Actually it does, but does not like to say it out loud.That is not at all what classical theism proposes, and it is the philosophical foundation they laid about an intelligible, rational universe operating on natural laws that laid the groundwork for the scientific method. This caricature of what the theist means in regards to God’s continual sustaining of the universe is just so off the mark as to be insulting.
It is the official teaching of the Catholic Church that the Christian God is NOT a deistic God, who started by creating the world, set up the laws of nature, and then sat back to enjoy the scenery. Maybe once in a blue moon he would interfere and perform a miracle, like stopping the Sun on the firmament, or sending a deluge to kill almost everyone.
Contrary to that, God is needed to sustain the world every second. If God would not “pay attention” to the world, it would simply flicker out of existence. So what is the “need” for studying nature? To predict what God will do next? The next miracle would show us the futility of this.
And for the “caricature” objection, remember that a well drawn caricature is much more revealing than a simple portrait. It is designed to cut to the jugular and expose the subject to what it is, even if he or she does not like what the “mirror” shows.