God does not have to destroy us, we destroy ourselves with giving into sin. I truly believe that kids today are changing, They had it all, and you know what? Many have good jobs, educations, and are choosing to have less to have kids and stay at home and just be Mom.That makes sense, we are definitely living in a world where most people see evil as good! Birth control has allowed LOTS of people to enjoy sex with none of the consequences, like childbirth!
I dont know about anyone else, but Im amazed God has not destroyed one or two US cities in modern times, we know he destroyed Sodom, Gomorrah, and some other nearby cities for the way they lived, how long before he says enough is enough in our times I wonder? LOL I think this would be a blessing if it happened, it would prove to alot of people that choices DO matter and how they choose to live DOES matter, but without it, things will keep getting worse and worse.
I guess what we really need to know is how long Sodom and Gomorrah existed before God destroyed them, this would give us a time line and we could speculate how long it takes before God takes action.
Guess it goes to show, maybe our grandparents got it right after all.
Do you need a 4 car garage, 4 bedroom house?
I have 4 bed, 5 baths, 2 livingrooms 8.5 acres and its me and my husband now. Really?

I grew up with 5 sibs l bathroom. 7 in the house. 4 bedroom house. We lived. But I will say there is NOTHING like your own bathroom and tub. But I could do without if I had to.
It all comes down to did God keep his promise to us?
Do we have all we need? Or do we need all we have.
Do we have all we want? Or want all we have.
I would gladly give up 3 bathrooms now that I am older, but not 3 kids.