Least favorite Domestic Chore...POLL

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I actually LIKE to fold clothes because it’s something to do while watching TV. I can’t sit still and just WATCH, I have to be doing something so I always love to see a big pile of towels ready to go. I learned a great folding method from Martha dontcha know!!

BTW having noticed several comments about the joy of scrubbing toilets, if you have to replace yours, the new ones have a finish that shall I say stay much more clean. The bad news is that you can’t use any harsh chemicals in them but you really don’t need to. Really stays MUCH cleaner and barely needs a ‘dusting off’

Lisa N
Dear WhiteDove

IRONING …I HATE IT!! I know if I am lucky enough to go to purgatory, ironing will be my penance there! 😉 I offer up my ironing when I do it for all of my sins and for souls in purgatory as I really do hate doing it, it’s something I put off until there is a whole mountain of it to iron.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I am so glad my girls wear polo shirts with their uniforms now, instead of blouses (rarely need an iron), but can’t get around ironing for my dear husband. At least I can listen to Catholic Answers Live while I iron!
If I can get my laundry under control the rest of the household chores seem to fall in place. However, it always seems as if clothes are molding in the washer, wrinkling in the dryer or playing couch potato.
My least favorite is EVERYTHING! I’d much rather have the maid service do it!!! To be honest I hate all housework, except cooking! It’s really an area I struggle with daily, and since I’m a SAHM, God has really been working with me on this one. Every day, I try so hard to be organized, and be a good housekeeper, but it’s VERY HARD, I hate loose ends, and I get very hard on myself if I don’t finish it all.!!!

Guess though, folding clothes is my least favorite!!! Especially trying to dicipher which son’s stuff is whose–when the clothes all look the same!!! Yesterday it was so funny, hubby was getting dressed early in the morning, and he put on some of my 11 YO’s undies! It was hysterical!!! Man they were tight----but sexxxxyyy~~~~LOL
As for me, I will reveal here for all to see, that I chose “Paying Bills”.
Fortunately I have enough money to pay them, but the whole process totally unnerves me. I hate opening the envelopes, looking at the bills, writing the checks, writing the account # in the notation part of the check, writing the return address, stamping the envelope. I HATE CLERICAL WORK!!!
I paid bills today, hence this poll…
One thing I like about bills is the feeling afterwards of sending them off and not having to think about it for awhile. (one month to be exact :rolleyes: )
Dear Friend WhiteDove:

Don’t hate me for saying it–but let your hubby pay the bills AND worry about it.!!!
Guess though, folding clothes is my least favorite!!! Especially trying to dicipher which son’s stuff is whose–when the clothes all look the same
Joan Rivers, describing the anguish of the housewife sorting socks, “black or navy blue? black or navy blue?” don’t know why it is so hard to see in house lighting, but shows up like a beacon under fluorescent lights at work. I hate folding clothes, and DD is just like me, we call the dining room of her new home, with its expensive matched dining set, the clothes press. Always stacked with laundry in various degrees of foldedness or still in baskets.
Dear Friend WhiteDove:

Don’t hate me for saying it–but let your hubby pay the bills AND worry about it.!!!
Dear Sparkle,
Thanks for the suggestion. Since my husband is dead, it may be a tall order, though. :gopray2:
We need to add one to the list:

Writing and mailing "Christmas Cards and Packages. 😦 I am almost done. I started in September. 😛
Hi Everyone :),
My least favourite chore is outside cleaning up after the dogs, one of which is my son’s, and sweeping up after the winds have been bad as I suffer with allergies…and mowing the lawns isnt at the top of my list either! LOL
Mamamull: I feel your pain! I am also quite organizationally challenged. It makes all chores a challenge! Read any good books on it? I like Sandra Felton and Marla Cilley (FlyLady).

I put doing laundry. Because of my organizationally challenged personality, any job with a lot of small parts drives me crazy. It’s the putting away of the laundry that I hate. And putting the dishwasher away. Same concept.

But paying bills really stinks too. Whoever said let your husband do it . . .I really wish my husband would! In fact, I usualy screw up the check book really bad once every few months (not on purpose of course), but he still won’t do it! And he’s good at it too. Oh well.
Laundry. I don’t have a washer and dryer (I live in an apartment) so I have to schlep my laundry all over. :banghead: (Hmmm…that’s the first time I used that smiley.)

Someone mentioned FlyLady - she can be a huge help.
Well, I didn’t vote because I don’t really hate doing any of the chores. Actually, if I have to do them, then it’s just a matter of making time, but I don’t actually particularly dislike any of them. Maybe I’m weird, but growing up, I liked to vaccuum (on the flip, the “back boomer” as I called it, scared my sister to death). I suppose if I’ll go ahead and add a chore that I am not a fan of: plumbing. I have to go, I’ll explain later

Paying bills and balancing my check book :banghead: Next would be ironing.
OK, so, back to why I hate plumbing. Actually, I like it because I like tools and working with my hands. I don’t mind doing it until something along the lines of the following situation arises:

Pipe springs leak, pipe fixed to shut off valve. Measure pipe, go to Home Depot, buy new shut-off valve, buy special fitting to incorporate dish-washer feed to pipe. Get flex pipe and new faucet (was kinda broken already, so since I was there…). Go home, turn off water, install shut off valve, install faucet, hook up faucet…shoot, mispackaged, wrong size feed. Back to Home Depot to exchange faucet. Install faucet, hook up dish washer feed. Turn on house water, turn on shut off valve, hear wooshing of water. Suddenly,water issues from under the dish washer…the dishwasher feed was actually elsewhere, and that pipe was just kind shoved under there. The original shut off valve somehow didn’t get water to it. Frantically clean up water before it ruins the brand new floor. Back to Home Depot. Buy smaller shut off valve. Add to end of phantom dishwasher feed to stop future flooding. Yay, what a lovely way to plumb!! Thus, I dislike plumbing in situtations like this,

Similar situation:

Me: “Dad, I know why the toilet’s not working, don’t mess with it, I’ll get the parts in about 15 minutes.”

Dad: “Well, I’ll take a look anyway…ah, here’s the problem, let me just move this to there. OK, now to test it”

Me: “OK, I need some more money now please, because that part is now broken as well”

Ugh, folding laundry… I hate it I hate it I hate it!!! (jumping up and down yelling smiley here)

I always end up with a big pile on the guest room bed until I can’t stand to look at it anymore or my husband runs out of shirts for work, whichever comes first.
Well, most chores aren’t too terrible, as along as I am not the only one doing them. Actually, I really enjoy helping my mother with stuff. I must admit, cleaning up after a baby brother wasn’t my favorite, but now I just remember it with fond memories. I must say that mending pants of my brother’s over and over isn’t fun either, especially late at night. Well, that’s about it… actually… poop scooping after the puppy isn’t fun either… Yet, all the same, when I do my chores, I offer them up and it makes me much happier!

God Bless–JMJ
Laura 🙂
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