Least favorite Domestic Chore...POLL

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Sounds like you have some issues.

In Christ,
Nancy šŸ™‚
šŸ™‚ :o We ALL have issues, I do believeā€¦ :o šŸ™‚
WhiteDove said:
šŸ™‚ :o We ALL have issues, I do believeā€¦ :o šŸ™‚

Well, I donā€™t, at least, well, I donā€™t think so. Iā€™m not sure. Sometimes people say that Iā€™m flakey. But I donā€™t necessarily agree with them, well, not all the time anyways. I mean, sometimes I can be, sorta, but not always. I havenā€™t got a clear concensus on the matter, but then again I havenā€™t asked alot of people. So, well there you have it, whatever it is. What was the question? :confused:
Cleaning the yardā€¦as in picking up after a 110 Pound Fido! :eek: Yick! Iā€™ll clean the cat litter anyday over that one. šŸ™‚ Cept, I donā€™t have a cat. :cool:
Kitchen. Has to be the Kitchen. I HATE doing dishes by hand, but my kitchen isnā€™t big enough to add a dishwasherā€¦AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGHHH!!!




Had to vent my rageā€¦šŸ˜ƒ
Making the bed. I HATE making the bed. Well, it could have something to do with the fact that I hate getting OUT of bed, but thatā€™s a topic for another thread.
Other: Making beds! Only 3 in the house, but it seems every time I turn around, the whole thig is bunched up at the foot, or on the floor, and my other half (sometimes better half, sometimes not) doesnā€™t seem to want to do it any more than I do.
Cleaning the bathrooms (we now have three!). Ugh. It just makes me gag for some reason to get down there and clean the outsides of the toilet (the insides you can do with a toilet brush, thatā€™s OK). Must be because it reminds me of being sick or something.

Kitchen is #2 only because it is unending. I donā€™t mind doing dishes if only they would stay done!

Vacuuming I like. Instant results for so little effort.

Laundry is tedious but not too bad. I have started making everyone else do their own heavy lifting. If you want clean clothes bring me the dirty ones! If you want to get dressed, go down and pick up your basket of clean ones!

I donā€™t do yardwork yet. Hard to keep an eye on the toddler when we have no fence and dog doo in the yard too.

I donā€™t pooper scoop because it wasnā€™t my idea to get a dog. I do however feed the dog and walk her.

I donā€™t do the litter box because my husband is really nice and does it for me (it was my idea to get a cat) and because I have been pregnant three times and had that great ā€œget out of litter box duty free!ā€ card. After the third one he just kept on doing it but we only have to change the litter once a month because we use the wood pellet stuff.

Oh, wait, I forgot the absolute worstā€¦cleaning the hair trap in the shower!!! My husband mercifully does this one. Ugh. It makes me shiver and gag just thinking about it. I have long hair and shed a lot and thank God I have a loving husband because otherwise Iā€™d have to buy a lot of gloves to get myself to clean the thing myself, plus I wouldnā€™t be able to look at it while I was doing it and it would take forever! šŸ™‚
I voted ā€œotherā€. ā€œOtherā€ stands for all of the above. :banghead:
I had to vote for ā€œdustingā€, under other. It just drives me mad to see all the little bits of dust fly into the air and settle right back down just a few inches away to mock my efforts. I just know there are a gazillion dust mites laughing their gross little booties off at meā€¦aaarrrgggghhh. šŸ™‚
Mowing the lawn. Our backyard is HUGE! My Dad wonā€™t spring for a riding mower so Iā€™m stuck with this pitiful little pushmower.

On the bright side it is good exercise. But did I mention how big our backyard is? It deserves its own zip code in my opinion.šŸ˜ƒ
I donā€™t mind chores so much because I keep a daily schedule and only have to do a little bit each day. In fact, it probably only takes me a little over an hour to clean each day.

What I donā€™t like is folding laundry. I dred it like the plague. I donā€™t mind throwing it in the washer and the dryer, itā€™s just the actual folding that I donā€™t like. Unfortunately, we have three small children and I have to do a little bit of laundry each day. However, because I do laundry every day, the loads are small and that means I spend less time folding then if I only did laundry one or two days a week. Iā€™d rather to a little bit every day then a ton of it all in one day. I donā€™t want my entire day filled with nothing but folding laundry!

Scout :tiphat:
Scout, you are my role-model. I should do this, but because I hate folding laundry with such a passion, I let it go until I have a giant heap. Then it is an even worse chore. I hate running around and putting it away. I shove it into drawers, and it is terrible.

I donā€™t mind cleaning bathrooms, kitchens, vacuumingā€“but any organizational jobs such as closet clearing, cupboard cleaning, etc. really kill me. I am lucky that I have a cleaning lady twice a month, but I still have to clean alot on the off weeks and in between.

I try to invite people over for dinner on the off weeks, so I am forced to clean.
This is a fun thread šŸ˜ƒ

I donā€™t like doing dishes or kitchen clean upā€¦around my house dishes never endā€¦ šŸ˜¦
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