Oh, my. What next? Will the Self-Appointed Homeowners decide that we can no longer park cars older than 2004 models in our driveways? My poor little Ford.
But seriously, your neighbors are really being dumb about this. This isn’t very Christian of me, but this is what I’d do.
Go over to the worst of your neighbors (if you can tell!) with all 4 of your kids. Tell Neighbor:
“Hey, I gotta pick up the toys and clean up my yard and driveway. Spouse is at work. Can you babysit while I fulfill your demands?”
Previous to this, dose the kids up on Mountain Dew or something, enough to send them bouncing off the walls and running amok everywhere. Don’t bother to bring their toys - let them improvise with what they can find.
If Neighbor says no, your line is:
“Well, I guess I’ll have to spend the day taking care of these 4. Do you want that yard cleaned up or don’t you? 'Cause if you don’t want to babysit, I can’t clean up the yard.”
So either way you have him. If he says yes, he gets to deal with 4 hyperactive kids running amok through his grounds. If he says no, he gets to deal with your yard. Don’t put the dilemma on yourself. Put it where it goes - back at the starting point.
If Neigbor 1 refuses, go to the next neighbor and do the same.
This is seriously wicked of me, but good luck! As for your neighbors:
:banghead: :bigyikes: