What you say is, for me, the greatest absolute moral certainty. I could perhaps forgive myself murder or theft, but I could never, ever, ever forgive myself reproduction.
I don’t try to convince others, nor do I judge others. But it is a serious isssue- the most serious issue. To impose life on another- that is a very, very, very grave thing to do. We can live out our own lives in Stoic resignation. But to pass it on, potentially to many generations…
This matter goes way beyond religion. You may or may not believe in God. But each one of us knows in our hearts that life is an ill thing…To deny it is to lie to yourself.
The key words and ideas that would dictate the conclusion of the OP that reproducing is selfish go to the words “impose life on another” versus the concept of being open to life.
No wonder someone would question reproduction. The world has indeed turned upside down and people believe that they are the authors of their life, from beginning to end: I made my children, I own them, they are mine mine MINE, I have the right to my own body, a fetus is just a blob of tissue, I have the right to end my own life whenever and however I want.
All of this belief avoids the fact that some people cannot bear children when they want, most birth control does not work all the time, some women find out they are pregnant at six months- too late to abort, some people will themselves to die but keep on living, some suicide attempts fail. How much CONTROL do we actually have here?
The life force is strong, even amongst the distressed, and the urge to reproduce is a strong part of that life force.
This is why we label such sentiments Nihilistic–the thoughts are death-related, not life upholding. There are reasons why people state these sentiments against bringing children into the world but there are more reasons to bring them in. If anything, a good reason for progeny is to bring in another life that you can’t 100% control.
Kids are very unsettling. In your family, in a restaurant, in your neighborhood, anywhere, they are very wild, amazing, hopeful, scary, frail, strong, uneducated, smart, funny, sad creatures that require direction, food, shelter, clothing, and love.
Who knows what answers they might bring in to the world at a small community level or at a grand global level? Who knows what brilliant people we have aborted already who could have brought questions and answers to the world?
Take care of your depression. Maybe it’s not a good idea to venture into baby making while you feel unable to raise a little one (although there is no law against it, thank God) but don’t discourage others.
If we say it enough will it make it so? " Oh, the world is hell and this is no place to bring in children," has been said during trying times…well, when have there not been trying times? Change “life is suffering” to “life has suffering”. Then learn how to cope with suffering.