Leading Catholic Exorcist Sees Signs of Demonic Oppression and Possession in Unhinged American Left

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Leftist ideology often starts by splitting people into victim groups. I have outlined examples above.

Each group claims victimhood and because we are in the remnants of a Christian civilisation, being the victim has power.

Jesus himself was a victim. In Christian teaching he was a victim of our sins. So we see reality as being deferential to victims’ needs as a religious response. A response where we give way to Christ. It is a good religion but Leftism wishes to take the place of Christ to make us submit to itself.

Above i spoke about Leftism, a declared enemy of the church using Christian principles against Christianity. So after splitting populations into groups it manipulates and creates victim narratives and then tries to get the population to be deferential to the created victim class and thus be submissive to itself.

So the example that was given was BLM. A Leftist victim group based on race.

We are expected to be deferential to a created narrative no matter what the truth, because they are a designated victim group.

So we must see others as having bad intentions based on differences in race. When we look really hard and can’t find bad intentions then we must submit to ideas of unconscious bias which again is a giving way of objective truth to narrative.

There are many examples of this, including assuming group malice by interpreting police statistics and individual police encounters a certain way; to creating public sympathy for people against imagined injustices like Jussie Smollett claims; to suppressing political criticism under the cover of victimhood such as of President Obama; to preferential tertiary entrance considerations based on Leftist ideas of historic injustice being kept alive across generations; to using the narrative of racism to force discussion on defunding, disbanding or reconfiguring the police force under the claims that they are vestiges of white supremacy.

None of this is supported by objective reality. But narrative for the Leftist trumps objective reality and thus truth. The problem as i see it, is that many in the church are submissive to this Leftist dogma thinking they are following Christianity because the Leftist dogma presents itself in a way to claim synergy with Christian principles but in affect is an abuse of truth and thus God himself.

For me this is sickening and corrosive of Christianity unless we call it out and reject it clearly and openly.

I think this is nothing short of an anti Christian religion and it needs to force a narrative on people in order for that religion to be established and its tenets control populations.

BLM spread to places like Australia and the UK almost overnight and caused riots there not because of any real connections to systematic racism but because in our civilisation victimhood has power.

I think the great lesson in history from the French Revolution through Hitler’s national socialists to anti capitalist places like North Korea today is that evil presents itself as a victim to the post Christian west in order to control, subdue and ultimately replace it.

ok i will reply tomorrow.
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A very insightful and well thought humble post. How does one change this civilization victim-hood. Quite a daunting task.
Let’s not accuse anyone of rashly judging . . . .
No, that is judging. I have not accused him of rashly judging, but I have implied that there are more favorable interpretations available. That is the beauty of CCC2478! Take a look:
2478 To avoid rash judgment, everyone should be careful to interpret insofar as possible his neighbor’s thoughts, words, and deeds in a favorable way:

Every good Christian ought to be more ready to give a favorable interpretation to another’s statement than to condemn it. But if he cannot do so, let him ask how the other understands it. And if the latter understands it badly, let the former correct him with love. If that does not suffice, let the Christian try all suitable ways to bring the other to a correct interpretation so that he may be saved.
It doesn’t say, “If you do not do this, then you are rashly judging”! It says “if the latter understands it badly, let the former correct him with love…let the Christian try all suitable ways to bring the other to a correct interpretation…” Indeed, the section is not about condemning at all, but about correcting.

One problem being presented here is that this is a thread about someone who, in my eyes, has missed the favorable interpretation, but we do not have access to what he is interpreting. It would be really nice to have access to the priest, that I might know what actions or words he is interpreting, but I do not. So instead, I am asking those who appear to agree with his interpretation what actions or words they are thinking he is addressing.

And so far, @silentwitness and @Annie , you have yet to bring forth a statement or action you have witnessed that is attributable to BLM or the Leftism you are pointing to, which is in itself revealing, if you could hear me out.

Do you see how seeking the truth is leading to an understanding, rather than to condemnation? This is the Spirit of the Gospel itself, the Spirit of the CCC, of our faith. It takes us away from judging others, and shows us a means to understanding and forgiveness.
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Should we all get on Pope Francis’ back and excoriate him for not being Christian himself and not considering Trump’s words and actions in the most favourable light?
When asked about it ( the walls reference)he said something along these lines “ And when talking about building bridges then do you think I mean concrete / cement ones?”
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A very insightful and well thought humble post. How does one change this civilization victim-hood. Quite a daunting task.
Victims are people with grievances, misfortune, have been persecuted in some way. The Spirit has always guided us to acts of mercy toward the poor and oppressed, those who are marginalized.

Are you seeing something “demonic” about the marginalized standing up to discrimination?

Indeed, BLM is a rising up from victim-hood. It is a marginalized people asserting their rights.
And so far, @Cathoholic and @Annie , you have yet to bring forth a statement or action you have witnessed that is attributable to BLM or the Leftism you are pointing to, which is in itself revealing, if you could hear me out.
BLM and Antifa have done many things already.

It’s been all over the news.

Without a doubt, some BLM protesters are sincere and good people.

BLM and Antifa have done many things already.
Well, is it not more truthful to say that some people involved in those protests have done crimes?

Or, do you bear witness that BLM has called for such crime?

“Antifa” appears to be a generic name for such a loose set of ideologies that it is difficult to say anything about them.
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Well, is it not more truthful to say that some people involved in those protests have done crimes?

