John 6

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To Heber;

Can you answer the following question;

In John 6:52 we read "The Jews then disputed among themselves, saying, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?”

They obviously understood Jesus as we Catholics do, literally! CAn you explain why Jesus did not correct their supposed misunderstanding?
Not only did he not correct their understanding, he now adds that you must also drink His Blood. If your interpretation is correct, then this is a strange way to get a point across from the worlds greatest teacher, no?
So why did he let all these people leave him over this doctrine if they had only misunderstood him?
Why did He ask His Apostles if they would leave also, if they misunderstood Him? :rolleyes:
3 easy steps to the Catholic truth of John 6:

Step 1

Consider John 3:6 “What is born of flesh is flesh and what is born of spirit is spirit.”

In John 3:6 a distinction is made between flesh born of flesh and flesh born of spirit. This is the difference in what Jesus is talking about in John 6:63.

The point of John 1:14, the Word became flesh is that Jesus is born of the spirit. This and John 3:6 distinguishes Jesus’ flesh from earthly flesh.

Step 2

Jesus flesh is flesh born of the spirit and earthly flesh is flesh born of flesh.

Step 3

Now, when Jesus says the flesh is useless he is referring to flesh born of flesh. That’s why He says in John 6:63 “the words I have spoken to you are spirit…” Jesus is emphasizing in John 6 that His flesh is born of spirit and therefore His flesh is indeed profitable.

You see when Jesus says “the words I have spoken to you are spirit…” he is restating John 1:14, that He is flesh born of spirit, the Word became flesh.


John 6:63 is simply restating John 1:14 and the distinction made in John 3:6. John 6:63 is simply emphasizing that Jesus’ flesh is not like flesh that profits nothing because His flesh is not flesh born of flesh but flesh born of spirit.
Well I assume that most protestants would agree tht John the apsotle wrote the gospel attributed to him by Catholic tradtion. Like most books of the new testament outiside of the Pauline Epistles we don’t know the author outisde the witness of the catholic church tradtion and witness that this is true. Chew on that one for awhile.

Anyway what did Christians who were disciples and later ordained as a bishop by Saint John thoughts on the doctrine of the eucharist. After all instead of interpreting a translation of his writings and deciding for ourselves what it means or listening to our pastor who is also disconnected to the apostolic tradtion by 2000 years. Being right there listening to the preached word of John the aposlte would be reliable wouldn’t it?
Look at this way it’s the next best thing to talking to old JOhn himself.
WEll Saint Ignatius was such a man a bishop of antioch who was ordained by Saint JOhn whose writings are deemed authentic by Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant scholars.
He says "“They abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer, because they confess not the Eucharist to be the flesh of our Saviour Jesus Christ, which suffered for our sins, and which the Father, of His goodness, raised up again”
Ignatius of Antioch,Epistle to Smyrnaeans,7,1(c.A.D. 110),in ANF,I:89
So whom should I beleive Heber and his sola scriptura interpretation that contradicts the interpretation of other protestanst by the way ie Anglcians and ancient church bodies such as the Orthodox and Catholics. What is plain to him is not plain to the 1.7 billion adherents to those 3 Christian bodies. In fact the denial of John 6 is a minority in Christiandom. But in low church protestant america you would never know that as they close their eyes to the more dominant opinion.:confused:

Heber vs Saint Ignatius a martyr for the Christian faith eaten by the Lions in the Roman Circus who walked and talked with the disciples or Heber with his nice leather bound bible with gold pages and himself as the arbriter of truth 20 centureis removed from the book he is reading in a time and continent Saint JOhn never knew of.
THe choice is simple the church with the apostlic tradtion that connects to the apostles logically would have the far better odds of interpreting its own history its own books she wrote, cannonized and preached to the world far better than a 20th century american with Bible and tow and his own opinion as the final arbriter of truth.

Even in a secular context the idea of handing down original teachings to a governing body with the authority to interpret the original documents is scene when the U.S. Supreme Court interprets for the entire country the writings of the fouding fathers via the U.S. Constitution. As with any anology its imperfect as Jesus gave the church his authority to bind and loose and Peter the keys of the kingdom and its judements are perfect form the gates of hell prevailing against it. So whatever authoity the Superme court is multiplied a million times over.

