Kavanaugh endorsement rescinded

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Everyone thinks that President Trump should get the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts on the Korean peninsula, but he would never say it.
Well, not everyone by any means! LOL But I’m sure his ardent supporters do.
The idea here isn’t to enrich someone, but to promote peace.
Yeah…Rrrright. I’m glad I wasn’t drinking milk when I read that, friend!!

(The “everyone thinks that President Trump should get the Nobel Peach Prize” line is particularly rich, LOL. Yeah, because they just love him in Stockholm, LOL…especially after he made the comment “You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible”…and NOTHING had happened in Sweden!!)

Trump is a legend in his own mind. He is not popular here, he isn’t going to proclaimed the all-powerful leader, and nobody who has a thing to say about selecting the Nobel Prizes has any intention of selecting him for anything.

By the way, when you say: “Everyone thinks so, but I would never say it,” as the President did…news flash!
You’ve SAID it, LOL!!
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I’m not sure if I can post links on here or not but Sweden’s crime rate has sky rocketed from past rates due to their immigration crisis. DJT wasn’t just pulling what he said out of thin air.
Although I didn’t know what the “last night” thing is referring to. If nothing happened the night before it could have been a slip and he meant last week or month, who knows.
You’re doing to MM, who happens to be a saint in the RCC, what you claim people did to Brett Kavanaugh. There is no evidence. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Nothing.
Actually, this is kind of silly.

My claim is that people can change, and whether Mary Magdalene was a prostitute or possessed by seven demons makes no real difference. Conversion and sanctification by God’s grace is possible.

What I am not claiming, contrary to what some are claiming about Kavanaugh, is that the mere fact that MM was a prostitute or possessed by seven demons does not make her UNFIT for the Kingdom of Heaven.

So, if your analysis of my position is correct, then what those “people” did to Brett Kavanaugh was to claim no matter what he did, he may still be fit to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and, a fortiori, he would then still be fit to be on the Supreme Court. That, however, isn’t what they are claiming, is it?

No, those “people” are claiming that if Brett committed an assault at seventeen he is unfit to be regarded as a decent human being from that point forward and should be barred from the Supreme Court. In fact, those “people” are claiming that the mere fact that he was accused by someone should be sufficient to bar him and censor him forever, it seems.

If I were claiming about MM the same as those “people” are claiming about Brett Kavanaugh, I would be insisting that had MM been a prostitute or exorcized of demons, or even merely alleged to have been either, those would be sufficient to forever ban her from our “good books” and from the Kingdom, as well.

No, that isn’t the case, is it?
I think “if” Mary Magdalene was a prostitute, it doesn’t matter, because “if” she was, she repented and converted and followed Jesus;

In addition, I think Kavanaugh is well qualified to be a Supreme Court justice. The fact that his politics and mine are not identical doesn’t make him the “wrong” justice, just as RBG shouldn’t be “unqualified” just because her politics and yours differ greatly.

Harry, I’m on YOUR side. Please stop being antagonistic towards me. I think Kavanaugh is fine. I can’t stand Trump, but Kavanaugh is not Trump’s puppet. He’s his own man. Kavanaugh is okay. And you know I think Ford lied. No doubt about that. I just don’t buy a Democratic conspiracy.

Kavanaugh was a little emotional, but so what? Some people are more emotional than others. It’s not like he was an out-of-control Tasmanian devil! He was civilized. I don’t think he should have kept asking the female senator if she had a drinking problem rather than just answer, but unlike some, I don’t see any problems with anger in Kavanaugh. I think he’s going to be well respected.

Please bury your hatchet. 😝
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Although I didn’t know what the “last night” thing is referring to. If nothing happened the night before it could have been a slip and he meant last week or month, who knows.
OK, well, the thing is that he never said, “Oh, I didn’t mean last night. As far as I know, nothing happened last night.”

What about the Houston thing? There weren’t any people out on boats watching Hurricane Harvey. No one in Houston ever claimed there were. This kind of thing just keeps happening.

It is bad enough when any of us does it, as the Catechism teaches it is an offense against the truth, but the President of the United States in particular does not have the luxury of repeating whatever he thinks he heard as if he’s a private person passing on idle gossip.
where is “here” for you? sweden?
By “popular,” I mean enjoying broad support, not enjoying the rabid support of a relatively restricted portion of the population. He’s extremely popular with some people, but there is no measure by which he enjoys the kind of broad popularity necessary to be put into office and never turned out (which was the topic).
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I feel like you are holding DJT to a higher standard than past presidents. The Houston thing was a wacky thing to say, maybe he heard some people were waiting out the hurricane on boats (as does happen) and changed it to watched, maybe he was misinformed by someone in his administration, who knows. But it was just a wacky random thing and not an evil betrayal like all of the deliberate lies that were told when the affordable care act came out, for instance. Actually with almost every speech Obama made the truth was bent in some way. I don’t remember past postings of yours so maybe I am wrong and you think Obama is just as evil or more evil, and if so please forgive me for thinking you are holding trump to a higher standard. I just don’t see Trump as any more of a liar than Obama or Bush and he’s way more honest than Bill Clinton was.
What about the Houston thing? There weren’t any people out on boats watching Hurricane Harvey. No one in Houston ever claimed there were. This kind of thing just keeps happening.
I remember him saying more people attended his inauguration than any other, I think. At least Obama’s. But if you look at the crowd photos of his inauguration and compare them to Obama;s, there are many, many more at Obama’s.
I feel like you are holding DJT to a higher standard than past presidents. The Houston thing was a wacky thing to say, maybe he heard some people were waiting out the hurricane on boats (as does happen) and changed it to watched, maybe he was misinformed by someone in his administration, who knows. But it was just a wacky random thing and not an evil betrayal like all of the deliberate lies that were told when the affordable care act came out, for instance. Actually with almost every speech Obama made the truth was bent in some way. I don’t remember past postings of yours so maybe I am wrong and you think Obama is just as evil or more evil, and if so please forgive me for thinking you are holding trump to a higher standard. I just don’t see Trump as any more of a liar than Obama or Bush and he’s way more honest than Bill Clinton was.
Please give us some examples of lies Obama and Bush told. Thank you.
I feel like you are holding DJT to a higher standard than past presidents.
No, these are not “wacky random things.” When Reagan was joking around during microphone testing and saying, “My fellow Americans, I’m pleased to tell you today that I’ve signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes,” that was a wacky random thing to say.

