…politics have become so polarized that people feel they have to dig in and defend their side…
…he keeps doing things that put his supporters on the spot to defend him, and he is more brazen …than most.
The polarization in politics isn’t about picking a side and digging in to defend it no matter what, it is far deeper than that. So deep, in fact, that digging is no longer required.
What sensible people have realized is that what is stated by a politician is essentially meaningless. Hillary so much as admitted that in her speech to Wall Street executive types (my memory is hazy as to where that happened), but she claimed there was a distinction to be made between her public thoughts and her private ones, between what she says in public and what she believes in private. That was, essentially an admission of duplicity.
I think Trump has taken that idea and turned it on its head and crushed it, by basically parading what would be, in Hillary’s terms, a politician’s closely held ideas kept secret so as not to ruffle feathers, and blast them out on Twitter and the news cycle.
By doing so he is demonstrating that what politicians think and say should basically be counted as valueless. The only thing that does matter is what they do. What they say is meaningless.That stance is resonating with the people who have become so jaded by politicians saying one thing and doing the opposite, or worse, doing nothing at all. That level of betrayal cuts deep, and one does not need a shovel to reveal the harm.
So, Trump is basically thumbing his nose at the way the political domain has operated over the past 30 or more years, where the public personae of politicians are squeaky clean and beyond reproach while in private, and in reality, these individuals are duplicitous and slimy reptiles.
Trumps approach is to not give a hoot about the public shaming that has been used by the leftist media to keep politicians in line with the progressivist, leftist and globalist agenda, but to consistently carry out with absolute precision and determination what is good for the people.
If the people recognize that and work with him, so much the better, if they don’t then they will inevitably suffer the fallout from their own folly of continuing to side with the corrupt political class that outwardly appears to be the caring shepherds of the people but inwardly betray them at every turn.
Trump doesn’t care what he is called, how he is shamed or who goes after him, because by doing any of those things, those individuals reveal their own motives and their own duplicity, at worst, or their folly, at best.
When I first heard that Trump had announced his candidacy, I thought it was a joke and that he was a joke. Then as I observed the media reaction to him and how his attackers were far more guilty of the things they were accusing him of, it became obvious that something much bigger was being revealed here about politicians and the ruling elites – in particular that what these people say should never be trusted and their actions alone should form the grounds upon which to assess their bona fides.