Joe Biden becomes first Democrat in 28 years to win Georgia

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In 2010 If there were 400,00 illegal aliens what is that number today closer to 1 plus million.
According to the Georgia DDS
Further, undocumented aliens are not eligible for any type of driver’s license or identification card under Georgia law.
That should address some of your concerns. They are not able to meet ID requirements for an ID. Text you quoted earlier about immigrants and licenses are for documented immigrants and aliens, such as green card holders.

Yes they do have to go in person if they get a Real ID or Secure ID but you are not required to get them, it is not mandatory.
There’s a few things that I think were missed. To access some of the services without going in person, a Real ID is required (ex: renewing a license online requires someone already have Real ID status). Not everyone is elegible for the mail-in application that you have referenced earlier. People in active-duty military stationed elsewhere or people unable to visit DDS in person (ex: student away at college) can use the form provided they satisfy the documentation requirements and be issued a temporary license (120 days). They will still need to visit a DDS office in person with the necessary documentation to get a Real ID.

From the GA Department of Driver Services
Georgia DDS:
All permanent licenses issued in Georgia after 2012 are REAL ID Compliant.
According to the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Automatic Voter Registration didn’t start until 2016. People that still have an ID from before Real ID will had to have signed up for voting without an automatic option. Since the maximum expiration time for a license in GA is 8 years, only people that got a license in November or December of 2012 could still have a license from that era. Licenses from before then have expired, Licenses after then would be Real ID compliant.

Additionally, the voter registrations are cross-checked against the records of the Social Security Administration and the citizenship status in the DDS records. Note: someone that attained citizenship and registered could have found themselves automatically unregistered to vote because GA previously did not regularly update its citizenship records. Thus, a citizen could be marked as a non-citizen and purged. Also if there were some differences in a name in any of these records, such as from extra space, a hyphen, or apostrophe, GA would purge their voter registration. GA corrected that after a 2018 lawsuit.

Otherwise, get the DMV out of the system of voter registration.
It is required by law.

Seethe National Voter Registration act of 1993 Section 5.
Overall, more than 1.7 million mail-in ballots have been requested by voters … came from people who didn’t vote in the 2016 General Election.
Are you seriously arguing that there are too many voters?

Do you think fewer people should be allowed to vote?

If so, I’ve got a better idea! All elections should have only one voter! Donald Trump should be the only American allowed to cast a vote in any election!
No, I refer to the new lawsuit by Lin Wood within the last few days
BTW: I looked at this law suit. For those that are curious the legal complaint can be found here:

This is not about the citizenship status of the voters. He is arguing that when a signature mis-match is found, that having a total of three people look at it and vote on whether or not it is a match to not be consistent with Georgia Code Title 21. Elections § 21-2-386(a)(1)(B).
Georgia Code Title 21. Elections § 21-2-386(a)(1)(B):
Upon receipt of each ballot, a registrar or clerk shall write the day and hour of the receipt of the ballot on its envelope. The registrar or clerk shall then compare the identifying information on the oath with the information on file in his or her office, shall compare the signature or mark on the oath with the signature or mark on the absentee elector’s voter registration card or the most recent update to such absentee elector’s voter registration card and application for absentee ballot or a facsimile of said signature or mark taken from said card or application, and shall, if the information and signature appear to be valid and other identifying information appears to be correct, so certify by signing or initialing his or her name below the voter’s oath. Each elector’s name so certified shall be listed by the registrar or clerk on the numbered list of absentee voters prepared for his or her precinct.
Under a settlement, from March, the Georgia SoS agreed that there would be three people that would check a signature that was thought to be a mismatch and vote among themselves. Wood believes that such a change requires legislative approval, and thinks that 3 people might just decide they don’t want to compare a mismatched signature as the process of creating a “committee of three” to be too burdensome.

This doesn’t appear to be related to the earlier expressed concern.
We want to confirm that the new millions of voter registrations given mail-in ballots were legal residents of Georgia. A lawsuit is pending.
The issues of this case do not bring anyone’s registration into question.
Overall, more than 1.7 million mail-in ballots have been requested by voters … came from people who didn’t vote in the 2016 General Election.
Are you seriously arguing that there are too many voters?

Do you think fewer people should be allowed to vote?

If so, I’ve got a better idea! All elections should have only one voter! Donald Trump should be the only American allowed to cast a vote in any election!
I am arguing that there are 2.2 new voters in the state of Georgia. Over 7.6 million ballots went out in the state. The population of the state is 10.6 million. and that figure includes children under 18. Those are facts and cannot be disputed because they are all on the Secretary of state website and in article put out by the secretary of state in Georgia.

There were 450,000 illegal aliens in 2010 so we know that figure is probably much greater.probably closer to 1 million. Georgia has one of the highest undocumented numbers. It is higher than Arizona. That is also a fact put out b DHS,

The legal citizens of Georgia are entitled to a fair and honest election not just for president but for every other office in the state.

Georgia used the DMV to gather voter registrations. That is a fact. The form that is used for this registration requires that voter opt-out in order not to be registered and get a mail-in ballot. That is a fact. according to the license renewal form.

Foreign nations or green card holders who are here legally but nor citizens are entitled to get a license and ID’s t. It is on the form. That is a fact… That is on the form.(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

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What is an ID and who qualifies for that?

