I talked about LeafbyNiggle’s wanting to ban handguns.
I showed how LeafbyNiggle ALSO wants to ban long guns (at least some of them).
I showed how LeafbyNiggle defines this as “moderate gun control”.
I gave LeafbyNiggle a chance to repudiate any of this (in case I was wrong).
LeafbyNiggle’s response?
LeafbyNiggle is willing to put his own personal “experience” over the Constitution (if some nebulous amount of others by “averaged” amount agree).
(This ignores the woman who has an ex-boyfriend who now threatens to kill her and her child. But now due to Government over-regulations, she cannot easily obtain one (and in “Gun-grabber world” CAN’T obtain one). What about HER experience? It only matters if enough of an “average” (whatever THAT means) agree with her.)
Fair enough LeafbyNiggle.
And for the readers of this thread . . . .
. . . .Now you KNOW.
I showed how LeafbyNiggle ALSO wants to ban long guns (at least some of them).
I showed how LeafbyNiggle defines this as “moderate gun control”.
I gave LeafbyNiggle a chance to repudiate any of this (in case I was wrong).
LeafbyNiggle’s response?
.I have no need to repudiate anything I have said.
LeafbyNiggle is willing to put his own personal “experience” over the Constitution (if some nebulous amount of others by “averaged” amount agree).
(This ignores the woman who has an ex-boyfriend who now threatens to kill her and her child. But now due to Government over-regulations, she cannot easily obtain one (and in “Gun-grabber world” CAN’T obtain one). What about HER experience? It only matters if enough of an “average” (whatever THAT means) agree with her.)
Fair enough LeafbyNiggle.
And for the readers of this thread . . . .
. . . .Now you KNOW.
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