LDS Church puts a date on the Great Apostasy

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DavidKays, when my Mormon family, who are on a Mormon mission in Russia write to say they have success in converting Russians to Mormonism, I’m not thinking on how strong the Orthodox are. I’m thinking people have been made weak, and susceptible to cults, as they are all having success in Russia and former Soviet countries.

You have an idealism about the East that I don’t see exists in reality.

Further, we turn to Christ, it is He who Saves. Not the Eastern Churches.
DavidKays, when my Mormon family, who are on a Mormon mission in Russia write to say they have success in converting Russians to Mormonism, I’m not thinking on how strong the Orthodox are. I’m thinking people have been made weak, and susceptible to cults, as they are all having success in Russia and former Soviet countries.

You have an idealism about the East that I don’t see exists in reality.

Further, we turn to Christ, it is He who Saves. Not the Eastern Churches.
My goodness can’t you understand? You want to live on an island if you wish but my goodness how do you think Russia was saved? Can’t you believe in prayers! I do not wish to get involve with Catholics who cannot understand the East. Pick up a book by the Popes or just read one book on the East. I find ignorant Catholics just as bad as the Mormons. We are your brothers in Christ! Learn about us before you give statements like you do. The Eastern Church is put here for a purpose! Even His Holiness John Paul II wrote " the Pope looks to the East." It is about time the Catholic Laypeople do likewise. I am tired trying to bring this to Catholics. You have an ignorance that really is astounding and it shows everytime I come on these posts. Read please before you make statements like you do. Instead of treating me like your brother in Christ you treat me differently. It is a wonder how any Orthodox will want to come into communion with Catholics. I am sorry. But Catholics are the most ignorant people when it concerns the East. When I say Catholics I mean the laypeople. The Popes will all be ashamed of the attitudes of their laypeoples. Russia was saved because the Catholics said enough prayers to enable God to save her. And if you cannot believe that prayers can save then I can understand your comments about the Eastern Churches. But prayers can save. And the Eastern Churches have alot of clout before God. And if you cannot believe that the Eastern Churches can save, fine, someone else will. You know it is disturbing that I hear too much of that from the Catholic laypeople. I fear one of the reasons why God will allow the West to go under is that His Church in the West tends to preoccupy to much on themselves. It is these attitudes that must change if reconciliation between East and West be made possible. I do not think in idealism Rebecca. I think in terms of us as brothers and sisters. It is the Catholic laypeople who are living in this " idealism " and God is waiting for them to change. Sure the Orthodox have strong opinions about the Catholic Church. I don’t. But after been on this website for almost a year I can understand why. I come in supporting the Catholic Church and most of the time I am debating with them on useless arguements that I cannot believe we’re addressing on. Imitate your Pope! For goodness sake, he is a Saint. Even the late Holy Father John Paul II had great reviews about the Orthodox. His chair is in my Church. That is how much God loves the Orthodox. That He decided to put a chair made for John Paul II into my Church. I have great love and respect for that man and for the Roman Catholic Church. We are brothers and sisters. Treat us the way as do your Popes and you will see " the salvation of the Lord." God can only save through the efforts of His People and especially through the efforts of your Saintly Popes. Understand that and then you will see that we all need each other now more than ever! I pray that someday soon the Catholic laypeople will discover this treasure of the East as do your Saintly Popes have done.
Davidkays, I have no problem with the East. Seems that you grate on my nerves though. So, I’ll leave it at that.
Great Apostasy, never happened.
Mormonism= False prophet, false doctrine, false religion, invented “scriptures”, deluded people.
Concluding Remarks…as per our moderator…

Our Mormon brethen need a lot of our prayers, my fellow catholics…and I say this in all charity and love…that they will come and see the light of Christ’s truth.

I will also apologize to our Mormon friends who posted here if I offended you in any way.
I agree with you pablope. I also apologize if I have offended anyone.

PAX DOMINI :signofcross:

Shalom Aleichem
I keep our Mormon people in our daily prayers, now all the more.

God bless you all!
And God bless Rebecca for her witness of faith, and keeping some on their toes.

You can’t put something past her!

I get the drift from the Mormons without your saying so…🙂

The Vatican Library and its 2,000 year old history is not worth a pile of beans…oh it is a pretty building.

Or all the sharing here of our faith… a plate of beans…is that all there is of our faith? History, reason, saints, sacraments…nada. It is as if you are trying to help somebody in need of the emergency room, you keep explaining to them the directions but they don’t get it…not even the reasoning behind the instructions!!!

The Lord has certainly made the souls of this earth with various types of soil…but we pray and hope…

God bless again down there at the Madeleine!

Our paths would have probably crossed if we moved down there…my husband wanted to have the Madeleine as our parish…

Actually, I just simply find myself drifting to Mormon subject threads…may be because of my past visit to the LDS Deseret store!!! Oh well, that is all covered up now – if you know what I mean:)
Well, it is living with the emperor who has no clothes, but, that’s alright. The Catholic community here is strong. I help out with our RCIA, and today, was absolutely one of those days where I am floored at how the Holy Spirit works in the lives of the catechumens. Almost a year has gone by for those about to be baptized, and what a difference, as I watch them absolutely blossom in a life that is starting new, in Jesus Christ.

I lit a candle today, in a prayer of gratitude.

The whole Church prays for our catechumens, and soon, the Church in the wisdom of the Holy Spirit will bless them through the scrutinies, protecting them from all who seek to pull them from their path towards Christ.

It always reminds me of St. Paul’s teachings in Roman chapter 8. 🙂

35 What will separate us from the love of Christ? Will anguish, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or the sword? 36 As it is written: “For your sake we are being slain all the day; we are looked upon as sheep to be slaughtered.” 37 No, in all these things we conquer overwhelmingly through him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

And that is the final answer to this “great apostasy” nonsense.
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