Katy Perry at Vatican conference

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There is no comparison between what Christ did in the Gospels and the travesty of inviting this individual to speak at a Vatican-sponsored conference. This is a scandal, plain and simple.
The problem I believe is that this can be seen as the Church endorsing the heterodox views of Katy Perry. Jesus surely ate with tax collectors, prostitutes, lepers, and the other “untouchables” of his day and called us to do the same. There is obviously nothing wrong with that. This is a bit more like Jesus asking an unrepentant tax collector to give a public sermon on personal finance.

As a disclaimer I have not heard or read what Katy Perry said, I could be perfectly harmless for all I know. But when people see a headline like “Katy Perry invited to speak at Vatican” the average person is going to assume that the Vatican agrees with Katy Perry.

It’s a bit like the recent makeover of the Pontifical Council for Life with a bunch of population control and abortion proponents. Are we converting them, or are we giving their ideas legitimacy and obfusticating the truth?
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But when people see a headline like “Katy Perry invited to speak at Vatican” the average person is going to assume that the Vatican agrees with Katy Perry.
Or young people may pay attention to an institution they think is irrelevant and passe.
To what purpose though. If we have to resort to Katy Perry speeches and Beyoncé Masses and other cool hip things to bring in young people, we’ve probably already lost our message and purpose.

As an aside, you comment kind of reminds of when a good friend of mine, a Baptist, asked me if he could come with me to mass one day out of the blue. I told him sure, but what brought this on? He told me that the girls were prettier at the Catholic Church than at his baptist one. My grandma’s response when I told her this was “hey, whatever it takes!” He is still a Baptist however. 🙂
My grandma’s response when I told her this was “hey, whatever it takes!”
Your grandma sounds like a smart lady. Perhaps if your friend had met and married a nice Catholic girl, things would have turned out different.

Free food was a big draw in 1st century Palestine. The miracle of the loaves and fishes is attested to in all four Gospels. That means it made a huge impact. Jesus knew how to draw a crowd too.
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To what purpose though.
I would say, to hear different views from a bigger spectrum of people.

It depends on what type of conferences. Some are where we preach the word of God, some perhaps are more academic, and so forth.

I am not afraid that non-Catholics speak in a Vatican organized conference, rather I would welcome it for the puropse of information and knowledge. Does not mean that I am not a faithful Catholic.
speak at a conference on scientific advancements in health care.
I’m wondering what Katy Perry, a pop singer, knows about scientific advancements in health care? Does anyone know if actual doctors, researchers and other professionals in the health care field spoke? I haven’t heard of this event at all until now.
You have to be there with the organizers to be privy to the reason why she was invited. I think we are shooting blindly without really knowing where is the target.

I think the contention here is whether she should speak at a Vatican’s organized conference or not. The opinion here seems to be that she should not, while others thought that she can.

I think that can be answered fairly if we know what is the conference all about, its background, its purpose and why it was held. I think these should be argued first before we can reasonably question why she is invited to speak there.

I hope someone gives a more detail information about the conference and I hold my tongue in the meantime.
Jesus didn’t try to attract souls by inviting those who support killing babies to give their thoughts on meditation to events he sponsored.
Jesus didn’t try to attract souls by inviting those who support killing babies to give their thoughts on meditation to events he sponsored.
Jesus did a lot of things that scandalized the Pharisees of his day. That’s why they wanted him dead.

Katy Perry has her reasons for supporting Planned Parenthood and they have nothing to do with killing babies.

Who are you trying to impress talking like that?
Donating thousands of dollars to Planned Parenthood and publicly praising their mission and their work constitutes material support for the killing of babies.

Enough already. It is disgusting, plain and simple, to imply that people who are rightly scandalized by this are somehow akin to the Pharisees who “wanted Jesus dead.”

Once again we see on this thread that for some, the only real sin is traditional Catholic belief. Supporting baby killing industries on the other hand…well, “she has her reasons.”
Donating thousands of dollars to Planned Parenthood and publicly praising their mission and their work constitutes material support for the killing of babies.
You know she doesn’t think of it that way and neither do her millions of young fans. What they know is that she was thrilled to meet the Pope and is telling reporters about receiving a rosary that was blessed by him. The fact that she was welcomed by the Pope even though she is at odds with the Church on certain issues is a Christ-like characteristic that people notice. This kind of celebrity endorsement is much needed in the evangelization of young people.

And all that your provocative outrage accomplishes is to harden young hearts against the Church, because they think it is filled with intolerant, self-righteous accusers.
Enough already. It is disgusting, plain and simple, to imply that people who are rightly scandalized by this are somehow akin to the Pharisees who “wanted Jesus dead.”
I would hazard that the Pharisees felt rightly scandalized too. They were being scrupulous about following the Law, and Jesus goes and does things like desecrate the stone jars used to hold water for ritual cleaning by filling them with wine.

How is your outrage any different?
Once again we see on this thread that for some, the only real sin is traditional Catholic belief. Supporting baby killing industries on the other hand…well, “she has her reasons.”
Traditional Catholic beliefs are like fine chocolate. Absolutely wonderful until someone tries to shove them down your throat. I am uncompromisingly ProLife, but because I love my enemies, I try to engage in friendly & civil manner. They are more likely to listen that way.
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Katy Perry supports legalized abortion, among a host of other anti-Catholic stances. She has no business speaking at any Vatican conference.
Why does it seem that some Catholics are more willing to agree with stupidity than simply admit that the church is going through a crisis? Anything to ease the conscience I guess…Seriously, everytime something peculiar or just straight up BAD happens in the Church, a lot of Catholics turn the other way. The sexual abuse scandal is a good example.
For those who say “Jesus ate with sinners!”

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Why does it seem that some Catholics are more willing to agree with stupidity than simply admit that the church is going through a crisis? Anything to ease the conscience I guess…Seriously, everytime something peculiar or just straight up BAD happens in the Church, a lot of Catholics turn the other way. The sexual abuse scandal is a good example.
Well said. The sexual abuse crisis is a prime example of this kind of thinking. Too many appeals to authority to justify transgressions and not enough critical thinking led to the Church going astray. It’s easier to say, “well bishop X or Cardinal Y approved this or said that, so it must be true/good/licit.” History has shown that is not always the case. Now in the era of the Internet and instant communication, it is apparent how bad the situation is. Too many are in denial that there is a crisis. Speaking out now is more important than ever.
Too many are in denial that there is a crisis. Speaking out now is more important than ever.
The hierarchy is finally acting like it should. It’s the laity and a few bishops who are stuck in the past who are creating all the crisis.
How insulting…in other words, under Benedict and John Paul, “the hierarchy wasn’t acting as it should.” Only under Francis are things being done properly?
How insulting…in other words, under Benedict and John Paul, “the hierarchy wasn’t acting as it should.” Only under Francis are things being done properly?
The hierarchy is more than the Pope. Under Francis, things are getting better.

Given the sex abuse crises the Church has had to weather for the past decade and a half, I find it incredible that anyone would lament the progress that has been made in holding Bishops accountable for placing innocent people, many of whom were children, in harm’s way.

Pope Francis sent Cardindal Pell back to Australia to face his accusers. The same cannot be said of JPII & Benedict, who should have done the same with Cardinal Law.

In addition to that we have the Vatican Bank, VatiLeaks, the “Bishop of bling”, and the Legions of Christ disasters.

Those were real existential crises the Church faced that are as bad as selling indulgences.
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Oh, holding people accountable…like the Chilean bishop? Or the Guam bishop given a place of honor recently?
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