Joe Biden Off the Campaign Trail More than a Third of September

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I know you’re being sarcastic here, and I understand perfectly well what you’re saying. But did you happen to watch Biden’s town hall meeting yesterday? He is really not there, and looking into his eyes, I can tell his mind is empty. He also looks physically frail. Why in the world is he even running for any office, the POTUS no less. What kind of President could he possibly be, especially in a triple emergency situation such as the present? OTOH, I just cannot stomach Trump for four more years, his reckless attitude toward the virus, his catering to the right-wing, and so on. So yes, it is a difficult decision for me.
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You know the saying, “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know.” It may not be logical thinking, but who says humans think logically? Certainly psychologists don’t make that claim, and I am one of those. Or, if you prefer, as Mr. Spock said, “It is not logical, but you will find it is often true.”
Why in the world is he even running for any office, the POTUS no less.
Probably because he disagrees with Trump. I haven’t seen that people are especially enthusiastic about Biden beyond him not being Trump.
Do we know where Amanda (Spock’s human mother) is from?
I’ll have to check out that town hall with Lester Holt. I too have been concerned about Joe’s acuity. But then he did seem to rally near the end of that debate debacle and respond quite coherently for a while.
I think questioning Joe’s mental abilities are just an attack from the right. He stutters, and I think what some perceive as cluelessness is just a stutterer coping.

Trump was cruel playing the game of constantly interrupting him to frustrate the coping mechanisms.
I think questioning Joe’s mental abilities are just an attack from the right.
Not really. There’s been jokes and scuttlebutt going around about Joe’s mental acuity since Obama’s second term. For a while, they were a popular meme circulated among Obama supporters.

Also, if you’ve been watching Joe Biden since the 1970s, like I have because my dad was a fan of his before most of the country knew who he was, there’s definitely been a change.
toabb . . .
that’s the best breaitbart can come up with to slander Biden? Sad, really sad.
So this was “slander”?

“Slander” from Google . . . .
the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person’s reputation.
So you think Biden WAS on the campain trail those days??!!

Can you back that up?

I think there may be slander alright.
But it was not from Breitbart.
How and why did this discussion become about me? No need to answer. Let’s just stop.
I’ll have to check out that [Biden] town hall with Lester Holt.
I just turned on the Youtube of this and the whole first ten minutes (okay, maybe more like 3 but it seemed like 10) is footage of Trump.


And in the first 10 minutes, Joe said 210 million people had died of COVID before correcting himself.
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