Not really. He really can’t go back to his old job if he’s tarred as a rapist.
Afterwards if Kav will be spending the rest of his days recovering his character if he can.
Salary of an associate justice of the Supreme Court: $244,400.00.
Salary of a circuit court judge: $211,200.00.
So he’ll lose $33,200.00 a year if he has to stay a Circuit Court Judge
for life. Granted, that’s no small amount of money. But I’m having a hard time believing that his career is over. He won’t lose his job unless a majority of the House votes to impeach
and two-thirds of the Senate votes to convict.
Now, don’t get me wrong: the damage to his reputation is incalculable, and I can’t imagine what this has done to his family. But that damage isn’t coming from failing to confirm him; it comes automatically from the allegation being made in the first place, and I’m not comfortable saying that victims of sexual abuse aren’t allowed to present their story before someone is appointed to the Supreme Court for life.
So we’re stuck with what our bishops would call “a credible accusation” and the need to take a job action in light of that accusation; and, just as a bishop can’t appoint an accused priest to be pastor of a parish while an accusation is pending without doing a
thorough investigation, the President and Senate should not make an irreversible appointment to the highest court in the land without a
thorough investigation.