You need to opt out of this not be registered . Please look at form. There are thirteen states which currently allow illegal aliens or undocumented to get licenses. That is a Fact.
Fifteen states and the District of Columbia have enacted laws to allow unauthorized immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses. These states—California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Utah, Vermont and Washington—issue a license if an applicant provides certain documentation, such as a foreign birth certificate, foreign passport, or consular card and evidence of current residency in the state.
And why no social security number is required - because they do not require them.
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The legal citizens of Georgia are entitled to a fair and honest election not just for president but for every other office in the state.
That’s the thing, you don’t have to be a citizen for some elections or referendums.
Note: Voter registration is a county function. Georgia counties issue precinct cards after reviewing and processing applications. Please allow the county at least 3 to 4 weeks before contacting your county.
That is from the Georgia Secretary of State’s Register to Vote page. The form you posted refers to “registration application” under Section D Voter Registration, though I do not understand what the sentence there means.

Citizenship is clearly established in the licensing process. The voter registration info is sent then to county registrars who assign the person a place to vote, add their name to their rolls, mail registration cards, etc. It is automated as much as it can be, so I would be surprised if checking citizenship is not part of the process.
That is from the Georgia Secretary of State’s Register to Vote page. The form you posted refers to “registration application” under Section D Voter Registration , though I do not understand what the sentence there means.

Citizenship is clearly established in the licensing process. The voter registration info is sent then to county registrars who assign the person a place to vote, add their name to their rolls, mail registration cards, etc. It is automated as much as it can be, so I would be surprised if checking citizenship is not part of the process.
This is the legal 12 page form sent out for license renewals.
That is from the Georgia Secretary of State’s Register to Vote page. The form you posted refers to “registration application” under Section D Voter Registration , though I do not understand what the sentence there means.
This is the legal 12 page form from Department of /Motor Vehicles( DMV)Page 1

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Citizenship is clearly established in the licensing process. The voter registration info is sent then to county registrars who assign the person a place to vote, add their name to their rolls, mail registration cards, etc. It is automated as much as it can be, so I would be surprised if checking citizenship is not part of the process.
Voter registration information is cross-checked with data from the Social Security Administration. Only citizens have social security cards. Establishment of citizenship is part of the process. This is handled through Georgia’s eNet system.
Why is this on the DMV registration form and why do you declare you are a democrat of republican?(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

To clarify this is not on the Georgia form but on the Colorado DMV license ID renewal form. These forms need to be cleared up and George needs to be audited.

Biden won by 14,000.votes in Georgia.
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Why is this on the DMV registration form and why do you declare you are a democrat of republican?
Because there are different ballots for republicans, democrats, and independents in the primaries. Ex: Someone registered as a Republican cannot vote for who the democratic candidate will be.
Biden won
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Why is this on the DMV registration form and why do you declare you are a democrat of republican?
Because there are different ballots for republicans, democrats, and independents in the primaries. Ex: Someone registered as a Republican cannot vote for who the democratic candidate will be.
Biden won
Is an honest conversation please don’t post part of my post? Biden did not win.

Whether you are a Republican or Democrat - why is the Department of Motor Vehicle getting involved in all of this and making people declare their party affiliation.
Whether you are a Republican or Democrat - why is the Department of Motor Vehicle getting involved in all of this
Because, as I previously told you, Departments of Motor Vehicles are required to provided voter registration by federal law.
Is an honest conversation please don’t post part of my post?
Is that a question?

The part that I quoted (Biden won) is not misrepresented by looking at the magnitude of the win(by 14,000 votes). A win is a win.
Biden won by 14,000 .votes in Georgia.
Yes, Biden won by 14,000 votes in GA. What on earth does that have to do with a Colorado voter registration application?
Again don’t take word out of full context of my post. .Biden did not win.
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Biden did not win.
To quote you:
Biden won by 14,000 .votes in Georgia.
Why are you insisting to bother me by taken words out of context of the whole post and repeatedly posting them .I was talking about the vote tally . Please stick to the discussion.

I am not going to research all my posts. Posters on these forums can testify I don’t post in two(2) to 7 words.
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Again don’t take word out of full context of my post. .Biden did not win.
You said he did. It’s right there in your post
I notice you didn’t answer my question - what do Colorado voter registration forms have to do with the Georgia votes?
I am arguing that there are 2.2 new voters in the state of Georgia. Over 7.6 million ballots went out in the state. The population of the state is 10.6 million. and that figure includes children under 18. Those are facts and cannot be disputed because they are all on the Secretary of state website and in article put out by the secretary of state in Georgia.
So . . . you’re upset that more people registered to vote between 2016 and 2020.

Unless you have evidence that ANY of these registrations were fraudulent (and, no, conjecture is not evidence), there really is no point in beating this dead horse.

It looks like Georgians registered to vote in historically large numbers. That isn’t fraud. It may be inconvenient for your partisan proclivities, but that doesn’t make it fraud.
Why are you insisting to bother me by taken words out of context
I didn’t. I don’t see that this is out of context. Is there something in your previous post that changes the interpretation of your statement that “Biden won by 14,000.votes in Georgia”? If so, what is the intended interpretation and how does it differ from the literal interpretation?
of context of the whole post
Why would I repost an entire post? If someone wants to see it, they can click on the quoted part to see the previous post in its entirety.
Please stick to the discussion.
I am. You said that Biden won, and I agreed.
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