However it proves my point that to avoid anarchy (which protestantism ultimately becomes with its 30,000 differnt churches and every member interpreting the Bible for themselves) the founding fathers wisely choose an outlet to have order and keep the tradtion and intent of its documents through changing times. I would say Jesus would have even more insight to this wisdom than the foudngin fathers and would do the same at the very least but his seal of protection from error which secular authorites don’t have.
But if the founding fathers passed out the Constituion and let every citizen interpret it for himself and that was the truth all heck would break loose and anarchy would be the rule of law and not the order that a Suprem Court interpreting the Law of the land provides.

Since Christ said the gates of hell would not prevail against his Church (Matt. 16:18b), this means that his Church can never pass out of existence. But if the Church ever apostasized by teaching heresy, then it would cease to exist; because it would cease to be Jesus’ Church. Thus the Church cannot teach heresy, meaning that anything it solemnly defines for the faithful to believe is true. This same reality is reflected in the Apostle Paul’s statement that the Church is “the pillar and foundation of the truth” (1 Tim. 3:15). If the Church is the foundation of religious truth in this world, then it is God’s own spokesman. As Christ told his disciples: “He who hears you hears me, and he who rejects you rejects me, and he who rejects me rejects him who sent me” (Luke 10:16).

THe very existence of thousands of churches deny the one truth the one church that scripture says is the pillar and foundation of truth. You can’t have multiple truths or churches.
Sorry Heber your truth is not true your interpretation is not true becuase you go to a church that was not founded or intended by Jesus and you interetation is not protected by the Holy Spirit. Only the true interpetation of the church founded by Christ (Catholic Church) is protected by the Holy Spirit he cannot give out multiple interpretations that deny each other as true.
Seems like everyone went on vacation in this thread! This was a great thread for me to read. Thank you Greg for referring me to it. Just today I posted a very similar question to Ann’s original question and Greg suggested I look into the discussions here. I see there has been quite a lengthy debate going back and forth mainly sticking to the argument over whether Jesus was referring to his Word or His flesh in John 6. I think it came to a point where really no more could be said because both sides clearly stated their argument. But I’m bothered by Heber because he did not respond to CANman’s question concerning John 52. Why didn’t Jesus clarify that he did not mean literally his flesh? Instead he ignored the question and continued to reinforce what he had already said. Also, CANman points out the fact that many of his disciples leave. How about that. Herber, would you please answer these questions.
Thanks, KMG
Let us forget the interpretation of scripture of a mere moment. I have been to 20 different catholic churches in five parishes. IF the sacrament of the Eucharist is SSSOOOO true and holy, AND if it is truly transubstantiated into Jesus’ flesh & blood, why dies the RCC treat it so carelessly. Heck, the only REAL requirement is that you are ROMAN Catholic. No true repentance, no real worship, no cleansing of oneself just prior to the sacrament. AND its EVERY week. Its more of a tradition that a true holy experience.

As for whether it truly is the body and blood…well, it never “turns into anything” other than watered down wine/juice, and unleavened bread.

You can believe it if you wish, just as I can believe raw octopus tastes like chicken, which it does not.
There is no further mention of it in the Bible, and so wheter it is, or is not the real body and blood of Jesus is of no effect. Just as you can claim to be christian and do things “in Jesus’s name,”, yet when you cry Lord, Lord, He will ask you to depart for He never knew you. But is I took that literal…God never knew me, that would be a Edited by Moderator as a conduct rule 7 violation., for he knew me from the beginning of time, before He ever created me. HHMMM… :eek:
Let us forget the interpretation of scripture of a mere moment. I have been to 20 different catholic churches in five parishes. IF the sacrament of the Eucharist is SSSOOOO true and holy, AND if it is truly transubstantiated into Jesus’ flesh & blood, why dies the RCC treat it so carelessly. Heck, the only REAL requirement is that you are ROMAN Catholic. No true repentance, no real worship, no cleansing of oneself just prior to the sacrament. AND its EVERY week. Its more of a tradition that a true holy experience.
I don’t know what “20 Catholic Churchs” you’ve been in, but you got some 'splainin to do here.
What do you mean by the Eucharist being treated “carelessly”?
True repentance and the cleansing of one’s self is required before Eucharistic participation. It’s called The Sacrament of Repentance" or “Confession”.
The entire Mass is “real worship”.
And it’s not “every week”, it’s every day!
Mass attendance is not a “tradition” to me, it is a joyful, Holy experience in the truth of God’s love.
As for whether it truly is the body and blood…well, it never “turns into anything” other than watered down wine/juice, and unleavened bread.
Not having The Faith, I’m sure to you this is far too difficult to understand.
Actually, my previous post (the 2nd post from the top) explains John 6 properly (Catholic).

