We allow A for group X. When we allow A for group X, Violence happens. But since we don’t allow the violence, you have to understand that if violence happens, it didn’t really happen (gaslighting), it really isn’t that bad (gaslighting) and the end justifies the means (more gaslighting) and we will allow for group A to continue to be peaceful and turn our heads to the violence.
Early on already, a friend of mine lost her family business to the looting and destruction, the peaceful protesters looted then burnt down their shop (won’t go into specifics). This put several black men and Hispanic American men (looked equal split) out of work until a new location would be secured. You know, she was heartbroken, and then supported the protests, despite the violence.
If A leads to B, one cannot get away with saying it will never happen, and especially it will never happen to me. It’s easy to be happy about all the protests when the neighborhood being destroyed isn’t your own. Do you help to recover the lost damages for those neighborhoods? Or do you wait for protests to end first? So those displaced have no backup and their neighborhoods and local businesses are being destroyed…
Also, get this, after the neighborhood is destroyed, because those that reside in those places likely are not incredibly wealthy, they’ll be displaced. The kicker? The person that moves in [to demolish and repair the homes and businesses and property] will not be doing it for the sake of the displaced. So whoever is supporting these protests Is supporting the displacement of at risk and already underprivileged Americans.
I don’t follow the news anymore because of this. It looks like an agenda, and I won’t fall for it. It is never okay to destroy property, especially that of your purported “comrades.“ I can understand peacefully protesting, making it impossible for mayors or officials to leave their house and have food delivered, usurp all things in that way, but I do not understand destroying the local economy to benefit someone else’s agenda. I don’t understand damaging property like that, no intention to fix, replace, apologize to fellow Americans that might actually support your protests, but not the violence.