Least favorite Domestic Chore...POLL

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I HATE, DETEST, ABHORE doing dishes…it’s the worst ever. I like to do everything else…unfortunatley, my husband hates doing them too, so we both have to suffer through it…I can’t trade him…oh well.

I don’t really like cleaning the bathroom, but I worked as a janitor for a year, i just don’t even think about it.
:amen: Annunciata:bigyikes:
Honey, I LOVE your POLLS! They’re always fun.
Anyway, I picked paying bills because I never have enough money and have to juggle them every month. What a pain! :crying: May get better soon though, hubby is up for a good job in San Francisco next month. Hope and :gopray:
I voted yardwork. My parents have green thumbs, and thought we kids would love doing yard work growing up as well. Now that I’m older and married, I enjoy sleeping in on a saturday and paying neighborhood kids to mow my yard, as opposed to waking up at 7 am to weed while it was still cool outside…
I HATE, DETEST, ABHORE doing dishes…it’s the worst ever. I like to do everything else…unfortunatley, my husband hates doing them too, so we both have to suffer through it…I can’t trade him…oh well.

I don’t really like cleaning the bathroom, but I worked as a janitor for a year, i just don’t even think about it.
I’m just the opposite! Of all the chores that need to be done, the only one I don’t mind doing at all is cleaning the kitchen.
I cannot stand vacuuming, though. I hate it.
Fortunately, my roommate can’t stand doing the kitchen, but she doesn’t mind vacuuming, so it works out great for us.
Also, between us we have 2 dogs and 2 cats. She can’t stand cleaning litter boxes, and I hate bathing the dogs. I use Feline Pine kitty litter, so it is a real breeze to clean the litter boxes, so I don’t mind it. I do the litter boxes, and she bathes the dogs. Our arrangement works out beautifully!
have a great day!
Dear WhiteDove

IRONING …I HATE IT!! I know if I am lucky enough to go to purgatory, ironing will be my penance there! 😉 I offer up my ironing when I do it for all of my sins and for souls in purgatory as I really do hate doing it, it’s something I put off until there is a whole mountain of it to iron.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear WhiteDove

IRONING …I HATE IT!! I know if I am lucky enough to go to purgatory, ironing will be my penance there! 😉 I offer up my ironing when I do it for all of my sins and for souls in purgatory as I really do hate doing it, it’s something I put off until there is a whole mountain of it to iron.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

If God wanted us to iron the wrinkles out of our clothes, He wouldn’t have given us Downy Wrinkle Remover! :whacky:
As for me, I will reveal here for all to see, that I chose “Paying Bills”.

Fortunately I have enough money to pay them, but the whole process totally unnerves me. I hate opening the envelopes, looking at the bills, writing the checks, writing the account # in the notation part of the check, writing the return address, stamping the envelope. I HATE CLERICAL WORK!!!

I paid bills today, hence this poll…

One thing I like about bills is the feeling afterwards of sending them off and not having to think about it for awhile. (one month to be exact :rolleyes: )
I call myself “organizationally impaired”. It is a challenge to straighten and declutter. I can get a headache trying to do that.

Dusting and sweeping tend to send my allergies into a death spiral or something. This last cleaning binge landed me a nasty sinus infection that decided to travel to my jaw and cheek. I just try to offer it up and then I ask God what his idea was when he made me allergic to dust and dust mites on a grand scale.
Dear Mamamull,
May I suggest buying some dustmasks at your local hardware store?
I hate paying bills. Everything that can be paid by automatic deduction or credit card is paid that way, the only check I have to write is lot rent for the mobile and the credit card, which is paid off each month. Use ATM or credit card for all purchases so I have a very accurate record of what is spent, when the bill was paid etc. Save a lot of money because no late charges, no interest, no double payments. Also save on postage even if there is a charge for the service.
If God wanted us to iron the wrinkles out of our clothes, He wouldn’t have given us Downy Wrinkle Remover! :whacky:
So does it work? Is that the spray or the fabric softener? Actually, I have both but have used neither. I kind of like ironing. It is not messy and when it is done, I have a sense of satisfaction!
  1. Cleaning out the gutters.
  2. Cleaning out that little strainer in the sink drain. I finally succumbed and bought more than one so I could swap them out as needed.
  3. Ironing would be three, but I don’t do it, so how can I really list it?
  4. Wrangling with the insurance company (fill in your favorite nemesis) over an incorrect charge.
Ugh, I hate chores! I’m constantly battling my archnemeses of: 1. Dust, 2. Soap scum, 3. ring-around-the-toilet-bowl, 4. kitchen grease, 5. the neverending stream of JUNK MAIL!!!:eek:
La Chiara:
So does it work? Is that the spray or the fabric softener?
The spray. It really does work beautifully! I usually spray my clothes before I get in the shower, so that by the time I am ready to get dressed they are dry and wrinkle-free. And the stuff smells so good! Of course, you can’t get a crease with it, so the iron is necessary on occasion.
Have a great day!
Ugh. I hate vacuuming. The only fun part about it is watching my cat Phoebe freak out when she sees the vacuum. It usually involves hissing, an arched back, and a puffed tail.

Quite frankly, I would rather scrub out a dozen toilets than push the vacuum around the house. So my husband has vacuum duty and I clean the bathroom.
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