Joe Biden’s Campaign Calls a Lid on In-Person Campaigning

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Nope M voting for Trump again because he has been a great and effective POTUS.2016 my support for him was n fact a vote against HC.not the case this time around.MAGA🇺🇸
Paulin VA on Joe Biden . . . .
He bikes and jogs.
It is not Biden’s jogging in the park that concerns me.

It is the need to keep jogging Biden’s memory
that is a big part of it
(coupled with Biden’s nasty thirst for supporting the taking of blood
and murder of innocent pre-born American people

(as well as the murder of foreigners too! See the Mexico City policy issues.

That always gives it away for me at least.

The media - who gave Joe Biden a complete pass on Biden’s support to murder innocent people at the debate the other night via their silence - is in on the spoof to fool Americans into ignoring this issue. Many Americans just happily want to eat up such disinformation).
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There are always exceptions. But I think many voters are voting against one candidate or the other rather than for the candidate. In my view, we just don’t have presidential candidates anymore who are worth voting for. Compare to Eisenhower vs. Stevenson, for example, or even JFK vs. Nixon.
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To the readers here.

We were told earlier Joe Biden was hiding in his basement (they wouldn’t put it that way though) to protect (presumably himself and others) from Corona virus.

I pointed out that at that same time, Jill Biden was out campaigning. You know. The same Jill Biden that presumably goes home with Joe every night.

I don’t believe Joe’s hiding out is for microbiological protection. His actions speak otherwise.

I think Joe Biden and his people unequivocally do NOT want Joe in a position of having to think on his feet (keep him in front of a teleprompter).

They also really want to postpone the avalanche of very difficult questions that await Joe regarding the apparent Biden Crime Family scandals.

The other thing with the tough questions about Hunter and his apparent kick-backs to “the big guy” is Joe Biden, when given confrontational questions, flies off the handle and begins to swear at people.

Here is another of many examples of Joe Biden swearing at reasonable common people with reasonable common questions . . . .​

This lack of self-control in such settings is not uncommon for those with dementia. Joe Biden is truculent anyway. Even before he had dementia.

(Notice Biden almost certainly trying to refer to AR-15’s calls them “AR-14’s” too. Biden doesn’t know what he is talking about.)

The Democrats are attempting to cover that side of Joe Biden up as the campaign would get very confrontational and contentious with the International corruption of the Biden Family slowly being exposed despite the media attempting to silence discussion on the subject.
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Agree.Their goal is to have him slide into position as POTUS.Then the real powers that be will get to work on their agenda.
Jeanne_S . . .
Agree.Their goal is to have him slide into position as POTUS.Then the real powers that be will get to work on their agenda.
I think you are probably right here. They are trying to slide Joe into power.

But someone else had a very different view from you and I.

I recall very early in this campaign Rush Limbaugh suggesting that they WANT Biden to be OUT of the Democrat power structure.

This would also be a way to sully Kamala Harris too. Keep her from being a power player in the Democrat Party (because if she REALLY had to perform, proverbial Tulsi Gabbard’s would come out of the woodwork and dismantle her politically even harder than Tulsi did. And an unscripted Kamala, is not sharp enough to come close to dealing with this).

Look to 2024.

That being said, I think Rush was wrong. I think you are right. They ARE trying to place Biden (as a surrogate).

I think the “Democrat bullpen” is just that empty from people like Obama and Hillary having to dismantle all Democrat challengers over the years. It was a brutal internecine fight among the Democrats when Obama was elected and I don’t think they have recovered. They have no real appealing promising young leadership prospects among the Democrats.

But it was an interesting speculation from Rush non the less.
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But I think many voters are voting against one candidate or the other rather than for the candidate.
I’d say that the enthusiasm shown at Trump rallies vs. the lack of enthusiasm for Biden indicates that there is actual support for Trump, whereas Biden, not so much.
I think you are probably right here. They are trying to slide Joe into power.
I think they’re only focused on getting Trump out, and since it is essentially a negative campaign (only looking for people interested in voting against Trump), they’re using the least visible candidate possible.
Not every one has this, but, Do not underestimate the Trump derangement syndrome of the Media. Many people do not like Trump. That is true. Trump got many votes for simply not being Hillary. It can happen to Trump as well.

What I think is happening, is that Democrats want to make such a huge statement to Trump, if they win, that they can say. Look I beat you and I even had my hands tied.

How effective? No one knows.
Not much of a “lid” when Joe was out in Delco today chatting with people and making a big speech about how he was going to end fracking. Trump said Joe came out because Joe saw that Trump was getting big crowds at his three rallies in PA today. I wouldn’t be surprised.