Or, do you bear witness that BLM has called for such crime?
Their riots have caused many crimes, crimes of arson and so on. Yes, immigrant businesses burned down.
I have proof this happened at their demonstrations and so on.
First of all: Thank you, Victoria, for bringing forth something we can actually address. Let me pick out some statements:
The president of Greater New York Black Lives Matter said that if the movement fails to achieve meaningful change during nationwide protests over George Floyd’s killing by Minneapolis police officers, it will “burn down this system.”

“If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it. All right? And I could be speaking figuratively. I could be speaking literally. It’s a matter of interpretation,”

“I don’t condone nor do I condemn rioting,” Newsome continued. “But I’m just telling you what I observed.”

“Nobody’s talking about ambushing police officers. We’re talking about protecting lives,” he said. “There’s nothing more American than that. We talk about uplifting and upholding the Second Amendment. I think you should be applauding me, seeing how you guys are huge supporters of the Second Amendment.”

“But it seems to be the hypocrisy of America that when black people start talking about arming themselves and defending themselves, [that] talk is ‘violent.’ But when white people grab assault rifles and go to our nation’s, their state capitals, it’s all good,” he said.

As the interview concluded, Newsome added, “I just want black liberation, and black sovereignty. By any means necessary.”
Does this give evidence of “demonic oppression and possession”? What might instead be a favorable interpretation of what he is wanting or being influence by?
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Are you seeing something demonic?
There are times when we need to look beyond the written words of people, which can be artfully edited to appeal, to the actions of those involved.

The quotes from people involved in BLM indicate that they are involved, quite possibly unknowingly since Satan is not called the Prince of Lies for nothing, in spiritual activities which knowledgeable Catholics would see as demonic.

WRT BLM, I have not heard of condemnations of the rioting or dead police chants, and instead have head from some politicians and others justifications for the rioting a looting.

I think one area in which demonic influence could be inferred (especially by someone as knowledgeable as Fr Ripperger) is in the area of abortion.

I now must return to work; more later…
It can be fun to chat with people about stuff like memories of old songs, old cartoons etc but I’m not going to get into any discussion of politics or religion over there. It’s troll city, and a lot of the people who post seem to be a little bit confused to put it nicely.
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The quotes from people involved in BLM indicate that they are involved, quite possibly unknowingly since Satan is not called the Prince of Lies for nothing, in spiritual activities which knowledgeable Catholics would see as demonic.
On the other hand, a more favorable interpretation might be that the people backing BLM are fed up with the discrimination, the hate crimes, the inability to dig out of the poverty. Do you see that none of these go to the “demonic” place? They want better lives, and such want comes from God.

Can you see that any statement made can be attributed to a lie, and also from Satan? Would you like people to attribute your words this way? I wouldn’t. Do you see that the above explanation I gave is more charitable, and favorable? And then, since neither of us know the exact thinking of the people involved, why would we not give them the benefit of the doubt, to which we are called to do?

Do you find reason to discard the interpretation I gave, something based on reality?
OneSheep judging there are more favorable interpretations . . .
No, that is judging. I have not accused him of rashly judging, but I have implied that there are more favorable interpretations available.
Well I disagree with your implication,
but then again, that is your judgment.
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OneSheep wrongly putting Fr. Ripperger’s unfavorable interpretation of an IDEOLOGY (communism),
and pretending that Fr. is rendering an unfavorable interpretation to a PERSON.
(Which is the context of CCC 2478. Persons. Not ideologies.)
CCC 2478 To avoid rash judgment, everyone should be careful to interpret insofar as possible his neighbor’s thoughts, words, and deeds in a favorable way:
Every good Christian ought to be more ready to give a favorable interpretation to another’s statement than to condemn it. But if he cannot do so, let him ask how the other understands it . And if the latter understands it badly, let the former correct him with love. If that does not suffice, let the Christian try all suitable ways to bring the other to a correct interpretation so that he may be saved.
NOT 2478 To avoid rash judgment of ideologies, everyone should be careful to interpret insofar as possible an IDEOLOGY in a favorable way:

Every good Christian ought to be more ready to give a favorable interpretation to ANY IDEOLOGY than to condemn it. But if he cannot do so, let him since you cannot ask an. 'IDEOLOGY ask how the other understands it and try to affirm it, even if ERRONEOUS AND POTENTIALLY contributed to the LOSS OF BEING SAVED because being nice is more important than a correction “so that he may be saved”.

. And if the latter understands an ideology badly, let the former not correct it, because it is an IDEOLOGY. And IDEOLOGIES have feelings too.

If that does not suffice, let the Christian try all suitable ways to think about an ideology that is unacceptable to a nice interpretation even if it incorrect. So that the interpretation of such an IDEOLOGY may be saved, but it is not a biggie, over the person who holds faulty ideological positions as it has nothing to do, with them being saved.
Father critiqued an ideology in a general manner.
Not a person.

Father rarely mentioned persons except where necessary and always with love.

Frs. critique avoided attacking people here, almost to a fault (i.e. did not mention the NYC mayor by name when discussing a mayor ignoring his own quarantining healthy “Stay At Home!” orders for himself and his wife) in his video series.

Father Ripperger’s series is an exemplary brief treatise on Christian admonition of an intrinsically evil communist ideology.
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On the other hand, a more favorable interpretation
Of what? My point is that Fr R is saying that it looks like there might be demonic influence. They themselves say they are involved in very questionable “spiritual” practices.

I am not sure what the interpretation is that needs to be made.
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