Look I am not interested in fighting with you or anyone. The entire point of this splinter of this thread is to point out that those who have SSA are NOT banned from marriage. They are not discriminated against because they are eligible to marry the same candidates as anyone else.My subjective vision has nothing to do with how things are defined. Those definitions I gave you, or variants of them, are standard. Go fight with doctors the courts, or lexicographers if you don’t like the definitions.
My point is that even if someone has SSA it does not require them to act upon it or demand that the entire definition of marriage be changed to suit their possibly transitory sexual proclivities. Should we have a special category of marriage for people who engage in auto erotic axphyxia? How about necrophelia? It makes about as much sense as saying two men should marry. I do not believe a person is identified by what they are currently doing with their genitals nor do I think we have to change all of society to accommodate them.
Lisa N