Kavanaugh endorsement rescinded

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I don’t understand all of these “temperament” and “heavy drinking” claims being made against Kav now that no corroboration was found on the allegations.
It proves that this was nothing to do with justice and all about politics all along. The sex abuse claims weren’t sticking, so suddenly his temperament or drinking should disqualify him.
Hillary Clinton was treated far worse and didn’t lose her temper, and no, I’m not a fan and didn’t vote for her.
Context is everything.

Here is what has been happening to Rand Paul over the past year.
In the last 18 months, our family has experienced violence and threats of violence at a horrifying level. I will never forget the morning of the shooting at the congressional baseball practice, the pure relief and gratitude that flooded me when I realized that Rand was okay.

He was not okay last November, when a violent and unstable man attacked him from behind while he was working in our yard, breaking six ribs and leaving him with lung damage and multiple bouts of pneumonia.

Kavanaugh has had serious credible threats against his family.

You bet he has a right to be emotional and stand up for himself and his family.

This “doesn’t remain calm” critique is, frankly, silly.
Politics. Doesn’t matter if it’s Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Socialists, the Green Party, etc. They all play nasty and have no honor. Heidi Heitkamp’s “I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror” speech was really just an “I know I’m so far behind in the polls, I’m not going to be reelected.”" And she’s no worse than anyone else. The Repubs sat on their hands and refused to consider Merrick Garland, to even give him a hearing. Maybe he’s thanking his lucky stars tonight after the circus of horrors this confirmation has been.

Really though, I think if Kavanaugh received viable death threats regarding his family, he would have stepped down. I know I would put my family above any ambition of mine, but we all react differently. I’m not suggesting he didn’t receive death threats because people are nuts, or saying he doesn’t love his family. I’m sure he does.

People get too personally invested in this. Whether Kavanaugh is on the SC or not isn’t going to affect many of us that much. I’m sure when a case presents itself that allows the Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, Kavanaugh will vote to overturn it. I’m not Catholic, or even Christian, but my religion forbids abortion-on-demand, too. I would never have one. But if Roe v. Wade is overturned, the right to an abortion will probably be decided by each state. So people will still have them. They might go to Canada or a backstreet abortionist. The only way to rid the US of abortion is to teach children the sanctity of life as soon as they can understand.

I would accept the “remain calm” critique as silly if it had been a spontaneous reaction. But he READ it. He WROTE it. Those were his REASONED words. Maybe he’s just not a good writer or very eloquent. Whatever, he WILL be a SC justice, probably for the next thirty years, and people need to accept that. People need to accept that, leave him alone, and wish him the best, because Kavanaugh doing his best is best for the US.

What’s really sad is that Ford set back women’s rights a decade or so by allegedly lying (I believe she did), and people have given her nearly a million dollars to do it.
Whether Kavanaugh is on the SC or not isn’t going to affect many of us that much.
I disagree with this.

Its true enough that Kavanaugh isn’t irreplaceable, no one is.

But if the strategy of unfounded accusation and extremism is allowed to de-rail Mr. Kavenaugh’s appointment to the court, it will be done again and again and again. With the kind of attacks that Kavenaugh endured against his family, his reputation, his decency, a lot of good candidates will just tell President Trump “Tbank you Mr. President, but I can’t put my family through this kind of hell, sir.”

The only people who will be willing to do it are politicians and pundits, people with the skill to fight back against this kind of attack.
Would anyone be able to pass that kind of “temperament test”
An analyst (name?) on “Morning Joe,” said people would accuse Kav of being a sociopath for not showing emotion at others’ suffering if he didn’t get angry.

In other words, there’s nothing he can do.
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But if the strategy of unfounded accusation and extremism is allowed to de-rail Mr. Kavenaugh’s appointment to the court, it will be done again and again and again. With the kind of attacks that Kavenaugh endured against his family, his reputation, his decency, a lot of good candidates will just tell President Trump “Tbank you Mr. President, but I can’t put my family through this kind of hell, sir.”
Yes, you’re right.
Politics. Doesn’t matter if it’s Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Socialists, the Green Party, etc. They all play nasty and have no honor.
I’ve spent the past 25 years of my life working right at the edge of politics, and I’ve spent all that time trying not lose my idealism to cynicism. I still be believe that the overwhelming majority of politicians are honorable people who truly want to do the right thing for everyone.

