Anything material is necessarily suffering, “changing in time”, which is “suffering”.
If a body grows from a child’s to a man’s body, it is suffering change, growth, to its perfection of adult form, in time.
Suffering is the fact of material being. If you are saying Jesus did not suffer, then he would have had no material being, but would have been only an apparition, appearing in a single state at a single appearing age, not eating, not needing sleep, etc.
But we have historical accounts of his conception, being in his mother’s womb, birth, circumcision, growth, baptism, - all material changes to him, all material actions done to him, all change in his material being, and changes within his soul through this material apprehension called “learning”. That is “suffering”. He suffered material being and suffered in his material being as “human”.
This is the common understanding of “to suffer”: to undergo change.