You start with an ad hominem argument: if I ‘opened my mind’ I would agree with you. You remind me of the Mormons who claim that if I read the Book of Mormon with a ‘pure heart’ I would know it is true.
In your first two posts you, like Mormons, mixed politics, religion,and social trends you disagree with, called it evil. Then declaring the newly defined evil of those ‘others’ the Great Apostasy.
My county, state, and national government is NOT run by the Catholic Church; therefore if the government legalizes behavior you disagree with, it was not the Catholic Church going into Apostasy. Apostasy is a total rejection of your beliefs; like when Joseph Smith rejected the Christian believe in the triune God in 1844. The Canadian government legalizing same-sex marriage is not the Catholic Church rejecting its Apostolic beliefs and the presents of the Greek Orthodox Church in Canada did not stop it.
Yes, I think basically we are on the same side of the argument and I appreciate your statement about the eastern view of who was an apostle.
Now if you had an open mind and pure heart you would completely agree with me.