Most able to recognize the correct answer for seven general questions about the Bible and five elements of Christianity.
Questions like, what is the first book of the Bible? …are not questions that someone who is well catechized should know. A well catechized Christian knows the Christian faith. Knowing that Genesis is a book of the Bible is sufficient. One does not need to memorize the table of contents of the Bible to be well catechized.
The question, “What is Catholic teaching about bread and wine in Communion? They become body and blood, or are symbols?”. Is a catechetical type question. That only 55% of Catholics answered correctly, is a valid point about not being well catechized. The survey didn’t ask people why they didn’t know the questions about their own faith. Mormons were 40% on this one, which, says to me that Mormons are being taught about Catholicism and I’m guessing most likely it’s not in a framework of Christian catechizing but in one of Mormon superiority to everyone else.
At any rate, this survey has one question out of 32 that would be about catechesis. The rest are trivial pursuit kind of questions.