(For those who don’t know, the part of Delco he went to is like a 25 minute drive from his house, so it’s not like he knocked himself out.)
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Enthusiasm counts only when you’re voting or standing in line to vote. Otherwise you’re just taking up space.
So what is so appealing about Biden? I really can’t see anything that he offers that interests me.
It’s more so that Trump is seriously unappealing to many people that, if Biden wins, it will be on an anti-Trump surge (which wouldn’t happen nearly on this scale with a conventional republican) rather than a pro-Biden surge. And I don’t think for most it’s “hate” so much as thinking he’s totally unfit for office, which can be a legitimate complaint.
So, you’re saying that Biden, who has called Chris Wallace “Chuck,” and confused Chris Wallace with Biden’s own father . . . IS fit for any office? And you think super-Socialist Harris will take this country where we want it to go?
I don’t like Trump as a person. I don’t like what he’s doing to the country and it’s institutions
I’m not a fan of his demeanor either but I think he is preserving our institutions that are important.

As McConnell said in his closing statement before the vote last night. We don’t need activist judges. This special interests/sjw kick the left is on has gotten out of hand.
I don’t like what he’s doing to the country and it’s institutions.
He’s doing good things for the Supreme Court. All three of the nominees he put on the bench had excellent credentials, skills, and resumes for the job. There have been presidents, not recently (thank heaven) but within my lifetime, who nominated or tried to nominate people who were the legal equivalent of graduates of Joe’s Bar and Grill School of Law and Auto Repair, just because they were cronies with them.

I also don’t think Trump is doing any more harm to the Presidency than Nixon with his lying and coverupping or Clinton with his lying over tawdry affairs or any of several other Presidents from both parties who didn’t exactly behave like total gentlemen in office. Our institutions are pretty bulletproof. They survive the peccadilloes of the President.

If you’re going to oppose Trump based on his policies or just because you don’t like the guy or think he is a poor leader, that’s fine with me, but this “look what he’s doing to our institutions” argument does not hold water. He’s not doing doodly to them. He largely can’t.
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It says something that the Trump campaign actually wants Biden to appear in person, so that everyone remembers how useless he is.
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If you’re going to oppose Trump based on his policies or just because you don’t like the guy or think he is a poor leader, that’s fine with me, but this “look what he’s doing to our institutions” argument does not hold water. He’s not doing doodly to them. He largely can’t.
He has aggressively advanced the idea that the news media is the “enemy of the people” and only print “fake news”, when, in fact, they mostly print the truth and correct themselves when they are wrong. He’s said that he does that so his followers don’t believe bad stories about him.

The Executive departments have become the playground for his cronies. His administration has so many ethics investigations that Trump’s response is to fire the IGs.

He illegally appoints people to Senate-confirmed positions because there literally is no one that will swear loyalty to him who can get confirmed by a Senate of his own party.

I could go on, but you get the point. The institutions are weaker now than when he started. And that is on purpose.
The news media is not a national institution. It’s usually not even some big beacon of truth and light - it has its moments like Watergate, but those are moments. Generally it is a moneymaking industry. It’s out to make a buck, not tell us the truth, and even publicly funded media is out to keep its funding and please its donor audience.

I’ve thought for the last several decades the media was going steadily downhill and as far as I’m concerned theyve broadcast mostly garbage since before President Obama. Trump’s not responsible for how bad “journalism” has gotten in the USA: a lot of it is a result of cost-cutting and the inability of many existing outlets to adapt well to technological change. This is not a new thing since we’ve seen forms of past news such as newsreels and weekly “picture magazines” go to pot in the past when the world and the buying public changed.

Again, don’t blame Trump for something an industry did to itself. When I was young I wanted to be a journalist but ended up going into other lines of work. When I see what has happened to my friends who did pursue journalism careers I’m very glad I skipped the whole thing.

Like I said, I couldn’t care less if you don’t like Trump, I’m not here to defend Trump. But it’s completely silly what people blame on him. You give him an importance and power that he simply doesn’t have, and blame him for things that either aren’t happening at all or that were fully in motion regardless of whether Trump or Clinton or Ted Cruz won the White House.
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in fact, they mostly print the truth and correct themselves when they are wrong.
If that were only the case. They spin the truth so hard that it is barely recognizable.
The Executive departments have become the playground for his cronies.
That’s how it always is. To say that political appointments are unique to Trump is incorrect.
He illegally appoints people
Sorry, we live in a world where congress would impeach him for jaywalking, I don’t think he could do something illegal if he wanted to. There is a difference between illegal and unorthodox.
The institutions are weaker now than when he started.
Which ones, how?

You’re pretty adept at listing Trump’s shortcomings, but I’m still waiting for you to explain why Biden is better. All I’ve heard so far is that he isn’t Trump.
If that were only the case. They spin the truth so hard that it is barely recognizable.
I disagree. Reporting what people say is just reporting what people say. I do agree that the opinion hosts seem to overshadow the news division at several outlets.
That’s how it always is. To say that political appointments are unique to Trump is incorrect.
No, but the plethora of unqualified or downright shady people is unique.

Sorry, we live in a world where congress would impeach him for jaywalking, I don’t think he could do something illegal if he wanted to. There is a difference between illegal and unorthodox.

You’re pretty adept at listing Trump’s shortcomings, but I’m still waiting for you to explain why Biden is better. All I’ve heard so far is that he isn’t Trump.
Biden is better because he does not govern by chaos.
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