What’s your least favorite domestic chore??? 

I’m just the opposite! Of all the chores that need to be done, the only one I don’t mind doing at all is cleaning the kitchen.I HATE, DETEST, ABHORE doing dishes…it’s the worst ever. I like to do everything else…unfortunatley, my husband hates doing them too, so we both have to suffer through it…I can’t trade him…oh well.
I don’t really like cleaning the bathroom, but I worked as a janitor for a year, i just don’t even think about it.
If God wanted us to iron the wrinkles out of our clothes, He wouldn’t have given us Downy Wrinkle Remover! :whacky:Dear WhiteDove
IRONING …I HATE IT!! I know if I am lucky enough to go to purgatory, ironing will be my penance there!I offer up my ironing when I do it for all of my sins and for souls in purgatory as I really do hate doing it, it’s something I put off until there is a whole mountain of it to iron.
God Bless you and much love and peace to you
So does it work? Is that the spray or the fabric softener? Actually, I have both but have used neither. I kind of like ironing. It is not messy and when it is done, I have a sense of satisfaction!If God wanted us to iron the wrinkles out of our clothes, He wouldn’t have given us Downy Wrinkle Remover! :whacky:
The spray. It really does work beautifully! I usually spray my clothes before I get in the shower, so that by the time I am ready to get dressed they are dry and wrinkle-free. And the stuff smells so good! Of course, you can’t get a crease with it, so the iron is necessary on occasion.So does it work? Is that the spray or the fabric softener?