Least Favorite Songs at Mass

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I don’t even look at the songs anymore at Mass. It is all so bad. We just sing really horrible tunes at Church. Some mentioned I like, like Lord of the Dance but we only sang it as kids for the childrens Mass. I was in the choir as a kid and we sang some really nice music back then.
My all time least favorite is Taste and Eat or as I call it scrach and sniff. It drags and is ponderous. Aren’t we supposed to be joyfull after receiving the Lord? BLECK, worst song ever! :bigyikes:
I don’t even look at the songs anymore at Mass. It is all so bad. We just sing really horrible tunes at Church. Some mentioned I like, like Lord of the Dance but we only sang it as kids for the childrens Mass. I was in the choir as a kid and we sang some really nice music back then.
My all time least favorite is Taste and Eat or as I call it scrach and sniff. It drags and is ponderous. Aren’t we supposed to be joyfull after receiving the Lord? BLECK, worst song ever! :bigyikes:
Is the song called “Taste and Eat” or “Taste and See”??? If it’s “Taste and See”, I don’t care for that song either. I like your new title “scratch and sniff”. I was laughing hard when I read it.
What’s the one with “we stand and eat”? This one only makes me think of the communion line as a fast-food service. No waiting! No time to sit! Just stand and eat!

Almost as much as bad songs, I hate it when the musicians call out the hymn numbers in the middle of communion. Just play something everyone knows and don’t interrupt the moment, OK?
I’m not a big fan of Canticle of the Son (Sun?) - which reads like a Wica anthem.
I believe this one was inspired by St. Francis of Assisi’s “Canticle of the Sun”:

Most high, omnipotent, good Lord,

Praise, glory and honour and benediction all, are Thine.
To Thee alone do they belong, most High,
And there is no man fit to mention Thee.
Praise be to Thee, my Lord, with all Thy creatures,
Especially to my worshipful brother sun,
The which lights up the day, and through him dost Thou brightness give;
And beautiful is he and radiant with splendor great;
Of Thee, most High, signification gives.
Praised be my Lord, for sister moon and for the stars,
In heaven Thou has formed them clear and precious and fair.
Praised be my Lord for brother wind
And for the air and clouds and fair and every kind of weather,
By the which Thou givest to Thy creatures nourishment.
Praised be my Lord for sister water,
The which is greatly helpful and humble and precious and pure.
Praised be my Lord for brother fire,
By the which Thou lightest up the dark.
And fair is he and gay and mighty and strong.
Praised be my Lord for our sister, mother earth,
The which sustains and keeps us
And brings forth diverse fruits with grass and flowers bright.
Praised be my Lord for those who for Thy love forgive
And weakness bear tribulation.
Blessed those who shall in peace endure,
For by Thee, most High, shall they be crowned.
Praised be my Lord for our sister, the bodily death,
From the which no living man can flee.
Woe to them who die in mortal sin;
Blessed those who shall find themselves in Thy most holy will,
For the second death shall do them no ill.
Praise ye and bless ye my Lord, and give Him thanks,
And be subject unto Him with great humility.

Granted, the hymn doesn’t quite carry off the spirit of the original. If a verse was written based on the “Woe to them who die in mortal sin” portion, it didn’t make the missalette!
I have to ditto that!! I would go as far as saying that I especially dislike Masses that seem to be about praising the Community and self worship rather than worshipping the Lord!
So you certainly don’t go to a Mass facing the people, do you?
OK – I heard one Sunday that definitely earns five gags. It’s “Because You Are My Shepherd” by Christopher Walker. The cheesy tune sounds like something written for the Kermit/Miss Piggy love scene in one of the Muppet movies. The sappy chorus is:

Lord, you are my shepherd, you are my friend
I want to follow you always
Just to follow my friend.

This is supposedly based on Psalm 23:

The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

But, where the psalm paints an image of God as the protector and caretaker of one who is unable to protect and care for himself, the chorus of this song paints an image of some weirdo stalking his best “friend.” I’m guessing the songwriter was trying to paint a romantic image of following God, but the problem is – kind of like Karl’s objection to holding hands during Mass – the image bears no reflection to anything we actually do in the normal course of our lives. How many of us have a friend we just walk around following all the time?