Mr. Trump’s Sweden comment was not a “random wacky thing.” It was included in a speech meant to stir up fear about terrorist activities associated with accepting refugees. (That is not to say that he doesn’t make up weird false things to say for no obvious reason other than an immediate shortage of something to brag about.)

Yes, I do see him as a perpetrator of falsehoods far more brazen than any other past President for two mutually-reinforcing reasons. The first is that he doesn’t bother to start with a truth and twist it. He just plain makes stuff up or uses “facts” that somebody else makes up. You can’t find an instance where some other President said, “look what happened last night in Sweden” when what happened was NOTHING AT ALL. The second reason is that he constantly accuses the media of reporting false things. His standard is “I can make up anything I like and say it like it is a fact, and THEN I can turn around and accuse everyone else of lying.” Hello?!?

I agree he is not far more skillful at perpetrating falsehoods than any other President. I would give that prize to Bill Clinton, yes, because Clinton was far more careful about crafting his misleading statements than Mr. Trump is. Mr. Trump is so sloppy, he seems to assume that people who want to believe he’s telling the truth won’t bother to check or won’t care.

I wish I could say that was a miscalculation. It doesn’t seem to be. He may even have been pretty close to right when he said “could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.” I have to wonder if his most loyal followers wouldn’t meet that news with criticism of other Presidents respect for their weak defense of the 2nd Amendment, I honestly do.
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He may even have been pretty close to right when he said “could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.”
What our President was saying there is that the people just don’t trust the news media in this country, so they would doubt any such news report.

There has been a lot of Fake News out there about President Trump and people are skeptical.

I don’t know if you remember 2 months ago, Mr. Trump’s press conference held jointly with his Russian Federation counterpart. The media in this country went way over the top, comparing the presser to 9/11 and even the Holocaust.
What our President was saying there is that the people just don’t trust the news media in this country, so they would doubt any such news report.

There has been a lot of Fake News out there about President Trump and people are skeptical.

I don’t know if you remember 2 months ago, Mr. Trump’s press conference held jointly with his Russian Federation counterpart. The media in this country went way over the top, comparing the presser to 9/11 and even the Holocaust.
Why do you interpret what he said that way? He did not say “the media could report I shot someone, and my voters wouldn’t believe them.” No, he meant that no matter what he does, his supporters are so loyal that they’ll find some excuse for continuing to support him. He meant that as a compliment, I suppose, but it is not.

I’ve heard some biased reporting, but I haven’t heard anything that touches the steady stream of whoppers that the President gets away with. It beggars belief, it really does.

It follows the observation I heard recently from a college student who is getting a bit cynical, yet I couldn’t argue with him. He said this:
There is no rhetorical device more powerful than telling people what they want to hear.

If you can’t say, “I agree with what you’re trying to do and say, but what you just said to further our cause is just plain false, which is not acceptable,” then I would argue that you have put partisan interests ahead of the truth.

We just cannot have that. No matter how much political advantage there is in it, we can’t. We need to call our side on falsehoods, too, not just the people twisting the truth or making up lies while saying things we don’t want to hear. Otherwise, we know who we have to call Father, which is to say the one Below, not the one Above. (John 8:44)
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Why do you interpret what he said that way?
Because the President doesn’t actually want to shoot someone on 5th Ave in New York- his home is on that street for goodness sakes.

Donald Trump has been an A List celebrity for 40 years, people know what he means when he says it.
Because the President doesn’t actually want to shoot someone on 5th Ave in New York- his home is on that street for goodness sakes.

Donald Trump has been an A List celebrity for 40 years, people know what he means when he says it.
Oh, gosh, and everyone has always held him up as a paragon of truthfulness for 40 years, LOL! (Never mind that he coined the phrase “truthful hyperbole” to cover things like claiming his buildings had more stories than they have…)

Yes, he was using hyperbole (when is he not using hyperbole?) but he was NOT saying that his base have no confidence in the media. He was saying he has that level of support of him–that in their eyes, he can do no wrong. He can say and do what he wants, and it will be excused.

I don’t see much evidence that he got that wrong, as insulting as it actually is to his base for him to have said it quite so bluntly. Criticize Trump, and it’s deflected or minimized, no matter how many or how big the falsehoods he spews out. There is no pressure on him from his base to tell the truth, because falsehoods are always excused

But hey–tell me a time when you heard a lie from him and the response of his we-hate-all-the-lies base was, “Hey, that is unacceptable! I didn’t cope with it when any other President lied, and I don’t cope with it when you lie, either, Mr. President.”

Is it maybe a little closer that you complained to Obama’s supporters that they were accepting his lies or making excuses for him, when the truth is that you make a lot more excuses for a lot more brazen lies that his supporters ever had to?
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