Knowing what we know for certain, is reproduction a selfish and cruel act?

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Yes- the intention to reproduce is a condition of valid marriage. But there is no command to ‘get married’ if you are single- in fact, Paul advises the opposite. I am advocating celibate chastity as a real a valid vocation. The vocation to celibacy can still apply to people who aren’t called to priesthood, or membership of a religious order.

There is no command or counsel to reproduce, just to boost the number of human beings, or even to boost the number of Catholics. God is not ‘breeding us up’ like cattle. I think this was a common error in the past.
I know that God does not expect all to marry. And I know that all are not called to the religious life and priesthood. I’m just saying that for those called to marriage being fruitful and multiplying is expected of them by God – God does not want married people remaining childless or virtually childless, unless of course it has become impossible for them to conceive. He is happy with parents who have big families and trust in his Providence, not with parents who have unnecessary luxuries and can hardly get themselves to produce any offspring because they think they can’t afford to because they need their luxury and independence. God bless you.
Sex being as great as it is, I don’t think a commandment is necessary other than it being used in the service of love and procreation (the one about adultery).
Ive said it before on here, but will mention it here, Ive always thought it kind of strange God made sex between humans feel so good, if you look at many other species, procreation is very uncomfortable, why give a species already hardwired to sin, such a great feeling when doing something they should not be doing on a recreational level?, that is almost inviting failure and other problems imo!

Anyway, why would sex really matter to God? Of course it is used to procreate, but eventually people found ways they could enjoy this great feeling without having a child each time, its just the feeling people want to experience, so Im not clear why it would sinful to do this…If both parties are OK with it and rape is not involved, why should it even matter what 2 adults do with their earthly bodies? Sex releases dopamine and seratonin into the brain, making us feel really good, but the same chemicals are released when we do other things we enjoy or give us good feelings, like spending time with a loved one, seeing wonders of the world, riding bikes with friends, exercise gives some people this level of enjoyment too, etc, so why didnt God make all these other things sinful too?

Hugging between 2 people can also release dopamine, non- sexual kissing, shaking hands with people even make us feel somewhat good, these are 3 physical interactions between 2 people, why arent these sinful? really sex is just another physical interaction between 2 people…what makes it sinful?
Ive said it before on here, but will mention it here, Ive always thought it kind of strange God made sex between humans feel so good, if you look at many other species, procreation is very uncomfortable, why give a species already hardwired to sin, such a great feeling when doing something they should not be doing on a recreational level?, that is almost inviting failure and other problems imo!
Theologically, sex is sacramental. The union between husband and wife is an image of the union between the soul and God, or that between the Persons of the Trinity. The pleasure is a tiny foretaste of Heaven.

As for why God doesn’t make it impossible to misuse the pleasure, we do not know His mind, but He also does not make overeating, hoarding possessions, or even rape and murder impossible or aversive. For whatever reason, He does not actively prevent sin, nor does He (usually) make the direct effects of sin aversive. Many sins are good things taken too far, and He expects us to accept the good thing while practicing it in moderation.
Anyway, why would sex really matter to God? Of course it is used to procreate, but eventually people found ways they could enjoy this great feeling without having a child each time, its just the feeling people want to experience, so Im not clear why it would sinful to do this…If both parties are OK with it and rape is not involved, why should it even matter what 2 adults do with their earthly bodies? Sex releases dopamine and seratonin into the brain, making us feel really good, but the same chemicals are released when we do other things we enjoy or give us good feelings, like spending time with a loved one, seeing wonders of the world, riding bikes with friends, exercise gives some people this level of enjoyment too, etc, so why didnt God make all these other things sinful too?
God doesn’t just arbitrarily “make” things sinful to mess with us. Sin harms – if not always directly another person, then the sinner, or the human community at large, or the intended pattern of the universe.

Again, sex is a sort of natural, small-s sacrament – the closest most people will come, in this life, to the sort of bliss and unity that exists in Heaven. To underscore its sacred nature, God has given us a capital-S sacrament (marriage) in which to “house” the activity. The misuse of sex isn’t sinful because sex or pleasure is sinful, despite the ideas of some particularly grouchy theologians of the past; it’s sinful in the same way that treating the Eucharist as a mundane snack without recognizing its profound significance would be. Profanation of a sacred thing is sinful, and all sacred things are kept to certain times or places and hedged about with ceremony so that they do not become simply mundane.
Hugging between 2 people can also release dopamine, non- sexual kissing, shaking hands with people even make us feel somewhat good, these are 3 physical interactions between 2 people, why arent these sinful? really sex is just another physical interaction between 2 people…what makes it sinful?
It’s not the interaction nor the pleasure that makes the sin. Sex has a theological significance that puts it on a different level than shaking hands or kissing. It also has the biological significance that it’s how we produce new humans (which itself has theological significance, since those are new eternal souls and potential citizens for Heaven).

