So in other words, the laws don’t work very well, do they?
And yet, people want more of them.
Not more of the same. Better laws that might actually work.
This is not a response to you here LeafbyNiggle. Just a musing by me . . . .
I just don’t understand the “need” for a new law concerning every problem.
And the U.S. Government is already so massively “larded up”.
WHY do this to the Government? (They are not up to the task of undertaking more and more all the time. It’s not good for them and it’s not good for us as citizens either)
Why think that they are up to the task of layer after unending layer of the blubber of new laws? At least without getting rid of the old rules and regulations.
The “war on poverty”? I can’t think of a segment of laws that have been a worse failure.
The American Indians seem to have a Federal Government program for just about everything. It has not helped them concerning poverty (and a host of other social woes seem to be magnified in the Indian Community with MORE Government intrusions).
I’m not saying the intentions were bad. I’m not even saying all Government spending to help those in poverty should cease. To be honest I don’t know what the answer is. But I’m pretty sure I know what the answer ISN’T.
The answer isn’t incessant growth of Government.
The “war on drugs”?
How is THAT one going?
We are just one more “law” away from utopia right?
Governmentzilla. Yep. That’ll save us.
Don’t get me wrong. We need Government. We need GOOD Governance. But the mindset of the need for new rules and regulations and laws with EVERY bad occurrances has not served the country well in my opinion.
Maybe a different approach to the “do something about this NOW” mentality should be replaced with let’s think, debate, carefully, slowly, cautiously proceed because even the best intended rules and regulations frequently have serious negative, unintended consequences.