My third-grade teacher, Millie Rieth, did a much better rendering of this song, IMO – “Yahweh is My Shepherd.” The tune is a bit folky, but the lyrics and the spirit are true to the Psalm.
So many, and so little time 😉

Sing to the Mountains (musically, does nothing for me)
Lord of the Dance
City of God (theologically incorrect lyrics, coupled with music that,
does nothing for me)
Amazing Grace

These are the ones at which I cringe, and then offer it up and sing along anyway :whistle:

I dislike any song that has words suitable for a first-grader. I got out of that grade a long time ago. I can now do words of two and three syllables I just can’t spell yet] 😃
Least favorites:

Gather Us In
Hail Mary, Gentle Woman
Anything from Steven Janco (gag me)
Morning has Broken
City of God
One Bread, One Body
Be Not Afraid (too overdone)
Weston Priory Songs (too overdone)
Let There Be Peace on Earth
Sons of God
Allelu --you know, Allelu, allelu, everybody sing allelu for the Lord has risen it is true–everyone sing Allelu!
I want to walk as a Child of the Lord
Taste and See
Take our bread
Peace is flowing like a river
Yahweh is the God of My Salvation
Sing to the Mountains
Let every voice an Alleluia sing

And many, many more. Send $8.95 for cassette, $9.95 for 8 track tapes. . .
Bobby Jim:
Regarding “Lord of the Dance”… I will never feel the same way about this song after our pastoral associate demonstrated (in private, not at Mass!) that you can dance the Bunny Hop to it! 😃
Thanks for that. I actually like “Lord of the Dance”, when done by a choir who can sing it in the correct tempo, but now… I’ll never be able to hear the song without seeing someone doing the Bunny Hop across the sanctuary! 😉
Non-religious music of any form including Nationalistic only and non-religious Christmas music.

Anti-catholic songs - I have heard I few of these sung at mass. :eek:

I deliberately try to forgot about them.

Our music should lead us closer to God, not off on a tangent.
Tantum ergo:
And many, many more. Send $8.95 for cassette, $9.95 for 8 track tapes. . .
I don’t agree with every one of your picks, but I love your sense of humor!

There are many reasons why songs end up on our “least favorite” lists. Most common is that the song’s overdone – but it all depends on your locality. The other side of the coin is that if the choir introduces new music too often, people complain that they “never sing anything we know.” :rolleyes:

Many are based on associations with summer camp, grade school, hippies, or other parts of the past we’d sooner leave behind. Everyone’s entititled to those, as long as we recognize them for the personal quirks that they are.

Some people categorically rule out hymns because they were written after a certain date. That reminds me of the movement to close the U.S. Patent Office in the late 19th century because “everything had already been invented.” Even if all the best music has already been written (which is arguable), people who have that gift SHOULD be using it for God’s glory writing more.

Others would discard anything written by non-Catholics. (There goes anything by Handel or Bach!) Better pitch anything with lyrics by Anonymous, just in case he or she turns out to have been a heretic, and anything by anyone who ever dabbled in heresy – just in case he penned the lyrics as a heretic. (There goes anything by Augustine!) Better toss anything set to music composed or arranged by a non-Catholic, too, just to be safe. :cool:

Two of the hymns often mentioned are, I confess, some of my favorites. Until you mentioned it, I never read “Gather Us In” as self-congratulatory. I think it confesses our pride (“the proud and the strong”), describes our human frailty (“the poor and the lame”), and above all expressed our longing for God ("hold us forever) and our inability to approach Him unless He “gathers us in[to]” His Body through grace. Would “See Us, Lord, About Thy Altar” be considered just as bad?

I love “Taste and See” by James E. Moore, Jr. I assume the objectors mean a hymn of the same name by Dean, Hurd, or Talbot. Maybe you could suggest the Moore hymn to replace it.

My “least favorites” (just saying that I prefer not to sing them) are:

A Mighty Fortress is Our God
All Glory Laud and Honor (20x in a row for a procession’s too much for me, but my kids still like it!)
Christ the Lord is Risen Today – without the Alleluia’s (because it could have been the one with the Alleluia’s instead!)
Companions on the Journey
Great and Glorious Saint Patrick
Immaculate Mary
In Perfect Charity
Praise to the Lord
Prayer of Saint Francis (loved it the first 500 times)
We Gather Together
We Three Kings
… anything set to the tune of “Waly, Waly”

The ones that I think nobody should be made to sing (that IMO are flat-out bad) are a separate list.
Casting my vote for worst song ever sung at Mass: “Great Things Happen When God Mixes With Us.”
GHASTLY!!! :eek:
THANK YOU!!! Finally, someone mentioned my … oh, I’ll say it: MOST HATED song :mad:

I am glad I looked through this thread. I had not thought through “Gather Us In” as fully as others - thanks. I’m a Gordon Lightfoot fan (oops - I just aged myself) and I made the “Edmund Fitzgerald” connection the first time I heard it.

