Kayleigh McEnany Drops BOMB On Media and Dems and Even Fox News Cuts Their Feed

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“Media” outlets cut away from this. So I thought I would post it for you.


Kayleigh McEnany Drops BOMB On Media and Dems and Even Fox News Cuts Their Feed​


•Nov 9, 2020

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Dinesh D’Souza

456K subscribers

“There is only one party that opposes voter id, verifying signatures, citizenship, residency eligibility. There’s only one party in America trying to keep observers out of the count room. You don’t take these positions because you want an honest election.” . . .
I’m in a country where YouTube is banned so I can’t watch the video. Can you tell me what happened?
I’m in a country where YouTube is banned so I can’t watch the video. Can you tell me what happened?
Hopefully this helps you Duke.

Here is Kayleigh McEnany. Excellent points from her.

Fox made a huge mistsake cutting away from her.


Here is part of it.


From TimCast . . .
President Trump’s always-prepared press secretary was giving an important press briefing and taking questions from reporters when news networks cut her stream as she reached a key point about the impact of recent events and protests on policing. Tim and Adam continue the conversation about negative social ramifications of cultural unheaval.

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Then, today, as my colleague Bonchie reported earlier, Neil Cavuto cut away from the White House presser where Kayleigh McEnany was talking about some of the allegations of fraud, claiming they couldn’t verify the claims.
This infantilization of the American people by the news media is disgraceful and dangerous. Let us hear what government officials say and then do your editorializing. You’re not our parents. https://twitter.com/lispower1/status/1325917802457391107

— David Marcus (@BlueBoxDave) November 9, 2020
This is insane. They covered false claims by the left for four years about Russia collusion. What the administration is saying is news, the opinion of people on the questions of fraud is news. If you think that there isn’t enough evidence yet, you say that. But you don’t completely cut off the question and fail to cover such news.

Is it any wonder that after all that their ratings crashed?

From Wikipedia (via Google) . . . .
Infantilization is the prolonged treatment of one who has a mental capacity greater than that of a child as though they are a child.
Other definitions . . .

Aug 1, 2018 — The dictionary defines infantilizing as treating someone “as a child or in a way that denies their maturity in age or experience.” What’s considered …

The Collins Dictionary defines infantilization as “the act of prolonging an infantile state in a person by treating them as an infant.” In other words, deliberately treating someone as being much younger than their actual age. Narcissistic parents do this because they see their child as an extension of themselves.

And here:
Parenting in this way can lead to infantilization , which is described as a tendency to “treat or condescend to as if still a young child”. Parents who infantilize their …
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It’s seems many are upset with Fox News and how that White House briefing was cut off.

This morning I did see the Senate leader discuss the contested vote count. I can imagine this isn’t an issue going away soon despite what some in the media want.

“Democrats have zero excuses for complaining about Trump contesting vote counts”


…Too many voices tried to talk down our progress, urged Americans not to have confidence and smeared anyone as unpatriotic who opposed far-left proposals to rewrite election laws. Well, the people who pushed this hysteria could not have more egg on their faces than they do now.

According to preliminary results, voters across the nation elected and re-elected Republican senators to a degree that stunned prognosticators. Likewise, the American people seem to have reacted to House Democrats’ radicalism and obstruction by shrinking the speaker’s majority and electing more Republicans there.

And then there is the presidential race. Obviously, no states have yet certified their election results. We have at least one or two states that are already on track for a recount. And I believe the president may have legal challenges underway in at least five states.

The core principle here is not complicated. In the United States of America, all legal ballots must be counted; any illegal ballots must not be; the process should be transparent or observable by all sides, and the courts are here to work through concerns.

Our institutions are built for this. We have the system in place to consider concerns. And President Trump is 100 percent within his rights to look into allegations of irregularities and weigh his legal options.

Twenty years ago, when Florida came down to a very thin margin, we saw Vice President Al Gore exhaust the legal system and wait to concede until December.

More recently, weeks after the media had “called” President Bush’s re-election in 2004, Democrats baselessly disputed Ohio’s electors and delayed the process in Congress. The 2016 election saw recounts or legal challenges in several states.

If any major irregularities occurred this time, of a magnitude that would affect the outcome, then every single American should want them to be brought to light. And if Democrats feel confident they have not occurred, they should have no reason to fear any extra scrutiny.

And notably, the Constitution gives no role in this process to wealthy media corporations. The projections and commentary of the press do not get veto power over the legal rights of any citizen, including the president…
IanM . . .
It appears that many Fox supporters claim to be transferring to Newsmax
I think you are right.

We have not had a lot of “fair and balanced” from many of those at Fox lately.

Some of this is meddling from the brass (creates a good environment for the viewer to discriminate regarding who is a leftist or middle milquetoast though vrs. real Conservative).

Just ask Jeanine Pirro about “the brass” taking over control of her show.

Some are the hosts themselves tossing off the masks.

There are also some notable exceptions (Tucker being one of the obvious ones).

Good post IanM!
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I have not watched a lot of Fox, I know Martha McCallum at least, one time, had ashes on her forehead on Ash Wednesday, she also wrote some book on an Uncle or something killed in World War II at Iwo Jima.

