Rose has put forth evidence. You have yet to refute anything specifically. Saying nothing Rose said happened to one particular seminarian during one particular time frame is not refuting specific evidence of unethical and immoral behavior that did occur.This priest, who was a seminarian at one of the seminaries that Rose talks about says that nothing covered in the book happened.
Do you have any evidence to prove what is in the book?
Someone who is asked to leave the seminary may be someone who the seminary and bishop have decided are not right for the priesthood.
I would also say that when you only take reports from possibly disgruntled individuals with an axe to grind you may not get the truth but then when the reports are very sensational, as these are, more people are apt to believe them. Heck we all know that most priests and bishops are gay don’t we. At least that seems to be the view of many people out there today.
(of topic) Which is why many men are not answering the call today. (back to the topic)
I know current and active priests that have faced discrimination based on their orthodoxy and have had to deal with homosexual behavior in the seminary. I also know of a current priest that did the discrimating.
There is indeed a large problem with homosexuals and homosexual behavior in the priesthood. I know this to be fact. What I know lines up all too tragically with what Rose has described.
Where there are orthodox seminaries that strive to live moral lives in an effort to sanctify, the numbers are increasing. Where the liberal dissent and moral debauchery occurs, the numbers, shall we say - stink.