDIORUM UNIVERSITAS A S. THOMA AQUINO IN URBE, 1995. (This may be hard to find.)
  1. Accept my limitations: not a geneticist, not a physicist, not a heretic, not facile with numbers, not a man, IQ under 150, etc.
  2. Be respectful of new ideas and Catholic doctrine.
  3. Be patient. I live a Catholic incarnational spirituality, and have a busy life, especially with elections coming up on Nov. 2, (Just tonight attended a private reception with our United States Congressman to pray, discuss life issues, and strategy for protecting the basic moral principles of our society.)

I can’t answer every post or match your tenacity here, as I have many obligations; if you wish any more claim on my time and attention, you‘ll have to send chocolates and propose first.

Oh, and please come back to the Church. Being content is not as sweet as being saved.


Please cite me one document of the Catholic Church that asserts that death did NOT enter into creation because of Adam’s sin, because creation was already subject to the dominion of death before the Fall
No such document exists because such a view has never been considered heresy, nor has it been challenged in a heretical way. For such a document to be made, it would have to be heretical to believe that general death (as opposed to human death) entered the world only after the Fall, and it’s not heretical to believe that. My point is that believing the opposite is also not heretical, and therefore has never been formally challenged by the Church. The Church allows people to make their own discernment through reason and faith on this matter, as it does in all things that it does not declare Doctrine and Dogma, or a matter of current discipline. Your accusation that I hold to heresy is absolutely unfounded and insulting. The Church has never stated whether the “death” described by Paul is the death of humans, or death in general, but the Church has put its stamp of approval, without any reservations of the nature you present, on scientific explorations that take their foundations in the existance of death before the existance of humanity.

As for the rest of your post, I don’t disagree that the world fell to corruption by the sin of humanity, I just disagree as to what that corruption was. The Latin indicates that the corruption in question is the corruption of purpose. Creation suffers under a degraded value, no longer glorifying God and Man in the way that it was intended, instead becoming hostile to humanity. The Earth was created to serve humanity, who were themselves to serve God. Genesis describes that the Earth will no longer serve humanity, and that we must struggle to bring forth food and comfort. This is an absolute corruption of the original design, and falls well within both the writings of Genesis and the description by Paul. Nothing about general death and physical decay is necessary to read these passages in an orthodox manner.
Dear Alec–You never did reply to post #182 in this thread.
Errata. Make that unresponded to question found in post #196…I told you I was not facile with numbers.

Frequency of listings in the CCC for:

Adam 44
Eve 26
Adam & Eve 5
Paradise 14
Garden (of Eden) 2
Evolution 1
I do have to point out that single use of the term evolution as used in CCC is this:

**1512 **From ancient times in the liturgical traditions of both East and West, we have testimonies to the practice of anointings of the sick with blessed oil. Over the centuries the Anointing of the Sick was conferred more and more exclusively on those at the point of death. Because of this it received the name “Extreme Unction.” Notwithstanding this evolution the liturgy has never failed to beg the Lord that the sick person may recover his health if it would be conducive to his salvation.

So in terms of the discussions on this topic, the word evolution as in change of living creatures is not ever mentioned in the Catechism. Where creation, Adam, Eve, paradise, Garden of Eden and other related themes are central to Christian belief.

I think that was your point in listing the occurances, that creation is what we are to believe, even if we are free to believe in evolution as a tool used in the creation process.

Since the physical properties of the universe are the same now as it was 13.7 billion years ago, how do you actually fit Adam and Eve in there? Paradise was on Earth and it was perfect, so the Fall had to be before 13.7 billion years ago along with Adam and Eve.Can anyone explain this without proposing that paradise was somewhere else which it wasn’t.It was on Earth.Now Alec,we might not agree on things but you definitely got me thinking and I commend you on your knowledge of science.
I am not exactly sure of Matt16_18’s ideas which have prompted some of the discussion, but it sounds similiar to things my husband has related about quantum physics. Much of that being speculative I’m sure, and in some cases sci-fi ideas being extrapolated, but based somewhat on science for what I understand. One book he wanted me to read is Schroedinger’s Cat - probably spelling that name wrong.

