Kavanaugh endorsement rescinded

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Didn’t see any of that, sorry. And I watched the whole thing.
Maybe you dozed off. Watch it again. Watch his face crinkle up in fury. And, as a lot of people have pointed out, this wasn’t spur of the moment rage, this was a speech carefully written out and read. Calculated. Planned.
This was obviously an affluent area where children were left to run amock. I don’t agree with it, either.

Both Kav and Renate are agreed that they had no sexual contact whatsoever. With that corroboration shouldn’t we agree that he couldn’t be an “alumni” in a dirty sense? Have you listened to him explain how much he respects her and hates that that in his HS yearbook was twisted and she’s been brought into this?

I don’t think that women need corroboration or witnesses or evidence to make an accusation. I am a woman. But I do think those are needed for an accusation to be able to IMPACT someone else’s life. People have to be innocent unless proven guilty by corroboration, witnesses, or evidence. Same goes with anyone being accused of any crime or misdeed. All through this Ive only been praying that if Kav is innocent of these accusatiins, that it is brought to light and he doesn’t end up suffering for it. I really doubt that people on CAF would want him appointed if it were found that he really were guilty of these things.
Wouldn’t it have made more sense to do something more appealing?
No. I’m sure he was advised to take the Clarence Thomas route: outrage! How dare you! High-tech lynching!

Well, if you want two sexual predators on the Supreme Court, you’re going to get your wish.
In other words, there’s nothing he can do.
Here’s what he should have done on day #1: “I did some pretty stupid things in high school and college. I drank a lot more than I should have, and I didn’t treat people the way I should have. I realized this early on in my career, and I’m deeply sorry for what I did. I am a different man now, and I hope you will judge me by my later life, not my high school and college life.”

It wouldn’t give him a free pass to molest women, but it’s a good start.
Is that not exactly what he did say just in slightly different words?
Sexual assault is horrific. It is morally wrong. It is illegal. It is contrary to my religious faith. And it contradicts the core promise of this Nation that all people are created equal and entitled to be treated with dignity and respect. Allegations of sexual assault must be taken seriously. Those who make allegations deserve to be heard. The subject of allegations also deserves to be heard. Due process is a foundation of the American rule of law.

Dr. Ford’s allegation dates back more than 36 years, to a party that she says occurred during our time in high school. I spent most of my time in high school focused on academics, sports, church, and service. But I was not perfect in those days, just as I am not perfect today. I drank beer with my friends, usually on weekends. Sometimes I had too many. In retrospect, I said and did things in high school that make me cringe now. But that’s not why we are here today. What I’ve been accused of is far more serious than juvenile misbehavior. I never did anything remotely resembling what Dr. Ford describes.

The allegation of misconduct is completely inconsistent with the rest of my life. The record of my life, from my days in grade school through the present day, shows that I have always promoted the equality and dignity of women.

The full text of his speech: Full Text–Brett Kavanaugh's Prepared Senate Testimony: 'I Am Innocent of This Charge'
Let’s break it down…
Your suggestion: I did some pretty stupid things in high school and college.
Kavanaugh’s words: In retrospect, I said and did things in high school that make me cringe now.

Your suggestion: I drank a lot more than I should have, and I didn’t treat people the way I should have.
Kavanaugh’s words: But I was not perfect in those days, just as I am not perfect today. I drank beer with my friends, usually on weekends. Sometimes I had too many.

Now here is where Kavanaugh departs from your suggested speech, although with justification, given that what he was accused of was NOT merely “not treating people the way I should have.”
Your suggestion: I realized this early on in my career, and I’m deeply sorry for what I did.
Kavanaugh’s words: In retrospect, I said and did things in high school that make me cringe now. … What I’ve been accused of is far more serious than juvenile misbehavior. I never did anything remotely resembling what Dr. Ford describes.

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Here, again he departs, but “I said and did things in high school that make me cringe now.” is an admission of being a different man now, and so is "I was not perfect then, just as I am not today.
Your suggestion: I am a different man now, and I hope you will judge me by my later life, not my high school and college life.
Kavanaugh’s words: In retrospect, I said and did things in high school that make me cringe now…But I was not perfect in those days, just as I am not perfect today…What I’ve been accused of is far more serious than juvenile misbehavior. I never did anything remotely resembling what Dr. Ford describes.

In fact, Kavanaugh goes further than your “I hope you will judge me by my later life, not my high school and college life.” by claiming that what he is now being “judged for” is not something he would have done back then, either: “I never did anything remotely resembling what Dr. Ford describes.

So, short of admitting that he did what he was accused of, I don’t see how he didn’t say what you suggested that he say.
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Sorry but that is hilarious! So many people regularly attend parties in college especially. I know people now who are some of the best in their fields and are very professional, decent, Christian and have families, who I watched do keg stands in college 20 years ago. Good.grief. Is all I can say.
Have you listened to him explain how much he respects her and hates that that in his HS yearbook was twisted and she’s been brought into this?
Sure. And I’m supposed to believe that nonsense? Poor Renate was mentioned 14-15 times in that yearbook. No doubt you’ve read her own take on it. She’s mad.
I don’t think that women need corroboration or witnesses or evidence to make an accusation. I am a woman. But I do think those are needed for an accusation to be able to IMPACT someone else’s life.
So…if you think that women don’t need witnesses or evidence to make an accusation, but you think they’re needed to IMPACT the perpetrator’s life…does that even make sense? So she goes to the police, or the boss, and makes an accusation. And the police, or the boss, says “Well, you don’t have witnesses or evidence, so therefore we can’t possibly do anything that would impact this guy’s life. Just suck it up, honey.” Really?

