Politics. Doesn’t matter if it’s Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Socialists, the Green Party, etc. They all play nasty and have no honor. Heidi Heitkamp’s “I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror” speech was really just an “I know I’m so far behind in the polls, I’m not going to be reelected.”" And she’s no worse than anyone else. The Repubs sat on their hands and refused to consider Merrick Garland, to even give him a hearing. Maybe he’s thanking his lucky stars tonight after the circus of horrors this confirmation has been.
Really though, I think if Kavanaugh received viable death threats regarding his family, he would have stepped down. I know I would put my family above any ambition of mine, but we all react differently. I’m not suggesting he didn’t receive death threats because people are nuts, or saying he doesn’t love his family. I’m sure he does.
People get too personally invested in this. Whether Kavanaugh is on the SC or not isn’t going to affect many of us that much. I’m sure when a case presents itself that allows the Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, Kavanaugh will vote to overturn it. I’m not Catholic, or even Christian, but my religion forbids abortion-on-demand, too. I would never have one. But if Roe v. Wade is overturned, the right to an abortion will probably be decided by each state. So people will still have them. They might go to Canada or a backstreet abortionist. The only way to rid the US of abortion is to teach children the sanctity of life as soon as they can understand.
I would accept the “remain calm” critique as silly if it had been a spontaneous reaction. But he READ it. He WROTE it. Those were his REASONED words. Maybe he’s just not a good writer or very eloquent. Whatever, he WILL be a SC justice, probably for the next thirty years, and people need to accept that. People need to accept that, leave him alone, and wish him the best, because Kavanaugh doing his best is best for the US.
What’s really sad is that Ford set back women’s rights a decade or so by allegedly lying (I believe she did), and people have given her nearly a million dollars to do it.