Dale has mentioned experiments where scientist isolate and send one photon of light thru one of several slots at a time, so that each photon of light cannot interfere with the other, but even then they react in a pattern as if the other photons had all been sent thru together… and a theory there being the “alternate” universe of photons is there interfering causing that. Ideas about reality splitting off into all possible outcomes in an infinate number of realities. There is a reality where I was never born, where I died years ago, where I married someone else, and on and on and on for every person in every situation thru all of time.

That is what Matt’s ideas sound like to me. That there was a point where the realities split off after the Fall and that we’re living in a reality alternate to what we were meant to live in. So that the Garden does exist, and it would have been physically in the same location, but after that split of reality we have a desert or something in its place.

I’m sure that falls outside of mainstream science (not sure how controversial those ideas are, or just that we simply don’t know enough to do any decent speculation) and probably outside of mainstream religious thought both.

I too noticed Marcia that the ‘evolution’ link Charity provided me in her thread #200 was a nudge in the wrong direction. Apparently, it lacked the evidence to support her ‘mountaintop experience of God’s truth’ as being a ‘tool’ in her apologetic efforts. Noting, her apology to me was suggestive of an evolution of contradictions (reference #207) as was her request that WE ‘open OUR collective minds in this forum’ wherein the ‘overly sensitive’ participants must retreat to safer ground.

This brings to mind a quaint childhood tale where a ‘coy’ princess enjoyed ‘sparring’ with her playmates. Before long, she began to see herself sitting on a throne reigning as a ‘motherly’ Queen ‘admonishing’ her subjects while declaring she was all that the heavenly Mother of God should be. I shalt spoil the ending of this fairy tale. Anyone with an imagination or a lick of plain, old common sense surely knows how such fables go…THE END.
  1. Agree to read something on my turf:
a. The Theology of the Body: Human Love in the Divine Plan, by Pope John Paul II, 1997. ( This is sine qua non.)

b. Mother and Infant: The Moral Theology of Embodied Self-Giving in Motherhood In Light of the Exemplar Couplet Mary and Jesus Christ, by Rev.William D Virtue, PONTIFICIA STUDIORUM UNIVERSITAS A S. THOMA AQUINO IN URBE, 1995. (This may be hard to find.)
  1. Accept my limitations: not a geneticist, not a physicist, not a heretic, not facile with numbers, not a man, IQ under 150, etc.
  2. Be respectful of new ideas and Catholic doctrine.
  3. Be patient. I live a Catholic incarnational spirituality, and have a busy life, especially with elections coming up on Nov. 2, (Just tonight attended a private reception with our United States Congressman to pray, discuss life issues, and strategy for protecting the basic moral principles of our society.)

I can’t answer every post or match your tenacity here, as I have many obligations; if you wish any more claim on my time and attention, you‘ll have to send chocolates and propose first.

Oh, and please come back to the Church. Being content is not as sweet as being saved.


Charity, you took it upon yourself to reply for Matt when I had asked him a question (reference threads No. 197 and 200 ), please indulge me the same privilege by making a few comments you directed to Alec in your recent thread #291.

Responding to your remarks in the sequence you have posted above.
  1. What is your turf? Would you please define what you mean by “YOUR” turf? I thought Alec made it clear that he isn’t a Catholic. Why would he want to read the books you have recommended? Why does does a scientist need to read the books you have listed? Those books don’t deal with SCIENCE. However, the topic you and Alec are having deals with Science. I don’t understand your logic.
  2. You have stated your limitations. Why then are you confronting a scientist whose crediatials are impecable? Shouldn’t you be learning from him? And why do you feel it necessary to mention you are not a man? What does your IQ or being a man have to do with anything in this discussion?
  3. The topic you and Alec are discussing is about SCIENCE not about Catholic dogma. If expressing what a person believes in goes against your belief do you think of the person as being disrespectful to you?
  4. Please tell me the name of United States Congressman. My phone has been ringing off the hook this morning with Catholic friends, especially women, who view this website that wish to send “your” congressman a letter filled with revelation! There are over 100,000 Catholics within a ten mile radius of my home. I know many of them. Honesty, not one man nor women I’ve spoken to think you represent “US” Catholics!
Charity this is your comment to Alec:
“I can’t answer every post or match your tenacity here, as I have many obligations; if you wish any more claim on my time and attention, you‘ll have to send chocolates and propose first.”

