Killing Your Kids

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Wow, you sound just like Pontius Pilate!
Except the irony is somewhat reduced in that the question was posed to a weak human sinner rather than the perfect God of the universe.
I’m not saying it is proven. It would, however, be good if we could approach the issue without modifying the original hypothesis and by providing appropriate statistics.

The hypothesis is that women (not men, just women) are killing their children (not just under 1 but under 18) at a higer rate since abortion has been legalized.

The charts (which are the more relevant of the statisitics but still lacking information) you showed are still post 1976 - they don’t show the infanticide rate prior to 1973, but, as I said, it’s much wider than just infanticide.
The statistics at the head of the para show infanticide figures 1950-1964 at the rate of 5.4 per 100 000, the more recent figures from 1976 do not reveal any significant increase in that proportion. The Holy Father is perfectly right to draw our attention to the Culture of Death but I’m not sure that this phenomenon is a manifestation of it.

As a general rule perceptions of crime are greater than the reality of it. Crime makes the news. Absence of crime does not.
The statistics at the head of the para show infanticide figures 1950-1964 at the rate of 5.4 per 100 000, the more recent figures from 1976 do not reveal any significant increase in that proportion. The Holy Father is perfectly right to draw our attention to the Culture of Death but I’m not sure that this phenomenon is a manifestation of it.

As a general rule perceptions of crime are greater than the reality of it. Crime makes the news. Absence of crime does not.
Again, your conclusion does not await full and appropriate statistics. These stats are for infanticide (under year 1) and do not discriminate by the type of relation. I think it is logical to suggest it could be a manifiestation of the culture of death and that we should await appropriate statistics before discounting it.

My perception is that the number of news items regarding women killing their post-born children appears to have increased. I’d be interested to see if that is actually true. The news has been fairly pervasive and widely covering crimes of parents killing children for at least the last 20 years. Has it increased over those 20 years? These are important things to know.
My perception is that the number of news items regarding women killing their post-born children appears to have increased. I’d be interested to see if that is actually true. The news has been fairly pervasive and widely covering crimes of parents killing children for at least the last 20 years. Has it increased over those 20 years? These are important things to know.
News items for crimes have been on the increase the last 5 years due to more news channels, more people having the internet, and more outlets on the internet to report this. This is all crimes across the baord, but over the last 3 or 4 years crime has been steadily decreasing.

Simply, there is no proof whatsoever that infantacide committed by woman has increased above the population growth rate. The only way to know is to dig through police reports and right the info down, then do an anlysis, or require police departments to change the way they compile their info for reporting to the FBI.
Simply, there is no proof whatsoever that infantacide committed by woman has increased above the population growth rate. The only way to know is to dig through police reports and right the info down, then do an anlysis, or require police departments to change the way they compile their info for reporting to the FBI.
And this is not a worthy pursuit of our tax dollars? They are better spent to fund the killing of the unborn?
And this is not a worthy pursuit of our tax dollars? They are better spent to fund the killing of the unborn?
So when you don’t have a logical response, you revert back to the issue of “let’s just fund abortion?” Have you not paid any attention to my previous posts? Do you not realize that I oppose abortion?
So when you don’t have a logical response, you revert back to the issue of “let’s just fund abortion?” Have you not paid any attention to my previous posts? Do you not realize that I oppose abortion?
Actually, the response was very logical. You were making it sound like it would be an undue burden to investigate whether woman killing their post-born children had increased. I’m saying that we waste our tax money on much worse pursuits.

I understand you are against abortion. I don’t understand why you are flippant at disovering whether or not abortion has had a greater negative impact on society than many in society would like to think.
Europeans accept responsibility for their past actions? Get serious! How many Germans accept responsibility for the Holocaust? Seems I remember most of them saying, “I was not a Nazi and I was only following orders.” How many French accept responsibility for deporting the French Jews to Germany? Am I wrong in remembering that most said they knew nothing about it? How many Englishmen accept responsibility for the slave trade they were in in the 19th century? How many French accept responsibility for driving Ho Chi Mien into the arms of the communist? Who is accepting responsibilty for all the evils colonialism has and is causing?
From this side of the pond it seems that if something goes wrong in Europe it was somebody else and it was only a small minority who did not reflect the views of the majority. If something goes wrong over here we are all responsible forever.
Brad, all people have to be quiet, because I have to remember, that like the war between USA and Mexico, where this last country was humillated and USA put dictatorships and people for their confidence, or the war with my country Spain, provoked by a destruction of “Maine” that was provoked by americans to throw the deaths to Spain, and the killings of indians, and so many things, all countries have black pages and like Jesus say, who was free of sin, throw the first stone, greetings
Actually, the response was very logical. You were making it sound like it would be an undue burden to investigate whether woman killing their post-born children had increased. I’m saying that we waste our tax money on much worse pursuits.

I understand you are against abortion. I don’t understand why you are flippant at disovering whether or not abortion has had a greater negative impact on society than many in society would like to think.
You’re asking for something to be done that is not fiscally possible. Maybe a better idea would be to change the way these crimes are reported. The criminal justice system doesn’t have an unlimited budget.
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