Jesus subverted traditional hierarchies: the greater in power must be the servant of the lesser, while the hierarchical superior (according to societal convention) must serve the hierarchical inferior. To this day, a vestige of this doctrine is reflected in the fact that the Pope, the supreme pontiff of the Roman Church, has as his preeminent title: "
Servant of the servants of God ".
According to the New Testament:
Clearly, Jesus didn’t “subvert” hierarchies and reduce them to an “egalitarian” model, as is clear from your own quotations. You need to read what you write more carefully.
He said and you quote, “…whoever wishes to be
first among you must be your slave…” And, “…whoever wishes to be
great among you must be your servant.” Both the words “first” and “great” connote hierarchy, with someone at the apex.
Jesus merely dethroned the powerful, the “great ones” who “lord it over” others and placed the “servant of the servant” at the top. That is still a hierarchy. Someone is still
first and
great in the hierarchy, it is just not the ones who “lord it over others.”
Let’s call that competency (based upon capable, caring and efficient service or ministry) over raw power or dominance.
Ergo, Peterson is correct.