But there are partisan strategists (hacks)–the ones who don’t hold office but make a whole lot of money in politics–who are the equivalent of contract killers because they’re pretty much sociopaths.
An analyst (name?) on “Morning Joe,” said people would accuse Kav of being a sociopath for not showing emotion at others’ suffering if he didn’t get angry.
If you’re trying to win a civil lawsuit, and I assume a criminal one, you have to learn not to “lose your cool” no matter what they throw at you. I was accused of just about everything. After seven hours, the defense attorney gave up, and I did win the case. (I’ve never been in criminal court and never intend to be.)
Roe v Wade isn’t going away. Legal abortion isn’t going away. Both sides stand to gain votes and contributions as long as it is around. Despite what they tell you, conservative politicians have no intention of ending it.
Sorry, but I completely disagree. God will not allow abortion to continue. It may not change in my lifetime, but the blood of innocents cry out to heaven. It will end, He will end it, either by having our country collapse, or through legal channels. Past cultures who sacrificed their children disappeared. It will happen.
I would personally think the Senate really needs to say there is not enough evidence to destroy Mr. Kavanaugh’s life, career and family.
He would remain a judge on the federal DC Court of Appeals. How is that “destroying his life?” And do we just merrily assume that Christine’s life is worthless because she is a woman? Hasn’t her life been “destroyed,” and not just by what happened after she came forward? But we don’t care about that, do we.
Because stupidity has consequences and sometimes those consequences are lifelong. The idea is not to be stupid - and the vast majority of young people do in fact know better than to drink to the point of memory lapse or blacking out.

If he did indeed assault these women then that is something that they will suffer consequences from for life, regardless of whether he did it maliciously or not. Why shouldn’t he likewise suffer lifelong consequences if he inflicted trauma on them?

Many a drunk driver has to. For example if they seriously damage property or injure people in an accident caused by their drink driving they may find themselves with a lifelong criminal record and/or a lifelong driving ban. Doesn’t matter whether they meant to do it or not.
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I don’t understand all of these “temperament” and “heavy drinking” claims being made against Kav now that no corroboration was found on the allegations.
I’ll help you out! Temperment: You can see his testimony for yourself. He opened with a partisan diatribe against Democrats, the Clintons, and anyone else he could think of. Then he went into high gear. What are the qualities you want in a judge? You want him to be angry, vindictive, and out of control, right? Maybe you do. I don’t.

“Heavy drinking.” Have you looked at his yearbook? “Treasurer of the 100-keg club,” “boofing” (whose meaning he lied about under oath), and testimony from a host of friends who said he was a drunk. What more do you want?

If he walked into a Burger King and applied for a job with the same anger and outrage and then bragged about how much he liked beer and how he got drunk all the time, would Burger King give him a job? And yet some people seem happy to allow him to be on the Supreme Court.

If you want a conservative judge, go for it. But if this pathetic slimeball is the best you can come up with, it is, to quote our Great Leader, “sad.”
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In other words, there’s nothing he can do.
Here’s what he should have done on day #1: “I did some pretty stupid things in high school and college. I drank a lot more than I should have, and I didn’t treat people the way I should have. I realized this early on in my career, and I’m deeply sorry for what I did. I am a different man now, and I hope you will judge me by my later life, not my high school and college life.”

It wouldn’t give him a free pass to molest women, but it’s a good start.
It might be more helpful and unbiased to look at his record over the past 12 years as a federal judge in the 2nd highest court than to focus solely on him defending himself against all he’s suddenly been accused of over the last month of his life, honestly. Even look further back outside of high school and college parties at his success in HS and college and his career before becoming a federal judge. It seems very small minded to judge him as harshly as you are on many of the things you wrote. 100-keg club, seriously? He shouldn’t be a SC judge for saying that about himself?! Plenty of nice decent people loved to party in college and high school and weren’t black out drunk sexual predators. Come on!!!
I shudder to think of the court makeup had President Trump’s opponent won the election.
Let me ask a couple non-political questions. Nothing to do with politics, just life.

First, I’d like to know where BOTH Christine’s and Brett’s parents were while they were in high school. They obviously weren’t busy raising them correctly. A high school boy who brags in his yearbook about drinking and disrespecting women (“Renate alumni”) and practices I had to go look up in urban dictionary (“boofing” and “Devil’s Triangle” --they’re nothing like what Brett said they were under oath!). And his parents were cool with that? And Christine’s parents: at age 15 she can go off to the country club to swim and they haven’t made firm arrangements about how she is going to get home–and when? And Christine thought it was a good idea to go to a “party” or “get together” or whatever you want to call it, drink a beer at age 15, with full knowledge that older high school boys would be there and no one knew where she was? Amazing.

Next, clearly it’s open season on women. Half the country thinks you need “corroborating evidence” to accuse someone of sexual assault. So the next time a woman goes to a party and someone pushes her into a bedroom and rapes her, that’s perfectly OK because she can’t “prove” it happened? Of if you’re a waitress and the boss keeps touching your behind and breasts when no one is around, you just have to take it because you can’t “prove” he did it? Can someone please tell me how women can get justice against sexual abuse if there are no witnesses and no cameras and no physical evidence? Do they just have to shut up and take it?
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