JPII Movie on CBS Tonight

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I smell EMMY for Jon Voight.
With the accent and the mannerisms, he really worked at this role and I found myself forgetting I was watching him and not JPII.
He did an excellent job.
That said, I think a Roots long mini series would have made more sense as the subject matter was too much to wade through in only a couple hours.
Haven’t seen part 2 yet, but have it taped 🙂 . That said, I am looking forward to it. Sure, it could have been 40 hours long and it would have left out some things. But from what I hear, CBS did a pretty good job with the time they had to work with it. They can’t please everyone all of the time… 👍 Thumbs up to them.
Well…we still have part II of the Hallmark channel coming April 2006 (it is currently being filmed). I’m sure it’ll be more than 2 hours on JPII pontificate.
I really enjoyed Part I, but I was very disappointed with Part II. I thought that so much was left out. His continuing pressure on Polish and Soviet officials, the trip to Nicaragua when he shook his finger at that Jesuit priest (why didn’t he shut down the whole Order?), was confronted by the Communists down there during Mass, his and Ratzingers problems with Lefebvre, the prayer meetings at Assisi, and a longer look at how the homosexual crisis in the American priesthood deeply effected the last years of his pontificate.
I have yet to watch the second part (taped it) so can’t comment specifically. Yet I do think that what you are looking for is more of an in depth critical examination of his papacy rather than a feature film.
I think the answer lies in the fact that the Vatican gave full approvel to this film, therefore, I highly doubt they would back a look at many of those episodes.
I do think that there is a certain amount of truth to this. With the Vatican’s full cooperation and the relatively short format, it was pretty much assured of being a somewhat simplistic puff piece rather than a more serious filmatic work. It was intended to be a highlights tribute and that is what it accomplished.
I agree that it was too short and that a certain familiarity with JP2’s life beforehand helps but I thought it was excellent.

The movie didn’t attempt to get into the geo-political or in depth theological details (although what they did show was remarkable for CBS in terms of fairness/accuracy). It concentrated on the personality, heroism and great faith of a great man. It also showed the dignity of a suffering human being and the valor that had almost a poetry about it with which he handled it. Very anti-secular/pop culture message (Terrry Sciavo comes to mind).
I’m going to buy it!
Yeah,how many people when he was alive said “he should step down” Apparently they don’t know much about Christianity because Suffering is one of the most powerful things a person can do if they offer it to GOD.One of the more powerful scenes in the movie was when they showed John Paul from behind and all you seen were the mountains in front of him and he says to his Polish Priest/helper"Remember Stanasloz"(I think that was his name)and he replies’Yes,Holy father I remember".What they were remembering were the days when John Paul could climb and ski those mountains.At that moment John Paul was reflecting on his life and saying goodbye all at once,seeing the mountains for one last time…that brought tears to my eyes! Man do I miss him!
I was so very moved by this…like going through it all over again… It “numbed” me a bit and I keep thinking of all the things that I’d like to see again so I went to CBS on-line and ordered the DVD…should be getting it by the end of January.
Pre-vat-we could take you to disneyland and u still wouldn’t be happy!!I thought the movie was excellent,Man do I miss John Paul II.

Wow, this is my 601 post. I can’t even remember half of them…
Prevat-don’t take that the wrong way,I was grinning when I wrote that.But why would you want to focus on things that YOU consider negative? The Homosexual thing,was John Paul PERSONALLY responsible for it…NO, so why bring it up…I don’t understand.

I think some on here are just trying to BEAT a dead horse again.

I think some on here are just trying to BEAT a dead horse again.
I think you should get back on topic…:whistle:
I thought Jon Voight did a great job. He even looked and acted physically like the Pope at the end.
Disneyland? Maybe the Land of OZ? Yep, that about sums up the last 40 years.

If we are truly in the “Springtime of the Church,” then God help us when we hit the “Winter!”
Then you don’t understand gardening…seeds aree planted, shoots appear, an almost invisble growth occurs and suddenly buds pop and slowly flowers appear.

After reading your posts in this thread, it strikes me that nothing much has changed in 2,000 years. He came unto His own and His own knew him not… Sigh.
Then you don’t understand gardening…seeds aree planted, shoots appear, an almost invisble growth occurs and suddenly buds pop and slowly flowers appear.

After reading your posts in this thread, it strikes me that nothing much has changed in 2,000 years. He came unto His own and His own knew him not… Sigh.
You sound like most of our current bishops. Your head in the sand, but when you do come up for air, you shut your eyes, put your fingers in your ears and say over and over, “Everything is OK, everything is OK, everything is OK…”

Holy Mother Church will never fall, but she sure has slid way down the mountain since 1965.
Thank you CBS for the early Christmas gift, and on the eve of the Immaculate Conception, just great!

I loved the film. I will surely purchase the DVD and cherish it.
I really enjoyed Part I, but I was very disappointed with Part II. I thought that so much was left out. His continuing pressure on Polish and Soviet officials, the trip to Nicaragua when he shook his finger at that Jesuit priest (why didn’t he shut down the whole Order?), was confronted by the Communists down there during Mass, his and Ratzingers problems with Lefebvre, the prayer meetings at Assisi, and a longer look at how the homosexual crisis in the American priesthood deeply effected the last years of his pontificate.

I think the answer lies in the fact that the Vatican gave full approvel to this film, therefore, I highly doubt they would back a look at many of those episodes.
And that there would not have been time…as someone else pointed out there was so much that happened during the man’s time as Our Holy Father they could have done an entire week on him and maybe hit all the highlights you just described. I would have hated to see him shut down the entire Jesuit Order for a few bad apples.
I know this thread is older then the world but I decided to give my opinion on it…

I saw some of the first half (a bit after the time Chirstipher Lee says some) and the other half.

Perhapes my expectations were so low for this film that I came out of it rather liking it. The ending was so sad, and I found myself going through the death all over again.

The cast was good, featureing epople like Jon Voight, and Christipher Lee, and other people who I do not know (lol).

For seculer tv, it was pretty good.It was a good step forward.
I know this thread is older then the world but I decided to give my opinion on it…

I saw some of the first half (a bit after the time Chirstipher Lee says some) and the other half.

Perhapes my expectations were so low for this film that I came out of it rather liking it. The ending was so sad, and I found myself going through the death all over again.

The cast was good, featureing epople like Jon Voight, and Christipher Lee, and other people who I do not know (lol).

For seculer tv, it was pretty good.It was a good step forward.
TV is a lost cause. I just simply don’t watch except maybe for sporting events, news, but that’s about it. I don’t even know why people waste their spirit on such rubbish. Padre Pio never watched TV and even encouraged people not to either.
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