Here is something for your thoughts. Can anyone verify what I heard RE “Oh Sacred Head Surrounded”? I heard the melody was a popular love song in its day, and the words were put to it later. The idea of using popular melodies is not necessarily a bad idea. The problem would be the popular melodies(?) of today… :rolleyes: :eek:

Oh, 😉 one more thing: why this animus against the banjo? I’ve been a banjo player for more than 30 years (uh, not at Mass, though).

Banjo players unite! We’re being discriminated against! :rotfl:
Fr. Frank:
Oh, 😉 one more thing: why this animus against the banjo? I’ve been a banjo player for more than 30 years (uh, not at Mass, though).

Banjo players unite! We’re being discriminated against! :rotfl:
Thank goodness I play the clarinet! 😃
How about an on-the-other-hand:

RE *Gather Us In * and others that seem to focus on us instead of God. First of all, with GUI, I thought of Jesus’ prayer in LK 13:34 of a mother hen. Isn’t GUI asking God to gather together those who need His salvation?

Second, the Psalmist wrote out his **woes ** as well as his **praises ** of God. Yes, I know, some of the songs DO lean toward ain’t-we-great. Yet to dismiss the cry of our soul, so beautifully sounded by the Psalmist that we cry out our need for Him, must not be lost either.

The essence of prayer is a dialogue of blessing. God blesses us with His gifts. We bless Him with our praises - and intercessions. The Psalmist did it that way. Maybe we should follow.

That being said, a lot of what passes for intercession probably should not be called that, but rather a self-centered attempt to manipulate God. Uh-oh, I started preaching. Occupational hazard.
While I absolutely love the Shaker melody “Simple Gifts”, I hate the words to “Lord of the Dance!” I consider them to be so disrespectful to our Savior and His Passion, that I refuse to sing it at Mass. It seems to be in the top 5 at the daily Mass.
I also refuse to sing “Gather Us In”, too.
On another thread, I mentioned my brushes with “Sons of God”
which still has me laughing. My father used to sing it on the way home from Mass, using a Dracula voice! Father Folliard got so sick of it (it was sung at Mass every Sunday, by a three girl guitar group) that during one homily, he forbid it to be sung ever again. 🙂
Sons of God
Hear His holy Word.
Gather 'round
The table of the Lord.
Eat His Body
Drink His Blood
And we’ll sing a song
Of love,
Allelu, Allelu, Allelu–uuuuu- ya!
Brothers, sisters
We are one,
And our life has just begun…

Well, mercifully I have forgotten how it ends, except for the Alleluuuu part, after more than 30 years. But I’ll never forget how my Dad’s rendition goes! :eek: 😛
Hey, does anyone remember “To Be Alive”? Another ghastly song from the 70’s, that I haven’t heard in over 30 years, thank goodness.

To be alive and feelin’ free
And to have everyone in our family
To be alive – in every way
Oh! How great it is to be alive.

Anyone? Anyone?

How ‘bout this ol’ favorite from the 70’s: “The Baker Woman”?

*The baker woman in her humble lodge
Received the grain of wheat from God
For nine whole months she labored through the night
And brought it forth about midnight

Bake us the bread! Mary, Mary!
Bake us the bread! We need to be fed.*

It had, like, a thousand verses. (shudder)
Margaret Ellen:
Sons of God
Hear His holy Word.
Gather 'round
The table of the Lord.
Eat His Body
Drink His Blood
And we’ll sing a song
Of love,
Allelu, Allelu, Allelu–uuuuu- ya!
Brothers, sisters
We are one,
And our life has just begun…

Well, mercifully I have forgotten how it ends…
Hey, does anyone remember “To Be Alive”? (shudder)
Wasn’t that Carey Landry?

There’s another writer I’d just as soon leave behind. Oh, we’re not supposed go to that “Left Behind” stuff. 😉
Back when I was in junior high Catholic school (yes, wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back then…) the good Sisters taught me how to be one of those guitar strummin’ gals on the altar…
Lord, have mercy!
I didn’t know what I was doing!

And today, those I really don’t appreciate: (as someone already put it, so many songs, so little time…)

Glory and praise to our God, Who alone gives light to our days…
Many are the blessings He gives, to those who trust in His ways…!


How can I keep from singing?
Hmmmmmm. Let me count the ways! 😉
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