All I can say is that I sincerely hope that Kavanaugh’s daughters are treated exactly how he treated women in high school and college. And if he’s the nice guy he says he is, he has nothing to worry about, right?
Then, apparently, Keith Ellison (2nd in command in the Democratic Party) should be forced to resign, and cease in his efforts to become Minnesota’s Attorney General. Accusations against Ellison are far more credible than the uncorroborated accusations against Judge Kavanaugh. And, in 1992, Democratic Senator, Corey Booker, wrote about the fact that he groped a girl. But the Democratic Party is only concerned about Party and ideology. Hence, the attacks against Constitutional pro-life Judge Kavanaugh.
So…if you think that women don’t need witnesses or evidence to make an accusation, but you think they’re needed to IMPACT the perpetrator’s life…does that even make sense? So she goes to the police, or the boss, and makes an accusation. And the police, or the boss, says “Well, you don’t have witnesses or evidence, so therefore we can’t possibly do anything that would impact this guy’s life. Just suck it up, honey.” Really?
Impact as in cause someone to be fired, lose something huge and important in their life, etc. are YOU seriously saying that you think someone should be able to come out of nowhere with absolutely no leg to stand on and have that happen to someone? If so just WOW.

“All I can say is that I sincerely hope that Kavanaugh’s daughters are treated exactly how he treated women in high school and college. And if he’s the nice guy he says he is, he has nothing to worry about, right?“

And with this, I am done talking to you. This isn’t rational or Christian in any sense. You think he is guilty so you are basically saying you hope something horrible happens to his daughters. Gross.
Do you have any reason to believe Ford’s allegation is true?

Any reason to believe Kavanaugh’s defense is true?

If any, what are they and are they good reasons?
That is amazing, kavanaugh really did say everything that should make most people be a little less relentless about his youth with regards to drinking. And obviously, he isn’t that way any more or he wouldn’t have had the career and clearances he has had up until now.
As always, I refuse to engage with HarryStotle in any way.

I’m off to bed, to dream about how I can live a life of total debauchery and still become a Supreme Court judge.
in 1992, Democratic Senator, Corey Booker, wrote about the fact that he groped a girl.
Yes. Have you read the 1992 column? I have. First, he admits he did it. Second, the girl was kissing him. Third, and most important, he realized in college that that whole mind set of “getting some” was a bad thing. And he says so quite eloquently. Compare that to the Kavanaugh situation: First, he denies it. Second, Christine was not making any amorous advances towards him whatsoever–she was on her way to the bathroom, and third, he condemns sexual abuse–when he’s 52 years old and his dream job is on the line. Not while he’s still in college. See any differences?
Impact as in cause someone to be fired, lose something huge and important in their life, etc. are YOU seriously saying that you think someone should be able to come out of nowhere with absolutely no leg to stand on and have that happen to someone? If so just WOW.
Yes. Absolutely. If I go to my boss and say “So-and-so keeps grabbing my butt,” I expect him to do something about it. At the very least, question the other women–has it happened to them? Do they think the action would be out of character? Confront the perpetrator–most people aren’t good liars. Does he begin to fumble around with words? Or, a better tactic, lure him into conversation about what a hot number I am. See his reaction. Or have a longer talk with me–where did this happen? When? Has it happened before? etc. Am I making a credible complaint? Or the boss could hold a brief public meeting and say “Suzie here has accused Brett of fondling her. We have a strict policy against such things. Please report any such activities to me immediately if you see them or if you are a victim. We will take action.” Or any of a host of things. Would you just listen to the woman and immediately go off the fire the guy? Maybe–depends on what I know about the two people.

And no, I don’t think it’s “Christian” to appoint drunks and sexual predators to the Supreme Court.
I will respond to you once more actually. Do you think you are being rational? “A life of TOTAL debauchery?” When this guy is what, 56 years old and what we have been talking about was 30+ years ago? “A DRUNK” as opposed to “one who drank (heavily) in his teens and early 20’s?” And “a sexual predator” when there isn’t probable cause, in ANY sense of the word? I just don’t understand your thinking here at all. It seems more than biased. It seems like pathological hate.
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Do you have any reason to believe Ford’s allegation is true?

Any reason to believe Kavanaugh’s defense is true?

If any, what are they and are they good reasons?
Why would Ford be telling the truth? Why not? What’s her motive? She explained why she came forward, and it made perfect sense. It had nothing to do with politics. She talked about the attack in 2012 to her husband and her therapist. She didn’t just manufacture it last July. She insisted on two front doors because she didn’t want to feel closed in. And so on.

Now let’s take a look at Kavanaugh: self-confessed drunk in high school. Numerous witnesses have testified he was often drunk in high school and college, and that when he was drunk he was agressive and belligerent. He went to “parties” constantly. He went to “Beach Week” (look it up–and if you’re in the DC area, you know EXACTLY what it means.). He was a rich prep boy who was on the football team–not proof of guilt, but not exactly being in the church choir. Rich prep football boys don’t have a good reputation, esp. regarding girls. He talks openly in his h.s. yearbook about “boofing,” “Devil’s Triangle,” and “FFFF.” He brags about being a “Renate alumni.”

So, leaving aside all political stuff, just looking at the two people, a rational person wouldn’t have any doubt who they would believe.
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