Nonsense. Nothing can be more obvious than this:!Nothing could be more obvious
John 6:51 the bread
Luke 22:19 he took the bread
John 6:51 **that I will give **
Luke 22:19 gave it to them
John 6:51 **is my flesh **
Luke 22:19 is my body
John 6:51 for the life of the world
Luke 22:19 for you
Yet, you insist on an implausible explanation of John 6 that is nothing more than a tradition of Protestant men.
Wrong. She started this topic because she wanted to answer the darkness of Protestant reasoning and she came home before the devil could mislead her. She turned to Jesus and His Church because she trusts Jesus and His Church, the rock, not the sand that is sliding away. You also may know that she will lead whoever she is talking with to the truth and you are probably concerned about this.you caught some glimpse of that light—which is why you started this topic.
You have been shown the light here, yet your prefer the darkness of your errant "tradition". You did not come to your misunderstanding of John 6 from the ***Bible alone, ***you came to this misunderstanding because you were first taught from a tradition of error.I hope that God will help you to press on to further light, and not become ensnared in the specious reasonings which try to overcome the light with darkness and deceit.
Pride is the enemy of truth.
Convert to Catholicism. Come home. Continue talking with us. We will help you overcome years of training in error. Join us and defend the truth. Jesus urges you to join Him in the Church He founded. Will you walk away or stay as Peter did? If you walk away, aren’t you like the group who walked away from Jesus and Peter? Stay with Jesus and Peter. Stay with the truth.
May God bless you and lead to the way of the light, the way of truth. Stay in God’s warmth and love - don’t return to the darkness of prejudice against God and His Church. You would never think the way you do if you were not trained to prejudge the truth according to error.