Kayleigh McEnany Drops BOMB On Media and Dems and Even Fox News Cuts Their Feed

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The readers can either figure it out themselves, or can be left in mystery.

I am not going to beat my own head against the wall dealing with pedantics.

As I said.

Okay. You’re still calling centrists leftists because it sounds more scary.
Of course. They want to go where their bias will be confirmed.
Where did leftists go to get their biased narrative confirmed…the one that the only way Trump could have beaten Hillary was because he colluded with Russia? I would argue CNN primarily, but as you can guess the other MSM outlets as well.
StudentMI . . . .
Okay. You’re still calling centrists leftists because it sounds more scary.
Bold mine.

What makes you think you know WHY I do anything?

Maybe its the other way around StudentMI.

Maybe you’re still calling leftists centrists because it sounds less scary.

In the meantime, I get to make my own decisions on these points.
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Yet they look very anti-democrat/anti-liberal in the majority of what they put out.
Neocons aren’t the same as the progressives. They’re there to peel the Republican Party away from the Trump’ers so they can get back to their warmongering ways.

My friends and I have an over/under bet on how long after January 20th it takes President Biden to get us into a new conflict the way Obama did. Mine was 8 months.
toabb . . .
she started lying and talking about falsehoods.
She was not lying.

There CLEARLY has been at least SOME vote cheating.

McEnany was telling the truth.

The question is to what extent? How deep, far, and wide is all this? (And I want to know how long this has been going on.)

Cheating materials and methods need to be exposed too. To help prevent this from ocurring again.

I think the national left WANTS these cheating methods kept in place.

They WANT this because they are dishonest on a broad scale and will benefit from that.

The other thing is, their IDEAS CANNOT WIN with the American people. The national left’s ideas have never been able to compete.

Cheating (and hoodwinking the American voter) is their only recourse in my opinion.
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Zzyzx_Road . . .
My friends and I have an over/under bet on how long after January 20th it takes President Biden to get us into a new conflict the way Obama did. Mine was 8 months.
You are right. The leftists are very good at getting America into wars (and not calling those wars “wars”). I expect more of the same if the left gets the chance. It is an easy way to feed the Washington Beltway (with the blood of American soldiers) military industrial complex.

One guy I talked to last night said this too.
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Let me know how it turns out.
Sure. As an avowed anti-war and anti-neocon person, I would be very happy to be wrong. Very.

But I have no such optimism given the conduct of US foreign policy under Obama, Biden and Clinton. The record is clear that they didn’t retract Bush’s foreign policy; rather, they expanded on it. Biden was there for all eight years of that and it was one of the reasons the electorate supported Trump as much as it did in 2016.
Biden was there for all eight years of that and it was one of the reasons the electorate supported Trump as much as it did in 2016.
Let’s not forget how the Democrats treated their own anti-war candidates in 2016 and again this year. We were watching and we very definitely remembered that. One of them wiped the floor with Kamala in the first Democrat debate.
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Zzyzx_Road . . .
Let’s not forget how the Democrats treated their own anti-war candidates in 2016 and again this year.
Paging Tulsi Gabbard.
One of them wiped the floor with Kamala in the first Democrat debate.
Yep. That’d be Tulsi.

Tulsi ripped Comrade Kamala. Yet the Bolsheviks (our Atty. General Barr’s term) and the Military Industrial Complex loves her.

If Tulsi could get over the life hurdle, it would help her immensely. But she will now be gone thanks to her fellow party members who will not put up with any other ideas.
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There CLEARLY has been at least SOME vote cheating.
SOME vote cheating is much different than the wide spread fraud that is being claimed. I am sure if you went thru millions and millions of ballots, you’d find ineligible voters from both sides. however that does nothing to substantiate any of the claims being thrown around by trump and his supporters. It’s actually them just trying to play on words and make their non existing case.
Cathoholic . . .
The leftists are very good at getting America into wars (and not calling those wars “wars”).
toabb . . .
Which wars was this? Afghanistan? Iraq? Iraq again? Central America?
All the above and then some. (You DO realize that some Republicans are “leftists”
and ALL the Democrats are leftists
nationally speaking. Correct toabb?)
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toabb . . .
SOME vote cheating is much different than the wide spread fraud that is being claimed.
What then is your threshold of
cheat tolerance toabb?

There is enough evidence where further investigation NEEDS to be done.

This needs transparency.

Then America needs REAL election reform.
This cheating that we are now seeing (unless you only watch leftist “news” outlets,
or pay attention to leftist evangelistic outfits like Snopes,
or depend on Big social media (to allow you to selectively hear truth)
is so widespread,
it makes me wonder if California, Minnesota, and Massachucetts
will begin to vote American after meaningful election reform is undertaken?

I remember years ago the day after the election Senator Norm Coleman won
his re-election by 600+ votes.

I told my wife (showing her the result on the computer): “You know what this means right?”

Her reply was that it meant that Norm Coleman won.

I said: “No. It means they will have a re-count and"divine” up enough votes for Al Franken to win!"

My wife was genuinely surprised when I was correct.

Someone in Pine County (?) had a box full of votes that they pulled out of the trunk, all for Franken if I recall correctly,
and that was that.

Franken was declared the “winner”.

And the leftist Republicans lacked the fortitude to fight this.

I am very glad President Trump is uncovering this fraud.

America will be better off because of it. Even if they cannot find enough “votes” to overturn this sin against justice.
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Yeah. If FoxNews is just another outfit that plays Democrat talking points as “news”, the conservatives won’t bother and the leftists are vindictive enough where they will obtain “unity” and go out of their way to destroy FoxNews from airing real news again.

That leaves a mighty small audience.
It’s officially called “Megyn Kelly Syndrome.”
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