Leading Catholic Exorcist Sees Signs of Demonic Oppression and Possession in Unhinged American Left

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Is that for all of us too? Or just Annie?
Well, let’s put it this way. Let’s not accuse anyone of rashly judging, because that in itself may be rashly judging! 🙂

Instead, just as I have done, is there something I have said that you can see a more favorable interpretation that I have overlooked?

In the mean time, this thread is not about me. So, let’s bring it back to finding the truth about Leftism or BLM or what have you, starting from their actual statements or acts.

Gonna be away for awhile, but I’ll be back.
“Heaven’s Supreme High Exorcist Says…”

Those are the kind of headlines that get attention…
Fr. Ripperger is also not a member of nor has any association with the Church recognized International Association of Exorcists. That makes me suspicious…
Indeed. I’ve searched everywhere yet his only association is with his “Order”.
I think this interview will come back to bite the good father. Everything he is describing as signs of possession is exactly what Trump is continuing to do. Like claiming to win before the re count. In the last 24 hours Trump has tweeted that he is the winner numerous times. And when they are caught in a lie they react vociferously and try and cause other distractions. Fr Chad is perhaps too caught up in the deep state conspiracy to see what he is saying objectively at the moment but he has got the sense right but is applying it to the wrong players.
There’s also the Pope Leo XIII Institute that trains exorcists for US dioceses. Msgr. John Esseff, who personally knew and was a protege of Padre Pio, was on the board of that. I’ve heard Msgr. Esseff speak a couple times at retreats and he is awesome (although getting quite elderly, he has been a priest for something like 65 years and an exorcist for more than 40 years). He is also very positive.
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I never heard about this Institute! At least one board member is affiliated with the International Association of Exorcists too.

Guess who’s not listed? 😐
OneSheep . . .
Let’s not accuse anyone of rashly judging, because that in itself may be rashly judging! 🙂
Let’s not accuse anyone of rashly judging . . . .
Would that include not accusing Fr. Ripperger of rashly judging too?

Or is it OK to level such accusations against him?
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I agree that the Democrats are in many ways promoting a diabolical agenda. Abortion is truly evil. But it does deeply disturb me that priests of this “persuasion” seem to be very quick to call out the public sins of “the Left” but refuse to utter a word against the very public sins of Trump. No, I’m not saying Trump’s sins are the equivalent of abortion… but pre-Trump, these sorts of traditionalists loudly denounced the thrice married. Pre-Trump, they loudly denounced men who lied and boasted and bragged non-stop. Pre-Trump they loudly denounced men who said they don’t see a need to ask God for forgiveness. Etc etc. Suddenly that all changed.
I think also of Fr Z. I used to admire him and enjoy his blog. The other day I saw a post where he accused those uncomfortable with Trump of being shallow…if I acted and spoke the way Trump does in an FSSP parish, I would be told to go to confession… but when he does it… free pass.

For traditionalists today, it seems, average Joes who are thrice married? Grave sinners. Men who boast and lie and insult others? Grave sinners.
But when you’re Trump and do all the above? According to +Vigano and others… you’re the Lord’s anointed champion who is the one and only man who can save Christendom.
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My point is even if the Democrats are diabolical… Trump’s decades of public sins are demonic too. (Not saying he is demonic to be clear…my own sins are “of the demonic” as well). Scripture commands us not to put our trust in princes. Neither the Democratic nor the Republican Party can save souls. Neither party belongs to Christ. And I feel many conservatives are missing this vital point.

Trump told the entire world in an interview in 2016 that he has never asked God forgiveness and sees no need to do so. From a Catholic perspective that is the definition of diabolical. But these traditionalist priests, it appears, won’t call him out for this. The Left is demonic… but the Right can’t be criticized. Not seeking forgiveness for sins? That’s one of the most diabolical things I can think of.

I’m not in any way defending the Democrats or Joe Biden. I’m saying this absolute faith in a secular prince, contrary to the commands of Scripture, is wrong.
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He is a priest in the Archdiocese of Denver, if he was doing exorcisms without episcopal permission of the Bishop he would be suspended or laicized . The Doloran Fathers, was established under Bishop Emeritus of Tulsa the Most Reverand Edward Slattery as a Society of Apostolic Life of Diocesan Right.

It seems according to his site that he is working in the area of setting up protocols (for 15 Catholic dioceses). work as is stated is in “deliverance as well as providing a method for diagnosing those who are spiritually afflicted.” It is my understanding that the Bishop can ask the Doloran Fathers to stop their works. The Bishop would need Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, with the Holy See approval to suppress.


International Association of Exorcists, founder the late Fr Amorth (one of six)

As Tisbear mentioned earlier the The American based [Pope Leo XIII Institute] provides education to priests and bishops.
“I’m hopeful bishop are becoming more aware of their role as the ‘chief exorcist’ for the diocese,” Msgr. Esseff said. “There is also still some resistance of the reality of Satan,” in the Church, among priests and bishops, he added, “as if there is just evil and not the devil.”

The only one that can overcome Satan is Jesus,” Msgr. Esseff said. “He overcomes the kingdom of evil with light. And every priest represents Jesus. The devil does not see the priest — he sees Jesus.”
These responses are beautifully said by Msgr. Esseff.

Having read quite a few of the Youtube responses to his discussion, many are grateful and supportive of what has been said. Very few negative responses to date.
Thanks i will view the video later.

I think you make a good point about criticising the ideology being switched to an argument about criticising a person.

Another problem with using this catechesis direction is that it is selectively applied. Take Pope Francis and his critique of President Trump building walls and not being Christian.

Should we all get on Pope Francis’ back and excoriate him for not being Christian himself and not considering Trump’s words and actions in the most favourable light?

Of course not. I would not agree with Pope Francis here but at least let him clearly say what he thinks. Those who mis-use the catechetical direction do so to get certain selective people to shut up while ignoring others.

When this is done over decades people don’t even realise what they are doing with their double standards which cannot but be rejected.

Even if the pope followed the catechetical direction then what you would get is ambiguous statements where people were talking out of both sides of their mouth thinking they are being non-controversial and non-confrontational. Again this approach cannot but be rejected.

This is against truth and if it holds sway in the church hierarchy then the organisation would start to rot from the head down.

Those who will not talk out of both sides of their mouth would be and are seen as not being sophisticated enough;; lower down on the intellectual chain or more disturbing, lacking Christian charity.

This is not the pursuit of truth.

This is not Christ.
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Having read quite a few of the Youtube responses to his discussion, many are grateful and supportive of what has been said. Very few negative responses to date.
Since when are Youtube responses indicative of anything? Most mature people who disagree with something don’t bother leaving a “negative response” on Youtube. There’s no point to doing that unless one wants to get into pointless arguments. . . .
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I don’t see anything unclear about what I said.

Youtube responses are not a reliable gauge of whether something is or is not good information. There are dozens of anti-Catholic videos on Youtube that garner a lot of positive responses.

. . . .
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“Leftist dogma splits people into categories and gives one group privileges over another.”

Could you please give an example of this, please? Specifically, where one group gets privileged over another. I don’t see that, so I am interested in your perspective.
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