Not everyone finds it inspiring, but I consider Pope St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body to be the Church’s best meditation on the meaning of sex and the reason for all the “rules” surrounding it. As I did above, the sainted pope focuses on the sacramentality and symbolism of the sexual union as the reason why its use outside certain parameters is a bad idea. The sexual act, he says, is the physical affirmation of the marital vow to give oneself fully to one’s spouse. The act without the pre-existing vow is a lie – the physical pleasure and unity say “I give you everything that I am,” but you don’t, really, if you haven’t made the commitment. That also helps to explain why contraception within marriage is sinful – it’s another way of turning the act and the vow into a lie, since something is being held back. Oddly enough, he even uses the analogy of marriage to explain why we don’t open Holy Communion to those who aren’t in full communion with us as Catholics – it would be like offering the consummation before the vows are said.

Why do so many young people actively go out every single friday and saturday night JUST looking for one night stands then? If this type of sex was truly that unfulfilling and empty, Id imagine most people would just pass on it altogether.

Maybe God should have made the level of emptiness and unfulfillment a bit more extreme and then NO ONE would go out searching for one night stands.To make that kind of sex physically enjoyable, only gives more ammo to Satan imo, and is kind of strange when you think about it, why would God allow such a thing in the first place?
In an evolutionary system it is unrealistic to expect instincts to be precisely adapted to our psychological and spiritual needs. It is the power of the sexual urge and the consequent prodigality of nature that have ensured not only the survival but also the development of life. Anyone can suggest piecemeal improvements to life but to design a world in which there is such exquisite adaptation to the environment is an entirely different proposition. Why has a **feasible **blueprint of a superior system never been produced for inspection?

I have already pointed out that children brought up with the right values are aware that unselfish love is far more fulfilling than bestial pleasure. It is not nature that is to blame but the decline of religious belief, the permissive society and the spiritual desert in which we live.
Ive said it before on here, but will mention it here, Ive always thought it kind of strange God made sex between humans feel so good, if you look at many other species, procreation is very uncomfortable, why give a species already hardwired to sin, such a great feeling when doing something they should not be doing on a recreational level?, that is almost inviting failure and other problems imo!

Anyway, why would sex really matter to God? Of course it is used to procreate, but eventually people found ways they could enjoy this great feeling without having a child each time, its just the feeling people want to experience, so Im not clear why it would sinful to do this…If both parties are OK with it and rape is not involved, why should it even matter what 2 adults do with their earthly bodies? Sex releases dopamine and seratonin into the brain, making us feel really good, but the same chemicals are released when we do other things we enjoy or give us good feelings, like spending time with a loved one, seeing wonders of the world, riding bikes with friends, exercise gives some people this level of enjoyment too, etc, so why didnt God make all these other things sinful too?

Hugging between 2 people can also release dopamine, non- sexual kissing, shaking hands with people even make us feel somewhat good, these are 3 physical interactions between 2 people, why arent these sinful? really sex is just another physical interaction between 2 people…what makes it sinful?
You aska good question. If sexual activity, without the possibility of reproduction, is viewed merely as a source of enjoyment, and it is sinful, is it also sinful then, to eat something purely for enjoyment (i.e. without regard to nutrition)? Yes, technically, it is. However, such sins tend to be overlooked or regarded as trivial.

Drug taking for pleasure is also regarded a sin (I think…although alcohol seems to be accepted).

The fact is, sexual relationship are governed by social norms which make civilization possible, and central to these is the notion of a monogamous, reproductive relationship. Therefore, anything outside of this is ‘sinful.’ At the moment, though, the availability of contraceptions has somewhat changed things- so what is ‘sinful’ (in a social sense) is pretty much unclear. Society in general seems happy with fornication, but adultery is unacceptable. Homosexuality seems to be a divided area- the ‘mainstream’ approves of it, but the ‘folk-morality’ sees it as degenerate.

My own perspective is this- any physical pleasure causes our soul to adhere more closely to the body, and therefore increases suffering in the long term. The soul’s true tendency is to ‘God’ (i.e. or to some unknown transcendent, or even towards non-existence), and any tendency to pleasure is futile and harmful. I’d make an exception with purely aesthetic and intellectual pleasures, which draw the soul away from its earthly ‘exile’
The tendency to physical pleasure is not sinful in itself, it’s only when we are intemperate in our behavior and treatment of it. With sex it is treated with special consideration because of the intensity and bio-logical drive experienced in human nature. God placed it there to insure the propagation of the human race. There is this tendency, the effect of original sin that comes into play and only God’s grace can fortify the person to control this tendency. There are other sensual pleasures like playing music, or enjoying a good meal, that are good. But if moderation or temperance in not employed eating can lead to ill health. eg.
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