You’re doing to MM, who happens to be a saint in the RCC, what you claim people did to Brett Kavanaugh. There is no evidence. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Nothing.
Actually, this is kind of silly.
My claim is that people can change, and whether Mary Magdalene was a prostitute or possessed by seven demons makes no real difference. Conversion and sanctification by God’s grace is possible.
What I am not claiming, contrary to what some are claiming about Kavanaugh, is that the mere fact that MM was a prostitute or possessed by seven demons does not make her UNFIT for the Kingdom of Heaven.
So, if your analysis of my position is correct, then what those “people” did to Brett Kavanaugh was to claim no matter what he did, he may still be fit to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and, a fortiori, he would then still be fit to be on the Supreme Court. That, however, isn’t what they are claiming, is it?
No, those “people” are claiming that if Brett committed an assault at seventeen he is unfit to be regarded as a decent human being from that point forward and should be barred from the Supreme Court. In fact, those “people” are claiming that the mere fact that he was accused by someone should be sufficient to bar him and censor him forever, it seems.
If I were claiming about MM the same as those “people” are claiming about Brett Kavanaugh, I would be insisting that had MM been a prostitute or exorcized of demons, or even merely alleged to have been either, those would be sufficient to forever ban her from our “good books” and from the Kingdom, as well.
No, that isn’t the case, is it?