I will repeat it here:

Look at the theme of John:

“The Word became flesh” in John 1

“That which is born of spirit is spirit, that which is born of flesh is flesh” in John 3, I think

The point Jesus made in John 6 is that his flesh as bread for us **is different. **His flesh is not just earthly flesh, but bread from heaven. When Jesus says the flesh profits nothing, he is referring to earthly flesh, that’s why He kept emphasizing that His flesh is bread from heaven.

Now look back at what I referred to in John 1 and John 3:

Don’t forget that Jesus’ own disciples took his words literally, were grossed out by it, and many left. Then he didn’t call them back explaining his “parable” as he has done many times before.

Why would St. John not mention the events of the Last Supper that are recorded in the synoptic Gospels? Because Christians already knew the event, he wrote down this event to clear up any misunderstandings. Just as his disciple wrote:

St. Ingatius of Antioch:

“Take note of those who hold heterodox opinions on the grace of Jesus Christ which has come to us, and see how contrary their opinions are to the mind of God. . . . They abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ, flesh which suffered for our sins and which that Father, in his goodness, raised up again. They who deny the gift of God are perishing in their disputes” (*Letter to the Smyrnaeans *6:2–7:1 [A.D. 110]).
. Heck, the only REAL requirement is that you are ROMAN Catholic.:eek:
Actually, the only real requirement is that you are Catholic (one of the 22 Rites, not just Roman). The Orthodox are also allowed as they have a valid priesthood, but that’s for another thread. 🙂
Quote from Catsrus: “True repentance and the cleansing of one’s self is required before Eucharistic participation. It’s called The Sacrament of Repentance” or “Confession”.
The entire Mass is “real worship”.
And it’s not “every week”, it’s every day!
Mass attendance is not a “tradition” to me, it is a joyful, Holy experience in the truth of God’s love".

Amen to that. I’m 57 and was a born and brought up a Methodist but 15 years ago the Holy Spirit showed me the way to the Catholic Church, the true Church established by Jesus on Peter.
I truly believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist and look forward to Mass. I attend 3 times a week but wish I could go daily.
As for whether it truly is the body and blood…well, it never “turns into anything” other than watered down wine/juice, and unleavened bread.
This teaching is a hard saying; few can accept. Jesus admitted it was shocking and many disciples walked away from Him because it. Don’t be like them. All things are possible with Jesus. Don’t refuse to believe, trust in Jesus and accept this great gift of Himself He gives in the Blessed Sacrament.
There is no further mention of it in the Bible,
I’m not sure what Bible you’re reading. I knwo the Protestant one’s are missing a bunch of books and all, but there are many further mentions:
There’s a ton 🙂
and so wheter it is, or is not the real body and blood of Jesus is of no effect.
Sure it is. If what Jesus said is true and you choose not to believe it, what does that say about your faith in Christ?
Just as you can claim to be christian and do things “in Jesus’s name,”, yet when you cry Lord, Lord, He will ask you to depart for He never knew you.
And when he asks you why you couldn’t believe that He could change bread into His flesh and you tell Him it didn’t matter, well, then you are entrusted to His mercy…
I wonder. Was “heber” ever really committed to learning his/her faith? While I could answer this myself, I’d leave myself open to a charge of being ultra-judgmental. :hmmm: :ehh:
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