Anyway, TV or even news sources is way down on my priorities because there are lots of alternatives.
Fox is done. Stick a fork in them.

Rumor in Australia is that Rupert Murdoch has the goods on Biden thanks to the “laptop from hell” and now no longer needs Trump.

But oh those viewership numbers. Get woke, go broke, that’s all there is to it. Their AZ call tore the curtain in half.

Let’s see how hard they hold on to Tucker. He’s about the only one on the air remaining of old school Fox. Also the only one with the ratings. CNN, MSNBC, WAPO, ABC and CBS, please welcome the newest member of your group … Fox News! Let’s have a round of applause …

So former Fox viewers are looking for options: there are some but caution watch out for the neocons on some of their platforms.
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Zzyzx_Road . . .
But oh those viewership numbers. Get woke, go broke, that’s all there is to it. Their AZ call tore the curtain in half.

Let’s see how hard they hold on to Tucker. He’s about the only one on the air remaining of old school Fox. Also the only one with the ratings. . . .
Yeah. If FoxNews is just another outfit that plays Democrat talking points as “news”, the conservatives won’t bother and the leftists are vindictive enough where they will obtain “unity” and go out of their way to destroy FoxNews from airing real news again.

That leaves a mighty small audience.

A Conservative friend told me Paul Ryan and Rance Preibus are on the Fox board or other payroll.

I don’t know if that is the case (I didn’t bother to check) but that does not surprise me if it was the case. Maybe they can get John Boehner to take a hiatus from his marijuana evangelization (looks like from a cursory look by me at Wikipedia that they scrubbed his marijuana hawking) and come on board at Fox too.

But you can still find it at the NYT . . .

John Boehner: From Speaker of the House to Cannabis Pitchman​

By Elizabeth Williamson

June 3, 2019

WASHINGTON — John A. Boehner, the former speaker of the House, once stood second in line for the presidency and staunchly against legalized marijuana. Now you can find the longtime Republican standing before a wall-size photo of the Capitol, making an online infomercial pitch for the cannabis industry. . . .

. . . The chain-smoking, merlot-sipping, former 12-term congressman from Ohio says he had never lit a joint in his life when he and the former Massachusetts governor William F. Weld, now a Republican candidate for president, joined Acreage’s board last year. This year, Acreage announced plans to sell itself to Canopy Growth, a Canadian company that is the biggest cannabis holding in the world. The deal, worth around $3 billion . . .
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Kayleigh McEnany Drops BOMB On Media and Dems and Even Fox News Cuts Their Feed​

should be

Kayleigh McEnany Drops BOMB OF LIES On Media and Dems and Even Fox News Cuts Their Feed​

Cause that is what happened.

Same thing happened when Trump gave his speech either Wednesday or Thursday night. I was watching in CNN. CNN did not drop it. The Major Networks went to regular broadcasting after a few minutes.

Kayleigh was just repeating everything Trump said that night.
Of course. They want to go where their bias will be confirmed.
Even Newsmax is showing it is not looking good for Trump.
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
ChuckB . . .
Of course. They want to go where their bias will be confirmed.
That’d be leftists going to Democrat talking points disgused as “news”. A crowded marketplace indeed.

You might be surprised @ChuckB, but the conservatives I know, get a very well-rounded set of sources.

The conservatives (that I know anyway) typically are not news snobs.

Speaking for myself, although I read the leftists,
I ususally refuse to post them.

I will not work for their “clicks” in most cases.

But if you read one leftist source, you’ve typically read them all.

That’s WHY the left-leaning people were brutalized over the last four years with nightly FAKE news wherever they went among the leftist outfits. (They do NOT have the variety that conservatives have.)

Absolutely brutal to do that against themselves.

When they found out Russia Collusion was phony, many (to their credit) walked away.

But then again there is always that subset of leftists who LIKES eating FAKE news night after night. Pope Francis had particularly harsh words for those who LIKE their news FAKE. But that would be for another thread.
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That’s WHY the left-leaning people were brutalized over the last four years with nightly FAKE news wherever they went among the leftist outfits.
Wait leftists have nightly news? Like TV news? What leftists have I been reading, then?
I think you’ll need to figure that out for yourself.
Hmmmm Counterpunch, Monthly Review, Z Communications… These are left… But the only nightly news I see is NBC, ABC, CBS… Hmmmm. I think someone in this conversation misunderstands what a left winger is.
I think someone in this conversation misunderstands what a left winger is.
I think someone in this conversation should not assume “all leftists” when Cathoholic does not say
“all leftists”.

The other thing is . . . .

I think someone in this conversation misunderstands when Cathoholic is discussing by and large the leftists nationally and NOT here.

And the last thing is . . .

I think someone in this conversation misunderstands that he gets to tell Cathoholic how to define leftists.
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And the last thing is I think someone in this conversation misunderstands that he gets to tell Cathoholic how to define leftists.
I just invite you to acknowledge what real left wingers write and believe. Instead of just calling centrists leftists.
StudentMI . . .
I just invite you to acknowledge what real left wingers write and believe.

The readers can either figure it out themselves, or can be left in mystery.

I am not going to beat my own head against the wall dealing with pedantics.

As I said.

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