This sounds like the old back door alley excuse if I have ever heard one. Furthermore, it is unbecoming of any lady to make a statement as such to a gentleman in a public forum. It’s grass rooted and does not reflect a “Christian” woman in any way, shape, or form. Nor does telling a man he needs to be saved! And where is your love and consideration for a wife or children who may be reading this?

Catholics with an attitude of RIGHTOUS INDIGNATION kill all hope of PRO-LIFE.
No such document exists because such a view has never been considered heresy, nor has it been challenged in a heretical way. For such a document to be made, it would have to be heretical to believe that general death (as opposed to human death) entered the world only after the Fall, and it’s not heretical to believe that.
Such a view is heresy, because it makes God the author of death, instead of death being a consequence of sin.
Such a view is heresy, because it makes God the author of death, instead of death being a consequence of sin.
Such a view is not heresy until it is fully defined what death is being spoken of. In 2000 years of Church history, the death being refered to has consistantly been the death of humanity in all official Church documents challenging heresies. The language used by Paul in the Greek and Latin specifically refers to the death of humans, and Genesis gives evidence of the deaths of non-humans prior to the Fall (I don’t believe you ever answered the point about Adam naming the animals in a manner that indicated their predatory nature either, as the Hebrew names do).

If and when the Church declares the position I’ve presented as heresy, I will accept such a judgement, but until then I see no reason to abandon its defense, espescially in light of the Church’s explicit support of scientific explorations that fundamentally propose death before the Fall (in absense of your “alternate universe” theory, which is at least equally implausible as formulated, since it supposes that a part of Creation exists that is untouched by corruption, which directly contridicts Paul’s writing in Romans 8).

There is quite simply no way for us to resolve this debate, as you refuse to accept the actual Latin definitions of words as used to define Church Doctrine and Dogma, and I refuse to submit to what amounts to your purely personal judgement of heresy. Until the views I’ve presented are challenged by the Church definatively, and expressly forbidden, I see no reason to twist the declarations against such heresies as Pelegianism to fit the arguments you have presented. I suggest the matter be dropped until you can provide Church teaching that is explicit in its forbidding of the view that non-human death existed before the Fall.

Now, with all due charity, I do highly recommend you become at least somewhat versed in Latin and Church declarations against heresies before citing such documents in your stances, as you will find yourself more often than not condemning that which the Church has not condemnded due to your lack of understanding. Knowing the Catechism is good, but it’s only a start. To really solidify such arguments you need to have a firm foundation in the tools as well as the teachings of the Church. Until then your personal declarations are suspect, and often all too easily dismantled by a simple reading of the texts in their proper tongues.
That is what Matt’s ideas sound like to me. That there was a point where the realities split off after the Fall and that we’re living in a reality alternate to what we were meant to live in. So that the Garden does exist, and it would have been physically in the same location, but after that split of reality we have a desert or something in its place.

I’m sure that falls outside of mainstream science (not sure how controversial those ideas are, or just that we simply don’t know enough to do any decent speculation) and probably outside of mainstream religious thought both.

Parallel 3-D universes are all the rage among cosmologists today:
In the Witten-Horava picture, our universe could be viewed as one of the branes on the boundary of that slightly bigger 11th dimension. But if our three-brane universe is thin enough to fit into a millimeter-wide dimension, so could another one. In fact, countless other ultrathin three-brane universes could be tucked into an extra dimension like like pages of paper stacked in a file folder. In the hidden dimensions, the visible universe’s thickness would measure on the order of a 10-millionth of a billionth of a millimeter. So countless such universes could fit in the extra dimensions.

Such parallel 3-D universes, or brane worlds, might contain unusual forms of matter, possibly forming stars, planets, and people. “The specific laws of physics would be different in each of these branes,” Joe Lykken explained. “Their law of gravity would be the same as ours, but everything else would be different. . . . But maybe they could form galaxies and stars and planets.” And all would be less than a millimeter away from our “home” brane.

Tom Siegfried, Strange Matters: Undiscovered Ideas at the Frontiers of Space and Time, p. 236, © 2002, Berkley Books, New YorkWhat I am saying is somewhat different than the above, for the parallel universes being described by the Witten-Horava model would still be ruled by a common set of fundamental laws of physics, and they would still be part of the fallen universe.

more …
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