Leading Catholic Exorcist Sees Signs of Demonic Oppression and Possession in Unhinged American Left

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I think the good father is correct about Leftism.
As per CCC2478, can you think of a more favorable way of interpreting the words and actions of the people you are describing?
2478 To avoid rash judgment, everyone should be careful to interpret insofar as possible his neighbor’s thoughts, words, and deeds in a favorable way:

Every good Christian ought to be more ready to give a favorable interpretation to another’s statement than to condemn it. But if he cannot do so, let him ask how the other understands it. And if the latter understands it badly, let the former correct him with love. If that does not suffice, let the Christian try all suitable ways to bring the other to a correct interpretation so that he may be saved.
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Isn’t this the same priest who says it’s mortal sin for women to work outside the home?
As per CCC2478, can you think of a more favorable way of interpreting the words and actions of the people you are describing?
I believe in truth, especially against a movement that wishes to do the church harm. As a church we have submitted to the Leftist dogma by downgrading truth below that of not hurting Leftist feelings which has done us no good as the millions of empty pews attest.

There is a place and a time to see the best in others. This is not it. That is submission.
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“Leading Catholic Exorcist”? Who decided that? As far as I know he is not even a diocesan exorcist, and basically started his own order of exorcists and set himself up as an exorcist.
Well, at least we know his name. Over the last four years, the most quoted “sources “ in the media were, “Anonymous Sources” and “Unnamed Officials “. The only things we knew about them is they were “close to the situation”. They were two very busy people.
This is not a time and place for charity and humility?
Absolutely not. I would argue that misused charity and humility have unfortunately put us in the place we find ourselves right now.

We are too worried about people’s feelings and not their souls. That is a terrible disservice.
You are not my friend
My apologies. I think of everyone as friends in Christ who are posting here.
Please don’t play word games.
Perhaps you could think of a more favorable interpretation of what I am doing than saying I am playing word games?
The answers are there.
Not to the questions I asked. Would you like help with favorable interpretations? I do not mean to be condescending, it sounds like you are having some difficulty. We all have difficulties sometimes.
If you need it to be discussed more fully then we can do that.
Yes, let’s discuss it more fully. Could you come up with a specific statement or action, that we can see what interpretations are possible?
But please don’t insult my intelligence by saying it is not there.
There is no intention from me to insult your intelligence. If you are writing something I am not seeing, then this is my own shortcoming, not yours. I ask for your patience.
Yes, let’s discuss it more fully. Could you come up with a specific statement or action, that we can see what interpretations are possible?
Except of course that i have stated more than once that the example is already there. Are you not seeing it?
Absolutely not. I would argue that misused charity and humility have unfortunately put us in the place we find ourselves right now.

We are too worried about people’s feelings and not their souls. That is a terrible disservice.
Well, CCC2478 is based on the eighth commandment, which definitely has to do with people’s souls. Is finding a more favorable interpretation of people’s words and actions a “misused charity and humility”? If so, what is the source of your assertion?
Except of course that i have stated more than once that the example is already there. Are you not seeing it?
Yes, I am not seeing a specific statement or action on the part of the people you are talking about. This is the example I am looking for. Nothing you have stated is a specific action or statement, but are evaluations of yet unknown actions or statements.
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I wrote this
As a church we have submitted to the Leftist dogma by downgrading truth below that of not hurting Leftist feelings which has done us no good as the millions of empty pews attest.
You should be able to deduce what Leftist dogma the church is submitting to.

Your original question, which seems to be removed now asked what Leftist dogma the church was submitting to. Once you acknowledge that the answer was there then we can discuss more fully.
You should be able to deduce what Leftist dogma the church is submitting to.
I’m sorry, I cannot deduce what you are talking about. Could you please provide an example of such Leftist dogma that you are thinking the Church is submitting to?
Dogmas of Leftism in no particular order.

Leftist dogma splits people into categories and gives one group privileges over another.

Leftist dogma believes truth is relative and prefers narratives supporting privileged groups.

Leftist identity groups are based on supposed victimhood and must not be criticised, especially by people outside the designated victim group.

So Leftist dogma will not allow criticism against itself and plays the victim straight away if this is done. Christian charity is turned against itself to dictate that any criticism is uncharitable and therefore unChristian.

If Leftism is evil, and i maintain it is then this truth needs to be spoken.

Using the idea of Christian charity to prevent the criticising of evil is itself unChristian.

So the silencing of criticism of evil is not a Christian tenet but Christians not critising this evil have submitted to Leftist dogma rather than Christian principles.

There comes a time when evil has to be criticised and it cannot be said that such action is uncharitable.
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There are so may examples, from the peasants of the French Revolution (class) to the German Aryan worker (race) to the Russian Proletariat (social economic status) to women (sex) to 'homosexuals (‘sexual preference’).

It is at the heart of Leftism. It must divide and cause conflict by its very nature.

Leftism is Godless by nature so there is no absolute truth. The ideology is that everything is constructed in the mind. Control people’s mind, create truth. It is an outworking of the philosophy of atheism.
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There are so may examples, from the peasants of the French Revolution (class) to the German Aryan worker (race) to the Russian Proletariat (social economic status) to women (sex) to 'homosexuals (‘sexual preference’).
Okay, let’s try to find an actual writing from one of these. Is there one of these that coincides with the Leftism that this thread is addressing?
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